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Might be a difference between the old .xls and the newer .xlsx ?
As steelpillow has shown with his brilliant wire analogy,
Might be a difference between the old .xls and the newer .xlsx ?
I know zero about rockets and stuff, just a bit about planes...
So basically, it would be something that takeoff like a regular plane from a runway, using jet engines. It would have a rocket engine (or more?), but would takeoff with tanks (almost ?) empty for these.
Then another vehicle of the same kind would takeoff the same way, but with the rocket fuel tanks full.
The two would meet at the highest possible halt (using only the jet engines ?), and the one with full tanks would transfer rocket fuel to the one with empty tanks.
They then separate, and the first vehicle, now with full tanks, would boom his rocket and go in orbit…
Ok cool, but then if the second vehicle can reach up there with full tanks to refuel the first one, why doesn't it just fires his own rocket engine and get orbited ?
I miss somethingtold you, I know zero about rockets...
Now shorten the wires to zero, i.e. clamp the whole flock together. Are you seriously suggesting that the act of clamping massively changes the efficiency? Or that efficiency is a function of wire length?then the massive FLOC effect happens
Archibald, I cannot help but notice that you *still* studiously avoid a full and fair quantitative comparison to a parallel staged fully reusable winged rocket powered TSTO sized for the same mission parameters, launch/landing modes, and orbital payload and based on the same technology level in terms of propellant combination, dry mass fractions, etc.Incidentally, how does it compares with present and future RLVs ?
Compared to Skylon
No need for SABRE, precooler. Can works without LH2 if needed or different props. Simpler engines (rockets and turbofans). Quieter at liftoff (Skylon will thunder at 160 dB), uses more begnin propellants closer from those of airlines (although H2O2, I know: meh. At least kerosene).
Note that the rocketplane can compete with Skylon 40 000 pounds to orbit in two different ways
- suborbital refueling if LOX/LH2 is used with a small LOX transfer
- non suborbital refueling: just put a Centaur stage on the back of the rocketplane
The vehicle does not end up trapped in LEO but could fly higher (the turbofans are easier to protect than the Sabres, the vehicle is merely 40% the size and length and mass of Skylon).
Needs a second vehicle flying with the first. The suborbital refueling manoeuver is a leap into the unknown, admittedly. Also it needs a pilot, unlike Skylon which is automated.
Compared to Falcon 9R / New Glenn
The system is fully reusable. Payload matches if 3-FLOC or 4-FLOC. Can land at airports.
Harder to reach GTO / GEO except with orbital refueling.
Compared to BFR/BFS
As far as suborbital P2P passenger transport goes - the rocketplane can land at airports. Starship is bound to platforms offshore. Aborts are safer because wings and turbofans.
Payload is much, much smaller and fractioned. No question about this. 8-FLOC payload is huge but overall it is impractical and unbalanced. Can't land on Mars although can still access cislunar space. Much less passengers, obviously.
I take extreme umbrage at your claim of bias - I am actually asking (and implicitly trusting) you for an *unbiased* quantitative comparison of your concept to another well established and documented RLV concept based on a lot of the same technologies and principles. You have qualitatively compared a so far purely fictional concept to designs under actual (in the case of Skylon, at least partial) hardware development. If you truly believe your idea is superior, why are you so recitent to quantitatively compare it with another often postulated configuration that is at the same current level of hardware development (i.e. zero)? If your idea has potential, as you say, it is simply fair to ask whether there are other solutions out there that have more potential. I believe that to be the case. You may not be interested in creating a truly optimized solution, but I am. The goal is not to come up with something "cool", but something reliable and practical.you are inventing hidden biases, really things that don't exist. I feel I have been honest and transparent. What, I've made my calculations available, recognized the weaknesses compared to present, ongoing RLV systems in development. I'm not saying it is the best thing since bread come in slices: nor that it will kill or replace all the aforementioned RLVs. That thing has potential, that's all.
