Star Wars, Star Trek and other Sci-Fi

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Here is a question on the old Filmation animated series FLASH GORDON:

The Zarkov rocket—I think—might have have been rotoscoped over a zeppelin model with a canopy of a WW II airplane model that was glued over the gondola… and outfitted with bigger fins.

Now, what was the longest spinal cockpit of propeller airplanes? Did it have a model? My Google fu fails me.

I know some Japanese planes had cockpits about as long as their pagoda like bridges were tall, or so it seemed.

The DC-7 cockpit would make for a great spaceplane set and the Grumman Goose is asking for a Dune Ornithopter make-over. X-59 must have had a go-pro in the pitot tube :)
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Give the fans what they want? I doubt Hollywood executives are reading this.
Are they not? What dooo they do with their days then? :p

I don't do youtube opinion pieces as a policy but they have every right to make them. It would be great if posters could summarize the point they are trying to make in addition to posting a video but c'est la vie.

I will comment on the Holdo - Toxic Leader point though as it's right there in the video title and writ large on the big screen. Toxic is right. Were they that desperate, they couldn't find anyone else? The janitor must have overheard enough over the years to get a pretty good handle on things. Sci-Fi is replete with leaders that have to keep the crew in the dark for the sake of the mission but that is usually after years of building trust to abuse, not out of the gate. The Enterprise Incident particularly comes to mind here (yes I have a preference - bite me). This was built-in incompetence for the sake of a plot-twist, Star Wars' very own Helm's Deep. Yet years earlier, at Hoth, they had the wit to know that making a stand on a planet was suicide, something to be fled from. This was the big plan?!

The whole sequence was just sooo contrived for the sake of tenso-drama. The ickle old Millenium Falcon can be halfway across the galaxy or somesuch but the flagship is running on empty?! Have the flagship take an unlucky critical hit from the Empir....First Order on the jump out and we don't have to wonder how our heros weren't space barbecue years ago.

Story quality is on the decline, the above is but one example. Others will have many more (and better) arguments to make. Could I do better? Once it would have been a resounding NO! These days.......

It does all make you wonder, what do Hollywood executives do with their days?
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I'll be sending a delegation from the People Who Don't Like Trash to meet with Those Who Do. You know, to prevent hostilities from breaking out.
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Sci-Fi is replete with leaders that have to keep the crew in the dark for the sake of the mission
I have a sneaking suspicion, that initial scenario for "The last Jedi" included Imperial spy onboard the flagship (most likely the Imperial droid that was promoted before movie as "evil BB8", but have almost no role), and that's was the reason for secrecy; Resistance command knew, that someone leaked their plans and positions to First Order, but did not know who. This would also explain Finn & Rose mission much better; they went for hacker capable of breaking the spy transmission.

Then, for some reason, the whole line was dropped, and replaced with "First Order just have super-duper-mega-sensor".
You know, to prevent hostilities from breaking out.

You... don't know nerds very well, I take it...

Next up, I'll be attending a meeting of the Civilized and the Uncivilized, via closed circuit TV. By their own admission, those uncivil types can get a little... well, you know.
Next up, I'll be attending a meeting of the Civilized and the Uncivilized, via closed circuit TV. By their own admission, those uncivil types can get a little... well, you know.
As the man said:

“The more I see of what you call civilization, the more highly I think of what you call savagery!”
― Robert E. Howard

“Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”
― Robert E. Howard

“My characters are more like men than these real men are, see. They're rough and rude, they got hands and they got bellies. They hate and they lust; break the skin of civilization and you find the ape, roaring and red-handed.”
― Robert E. Howard

“When a nation forgets her skill in war, when her religion becomes a mockery, when the whole nation becomes a nation of money-grabbers, then the wild tribes, the barbarians drive in... Who will our invaders be? From whence will they come?”
― Robert E. Howard
I know about Robert E. Howard, and his contemporaries, and about his suicide. I see the finer examples of English society as finer examples. Give me calm, civil behavior, along with a bit of civil disagreement, and that's all I want.
The Orbital Children

New anime from Netflix and unless I am imagining things there is a brief flash of a Starship in this.

