Standard Missile Discussion

“Additional work for guidance and control as well as warhead design will yield a new capability that provides antiair-warfare capability, including cruise missile defense, in support of ships [sic] self-defense, as well as anti-surface warfare,” Guerts’ testimony states.

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Have to launch those from a B-52, I don't think any of the Hornet pylons could take that big a load.
I don't think it would be an issue. The 480 Gal tank total weight is 3600lbs and the current Blk 1 SM-6 is 3300lbs. I doubt a redesigned SM-6 Blk-1B is going to add more than another 20% to the weight of the total missile which brings it right around 4k lbs. The pylon limit would be either 4 or more likely 5k lbs.
I don't think it would be an issue. The 480 Gal tank total weight is 3600lbs and the current Blk 1 SM-6 is 3300lbs. I doubt a redesigned SM-6 Blk-1B is going to add more than another 20% to the weight of the total missile which brings it right around 4k lbs. The pylon limit would be either 4 or more likely 5k lbs.
current AIM174B is 13.5" diameter. Block-1Bs are 21" diameter. That's a 42% larger volume inside the body, so it's pretty safe to assume 42% heavier, roughly 2700lbs without the booster. The booster is ~1500lbs all by itself. Total stack would be 5200lbs or so.

Not that the USN could load a Block-1B on a plane, the stack is too tall for the weapons elevators.
Have to launch those from a B-52, I don't think any of the Hornet pylons could take that big a load.

I was thinking more along the lines of the F-15.

I don't think it would be an issue. The 480 Gal tank total weight is 3600lbs and the current Blk 1 SM-6 is 3300lbs

This is a good point.

current AIM174B is 13.5" diameter. Block-1Bs are 21" diameter. That's a 42% larger volume inside the body, so it's pretty safe to assume 42% heavier, roughly 2700lbs without the booster.

I was thinking of an air-aunched SM-6 Block-IB without the Mk-72 launch-booster. However I think an F-15 could carry two SM-6 Block-IBs with Mk-72 boosters.
There is no point in talking about air-launching the whole SM-6 stack with Mk 72. It's just not going to happen. The loads on that joint between booster and missile would just be absurd.
The loads on that joint between booster and missile would just be absurd.

I've thought about that and an air-launched full SM-6 stack would need a jettisonable wrap-around clamshell shrouds encapsulation the Mk-72 booster and SM-6 tail-section to function as a strong-back to carry load.
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