Steelpillow, while, as you say, apparently no comparative analysis exists as yet, Archibald should have no problem at all to adapt his spreadsheet to create one. I wholly concur with you that for a launch vehicle turbofans are more of a necessary(?) evil (e.g. for winged RTLS boosters with high staging Mach numbers, but even there Musk has demonstrated that rocket tossback works like a charm in practice) than an advantage.I see no hidden bias, just an honest engineer's request for hard information. It is now plain that no such analysis exists. Many of the claims made by Archibald are wholly unsupportable and that does not do the more credible ones any good at all.
For example I now understand that his specific proposal carries a couple of turbofans into orbit. That raises alarm bells. The whole point of SABRE is to get rid of them, so claiming them as a plus point over SABRE really does need some real and credible explanation. I'd back the analytical thoroughness of Alan Bond's team over unsubstantiated statements any day.
The fact that Buran successfully completed its one and only orbital flight without any turbofans (or turbojets, for that matter) on board (as did the Space Shuttle for more than 130 times, by the way) should tell you something.For your info Buran was to carry Su-27 turbofans in orbit. NOT OK GLI but the real vehicle. They were removed some days before the lone 1988 flight.
*please* don't put words in my mouth/writing - I never claimed that aerial refueling was risky for airline passengers, but simply observed it wasn't done *at all*. Likewise, I expect future aerospace passenger operations to be done with a minimum amount of vehicle interactions, because the more, the messier.
Hello Randy,
thanks for explicitly stating that you think suborbital refueling might only be of interest for a military niche application! I think that puts that concept squarely into a box that excludes civilian/commercial applications (which I expect and hope will dwarf any other space endeavors in the future), just like aerial refueling is used nowadays by the military only, but by exactly none of any and all commercial airlines anywhere around the globe.
Your points about the oh so difficult resolution of various stages firing in parallel were successfully resolved for the Space Shuttle decades ago, so this is just an engineering issue we already well know how to address. You state that rocket powered HTHL systems are considered to be always behind airbreathing HTHL concepts specifically due to the operational and physical issues with rocket powered horizontal take off, so why do you advocate horizontal launch for an inflight refueling architecture? And if you assume airbreathers, would you be willing to accept them for one concept but not the other, and if so, why? Whether airbreathers are preferable for horizontal takeoff or not, that question clearly affects the identical tanker concept twice as much as an optimized non-identical TSTO, or at least the same as in a clone bimese stage version. My personal conclusion is that airbreathers excel at steady state flight at subsonic, supersonic, and perhaps even hypersonic flight, while rockets shine at pure acceleration, which is at the heart of any space launch mission. I can relate to the cat dominance issue though .
Arthur C Clarke remarked back in 1947 that once you reach low Earth orbit you are halfway to anywhere [in the Universe].
AhhhHEM there mister, want to correct that before Bob comes down from heaven and set you straight?
Well, OK it was 1950 and maybe the phrase "halfway to anywhere" might have come later, but I refer you to his Interplanetary Flight, Temple Press, 1950, page 15:
"The necessary speed to maintain a stable orbit at any distance from the Earth ... is about 7.9 km/sec (18,000 m.p.h.) This is less than the corresponding escape velocity in a ratio 1:√2."
Since e=½mv^2, the kinetic energy to reach LEO is half that to reach escape velocity. In practice some extra energy is needed to climb to orbit so the kinetic energy equation is an approximation to the practical launch, but the difference is relatively small. Even if the craft is refueled in LEO (as Archibald sensibly suggests), that fuel has already been given a lot of expensive kinetic energy to get up there. The velocity delta from LEO to escape may be less, but the total energy cost still has to be found. I accept that in this scenario, the "second" fuel load which I observed is needed for escape has already been burned by the tanker.
Many thanks to you and Archibald for your own contributions here, very informative. However I still find unsupported claims lurking. Every engineer knows that in a chain of 100 links, if one link fails the whole chain fails.
- "Operationally if the notional TSTO fires all engines on launch and has propellant cross-feed to separation then the analogy works but that has its own issues to deal with. (Exhaust plume interaction and aerodynamic and hydraulic stress' for example)" is an excellent description of the Space Shuttle. It cannot be seen as damning criticism.