Teaser trailer:


Netflix describes the anime's story:

The story begins in the year 2045, when AI has advanced and anyone can travel into space. Children born on the moon and children from Earth who are on a trip to space meet at the Japanese-built space station, "Anshin." But their future is decided by the Seven Poem. This new six-episode series, a youthful, futuristic anime reminiscent of “Coil - A Circle of Children,” will start streaming worldwide from Friday, January 28, 2022!

Dean Stockwell has died at 85. Though I primarily remember him from Quantum Leap & Battlestar Galactica. He also appeared in Enterprise & NCIS: New Orleans amongst many other things.

A glorious pulp image by Bruce Pennington, when I showed it to a friend they said they wanted to make a model of the craft depicted in it for their bedroom...
I love Bruce Pennington's landscapes. He really knows how to create an eerie atmosphere. Likewise John Schoenherr. This is Arrakeen from the illustrated edition of Dune (not sure which is the correct colour balance - I think it's the redder one).


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I know about Robert E. Howard, and his contemporaries, and about his suicide. I see the finer examples of English society as finer examples. Give me calm, civil behavior, along with a bit of civil disagreement, and that's all I want.
About his suicide..."Semen retentum venenum est"
A glorious pulp image by Bruce Pennington, when I showed it to a friend they said they wanted to make a model of the craft depicted in it for their bedroom...
I love Bruce Pennington's landscapes. He really knows how to create an eerie atmosphere. Likewise John Schoenherr. This is Arrakeen from the illustrated edition of Dune (not sure which is the correct colour balance - I think it's the redder one).
I'll see your Schoenherr and raise him one Pennington interpretation of Dune


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I know about Robert E. Howard, and his contemporaries, and about his suicide. I see the finer examples of English society as finer examples. Give me calm, civil behavior, along with a bit of civil disagreement, and that's all I want.
About his suicide..."Semen retentum venenum est"

Quit hiding behind ze Lateen or I shall taunt you a second time-uh...
1st Period Tony Roberts..


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Two Peter Elson images, one was the cover of 'Nova 4' the last volume in an anthology series edited by Harry Harrison, the first two volumes featured covers by Eddie Jones that I will post when I find good copies of them. The cover of 'Nova 3', is the possible Tony Roberts image I posted earlier.

As to the other picture, I have vague memories of a version of this large enough to make out the name on the space shuttle, there are also interlopers from the 'Foundation' and '2001:ASO' universes in that picture if you look close enough.

If you look to the left of the space shuttle, there's a craft with a spherical section. Just in front of it is a recognizable Discovery XD-1, the Galactic Empire ship is the big one with a chunk taken out of it above and to the right of the shuttle, the 'spaceship and sun' is clearly visible.


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The Drinker is pretty high on my Tramp-O-Meter. He's out.

I'm sure he'll be crushed. How can he go on with his remarkably successful career now?
I'm sure the The Drinker would be crying like a triggered progressive. Thanks for sending me down that rabbit hole BTW. (Loved his review of the original Predator.)

"triggered" Another word brought to you by the Global Cabal of Relabelers and Repackagers.

The Drinker: The bad (behaving) boy of movie and TV reviews.
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"triggered" Another word brought to you by the Global Cabal of Relabelers and Repackagers.
Triggers are a real thing, symptomatic of PTSD. That is, real trauma, not a tantrum by an attention junkie. Triggers are unique to each sufferer because they're related to the original trauma. It might be the smell of freshly cut hay, which is the same as Phosgene, a WWI gas weapon (smells are most effective activators of memory). They are certainly not things that one has decided are ideologically 'problematic'.

So, the next time someone tells you that they're 'triggered', tell them that they're guilty of 'ableist appropriation' and watch them tie themselves in knots.
More from Foundation. While so many critics obsess over the semiotics ('Aha! This is a signifier for that!'), I'll get sugar rushes from the eye candy. The designer is Paul Chadeisson.

First, Trantor:


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Next, the derelict but not quite dead warship Invictus:


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Nice images from Foundation but I am seeing Coruscant, Hiigaran motherships and Nidavellir. There are truly no new sci-fi concepts under the sun!
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