- "Your abort options are greater since you don't have to worry about separating a mated pair of vehicles should something go wrong." Setting aside the SRB (which ran counter to Von Braun's dictum never to use solid fuel), I cannot recall a step-rocket launch where escape separation ever failed. And if something goes wrong with the sub-orbital refueling, you do have to separate.
- "I saw you mentioned that you'd like to 'see' this in operation before believing it might work?" No, I said I'd like to see the numbers.
- An open runway vs a dedicated launch facilities, eh? The runway may be simpler to engineer but the craft itself is a heck of a lot more complex with its wings, airbreathing engines, retractable undercarriage and other flight systems. Again, directly comparable quantitative analyses of the whole system lifecycle (air traffic control, safe fuel storage, so many peripheral activities are involved) are needed before one can accept the best answer. I am not prepared to commit based on speculative arguments alone.
- Composite vs refueling? Refueling a jet fighter in mid-Atlantic is done because the jet is not equipped for composite carriage. By contrast the Short Mayo of the interwar period was a transatlantic composite flying boat, Mercury a modified Empire class flying boat, Maia a dedicated mail-carrying floatplane. It was done that way because in-flight refueling was deemed overly expensive. Not even commercial freight uses in-flight refueling today, it is nothing to do with passenger safety, it is just too expensive. Using the qualitative example of the jet fighter optimized for combat to try and justify the economics of in-flight refueling is absurd.
None of these niggles is a technical engineering showstopper, but I do seriously doubt the economics of it.
On the plus side, I would note the incredible speed with which a Formula One racing car gets refueled during a pit stop, something like 3.9 seconds including attachment, transfer and detachment. Fortunately perhaps, a spaceplane does not need all four tyres changing at the same time.
I completely concur with steelpillow - I'd just like to add that the tradeoff of airbreathing runway takeoff vs. rocket powered vertical liftoff from dedicated infrastructure likely has no definite answer (yet?), but will probably depend on variables like vehicle and fleet size, mission frequency, etc. Personally, I'd like to keep the flying vehicle as simple as possible, meaning for example a minimum of on board propulsion elements, especially if one of them is only good for a small part of the velocity spectrum, and rather put a little more complexity into the ground infrastructure, where it is not mass critical and at all times readily accessible for maintenance, checkouts, etc. As steelpillow has shown with his brilliant wire analogy, you really don't have a fundamental performance difference between classical staging and refueling schemes. Ultimately, I'd rather put a little more mass in stage connectors, if that allows me to eliminate at least one potential in flight risk event in the form of suborbital mating. I realize the military has different perceptions of acceptable risk, but I'd rather try to emulate the paradigm of commercial aviation.
I know zero about rockets and stuff, just a bit about planes...
So basically, it would be something that takeoff like a regular plane from a runway, using jet engines. It would have a rocket engine (or more?), but would takeoff with tanks (almost ?) empty for these.
Then another vehicle of the same kind would takeoff the same way, but with the rocket fuel tanks full.
The two would meet at the highest possible halt (using only the jet engines ?), and the one with full tanks would transfer rocket fuel to the one with empty tanks.
They then separate, and the first vehicle, now with full tanks, would boom his rocket and go in orbit…
Ok cool, but then if the second vehicle can reach up there with full tanks to refuel the first one, why doesn't it just fires his own rocket engine and get orbited ?
I miss somethingtold you, I know zero about rockets...
It's vaguely like that but there are some important differences. The problem that it attempts to solve is the fuel mass ratio (FMR) demand for a single stage to orbit (SSTO) vehicle, typically a re-usable spaceplane. Any given rocket engine needs so much fuel that the weight of the tank limits its performance to sub-orbital, never mind any payload.
Conventionally we get round this by discarding used tankage and the associated engine power along the way, in what is called a step-rocket. The last of these stage separations almost invariably happens in the suborbital flight phase, in space but still travelling way too slow.
For a re-usable spaceplane, the equivalent would be a composite aircraft, something like White Knight Two plus SpaceShipTwo fuelled on amphetamines. Or, perhaps, a larger "three-series" pair with the "SpaceShipThree" payload being "OrbiterOne".
But instead, why not convert a second SpaceShipTwo to carry a fuel supply as its payload, launch it alongside, rendezvous with the one carrying the real payload just as they run out of fuel in suborbital flight, and transfer the extra fuel across? It's just air-to-air refuelling without the air. (OK you need a liquid-fuelled SpaceShip for this but the principle is there).
We must remember that one does not need a flock concept to indulge in a little suborbital refuelling. Simply fitting some tankage and a fuelling lock to a SpaceShipTwo, just enough to make a rendezvous with a big beast of a tanker in LEO, might be a practical way to increase the useful mission payload of almost any spaceplane.
I'd be interested to see more about the scenarios that NASA studied.
thanks RanulfC for his explanations... he is far better at arguing / quoting / nailing a point - than myself (short temper doesn't help, welcome to my Greta Thunberg side).
that the sub-orbital refueling is going to lose in several categories from the simple fact it's an odd concept and seems operationally complex. Having said that there's an operational and logistical reason it keeps cropping up in military circles along with "Blackhorse" like concepts. The actual 'best' choice is often customer rather than concept driven
bingo. I fully agree with that point of view. What I'm suggesting in my papers is that rocketplane has plenty of niches it could fill.
the whole thing is an evolutive family of rocketplanes.
evolutive by oxidizer changes and also by adding birds into the flock : 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and eventually 8.
and that's why I suggest to use plain old turbofans for an airliner-style liftoff - and nothing else. The RASV shows that exotic ground assist systems are unwelcome at air bases and airport. They need and want F-16 or 737 ground ops.
This. My papers mentions that point. Going from Earth surface to Earth orbit takes an horrible delta-v of 9 km/s. By comparison, Earth escape is 3 km/s, lunar orbit is 4 km/s and lunar surface, 6.5 km/s.
Now follow my reasoning.
Since the rocketplane is build for suborbital REFUELING, then the refueling gear can be used a second time once in a stable Earth orbit. Orbital propellant depot, here we go. Filled with kerosene and H2O2, which don't boiloff with time, unlike cryogens.
Let's suppose we fill the tanks to the brim. See my calculations up thread: total delta-v of the Mk.1 with the tanks full is 6100 m/s. Now if you refill the tanks completely, you regain these 6100 m/s.
So the question is, how far can you go from LEO with a delta-v of 6100 m/s ? see above. You can nearly land on the Moon. You can certainly go in and out of lunar orbit (4km/s +1 km/s TEI), returning via a mix of propulsive braking (1km/s left) and aerobraking.
In the end the most exciting aspect of the system is that, with only two refuelings (first one, partial, in suborbital flight, second one, complete, in orbit) you can fly all the way from Earth surface to cislunar space.
And with a third refueling in cislunar space, you can make the roundtrip from lunar orbit to surface to orbit (2.5 km/s down, 2.5 km/s up). Landing on the Moon Starship style, like a vertical tail-sitter, on throttled down rocket power.
Three refuelings, same rocketplane all the way from Earth surface to Moon surface.
What's more, since the delta-v to Earth escape (3 km/s) and lunar orbit (4 km/s) are so much smaller than ascent to orbit (9 km/s) then the payload rise accordingly. The hardest segment is ascent to orbit, and that's where payload suffer the most. By contrast, payload from LEO to cislunar space can be huge. It is a matter of getting out of Earth deep gravity well, or at least to the edge of it. We are living at the bottom of a steep gravity well.
I see no hidden bias, just an honest engineer's request for hard information. It is now plain that no such analysis exists. Many of the claims made by Archibald are wholly unsupportable and that does not do the more credible ones any good at all.
For example I now understand that his specific proposal carries a couple of turbofans into orbit. That raises alarm bells. The whole point of SABRE is to get rid of them, so claiming them as a plus point over SABRE really does need some real and credible explanation. I'd back the analytical thoroughness of Alan Bond's team over unsubstantiated statements any day.
Steelpillow, while, as you say, apparently no comparative analysis exists as yet, Archibald should have no problem at all to adapt his spreadsheet to create one. [b[I wholly concur with you that for a launch vehicle turbofans are more of a necessary(?) evil (e.g. for winged RTLS boosters with high staging Mach numbers,[/b] but even there Musk has demonstrated that rocket tossback works like a charm in practice) than an advantage.
Yes it's possible but the main question is why you'd want to? It's much like using Starship
Steelpillow's "wire analogy" isn't really brilliant as it begins with the assumption that the vehicles have to be physically interconnected as the basis for the analogy.
And then there's what's now known as "Water Injection Pre-Compressor Cooling"
I will just say that in the thought experiment, the wires are very obviously there to illustrate a point and not to be part of a practical design, instead to be taken as sufficiently thin to be of negligible weight and drag. Martinbayer had no trouble in appreciating this, so I do not see it as an obscure issue. That others need it stating astonishes me, I fear that constructive dialogue loses the common basis in language that makes it possible.Steelpillow's "wire analogy" isn't really brilliant as it begins with the assumption that the vehicles have to be physically interconnected as the basis for the analogy.
So I regret that there is little point in responding to all the recent misunderstandings of Martinbayer's and my critiques, not to mention SABRE, per se.
I would also remind folks that a mildly insulting remark accompanied by a smiley is still an insult, and in the wake of the recent administrative redactions and warnings, this is perhaps even less appropriate than usual.
ranulfc : I declare you my advocate and ambassador, altogether. If I were greta thunberg then you would be samantha smith. In a nutshell: as far as pasionaria and crusaders goes, you win persuasively, I lose in anger. ROTFL
The answer is in the question. SpaceX influenced me. Note that Starship needs 1100 mt of methalox to go anywhere beyond LEO. My little rocketplane "only" needs 100 mt of keroxide, 11 times less and it doesn't boil off. It is a mass small enough, manageable, a complete refueling is worth considering to go higher. Another motivation to do that is the GTO / GEO / TLI delta-v (2.5 km/s to 4 km/s) are really a joke or a walk in the park compared to ascent to orbit (9 km/s).
The main issue with looking at the NASA studies, (other than your usual NTRS issues that is) is they are spread out and not usually very well keyworded to things like "Aerial" or "sub-orbital" propellant transfer as a seperate concept. I first heard about NASA looking at the idea from several sources, (these forums IIRC being one) as an alternative or add-on to the LARC "Spacejet" studies. Both the military and NASA agreed that the general idea of Blackhorse was sound and workable so they must have based that on something. Zubrin and Clapp made note that doing so suborbitally was easier and less stressful and they agreed as well.
Your vehicle needs less 'propellant' but carries far less payload AND would carry even less in this case because it needs extended life support, conumables and extra systems like landing legs.
I thought that my responses were adequate to my understanding of your critiques, I thought I also explained why some of those decisions and considerations were chosen and the valid reasons to support them. If I am misunderstanding please help me understand what I am misunderstanding and understand it correctly, that's all I ask.
I thought that my responses were adequate to my understanding of your critiques, I thought I also explained why some of those decisions and considerations were chosen and the valid reasons to support them. If I am misunderstanding please help me understand what I am misunderstanding and understand it correctly, that's all I ask.
OK, but please take them one at a time and not all in one message.
Also I am not immune to misunderstandings. I had gained the impression that FLOC was one particular proposal for a flock system, am I wrong?
Frankly, with a launch vehicle I would absolutely *NOT* want to be married/tied down to the current ATC/ATM system - as an aside, I honestly think it is near a breaking point. I can easily envision an alternative future system where in order to be certified any aerospacecraft needs to have some kind of AI onboard that continuously coordinates with all other aircraft in a local area to avoid collisions. Heck, if small feathered animals that quite literally only have bird brains consistently manage to avoid bumping into one another while zigzagging in three dimensions in tight swarm formations, don't try to tell me that technology can't hack that soon, espicially looking at the synchronized massive swarm flights of current UAVs. I dream of a world where the job of an air traffic controller has about the same professional prospects as a buggy whip manufacturer (well, not quite, since from NYC Central Park to Amish country there actually still are buggies around, but you get the point).I completely concur with steelpillow - I'd just like to add that the tradeoff of airbreathing runway takeoff vs. rocket powered vertical liftoff from dedicated infrastructure likely has no definite answer (yet?), but will probably depend on variables like vehicle and fleet size, mission frequency, etc. Personally, I'd like to keep the flying vehicle as simple as possible, meaning for example a minimum of on board propulsion elements, especially if one of them is only good for a small part of the velocity spectrum, and rather put a little more complexity into the ground infrastructure, where it is not mass critical and at all times readily accessible for maintenance, checkouts, etc. As steelpillow has shown with his brilliant wire analogy, you really don't have a fundamental performance difference between classical staging and refueling schemes. Ultimately, I'd rather put a little more mass in stage connectors, if that allows me to eliminate at least one potential in flight risk event in the form of suborbital mating. I realize the military has different perceptions of acceptable risk, but I'd rather try to emulate the paradigm of commercial aviation.
Actually the idea IS to emulate the paradigm of commercial aviation as much as possible, hence the use of 'standard' airbreathing engines and avoiding the use of highly specialized and specific launch infrastructure, (and frankly landing as well since a 'glider' doesn't inteact well with standard air traffic) by using the deeper, and broader air traffic system infrastructure. The airbreathing populsion system is used to move the vehicle from the "airport" to a place where it can light off it's rocket engine freely. At any point it can also be used to 'abort' to an alternative airport or emergency airstrip. Similarly when the vehicle is back from orbit and moving back towards a landing it has an airbreathing engine so that it does not interfere with the standard air traffic flow and take a place in the que for landing and servicing.
I'm going to point out that Steelpillow's "wire analogy" isn't really brilliant as it begins with the assumption that the vehicles have to be physically interconnected as the basis for the analogy. It's the 21st Century my dear sir have you never heard of 'wireless' operations?(Must have missed where FLOC came in, sigh, going back to read after this post)
Because that is what it would be. You specifically do NOT have a physical connection between the vehicle because doing so reduces their efficency and adds mass to the system. They ARE 'wirelessly' connected of course and are aware and constantly updated on each others position and because you don't have those 'physical' connections you also don't deal with the stress and aerodynamics that come along with them. They ONLY come together in order to transfer propellant beyond that they are seperate vehicles for the whole flight.
Yes there's some serious questions over SSTO capability and operational advantages, lord knows I'm one of the ones who doubts the rosy picture the advocates paintBut as I noted before they DO have some points and they can be applied to near-SSTO vehicles as well. It is a unitary airframe that does not have to be 'integrated' with another airframe for launch and only 'interacts' above the nominal atmosphere in a free-fall arc. TPS, structure and other systems are lighter and easier to maintain this way. As a space station delivery vehicle the airbreathing engines give it unlimted range and endurance compared to a pure rocket powered vehicle, (and that's before we look into such engines as the turb-ram-rocket or Supercharged Ejector Ramjet for two examples) so chasing and matching a particular stations ground-track is vastly easier. Unitary means no ground mateing/demateing and associated support systems, while it may be more complex it will likely be smaller (which will cost less) and easier to work on. (Ya, tell that to the tech who has to be shoved into panel D-1A to rewire cannon plug CR-21 on his back with all the tools and wire sitting on his chest and only about 3 inches to work with... No, what makes you think I've had to do something like that?
) As a near-SSTO it doesn't have to be as optimized and light weight as an SSTO does and bonus it likely carries more playload as well. Probably not as much as an optimized TSTO vehicle but then again, (and this may be just me) but I'm pretty sure that taking 10,000lbs into space once a week or more can have more effect on some costs than going once a month with 100,000lbs specifically for things like space station support supplies. Twice a week is better an four times a week even more so of course.
Blackhorse in its original incarnation wasn't really even a 'near-SSTO but had some similar advantages, funny thing was both Zubrin and Clapp actually missed some opportunites and concepts because they stuck so close to the initial concept. The basic idea of the sub-orbital refueling concept accepted that both Blackhorse vehicles would remian the same but really the fact that they added airbreathing engines in and of itself had a more far reaching effect than they assumed.