A avatar Guest 28 March 2008 #1 take a look .. is this actually a stealth vessel or merely a boat with a cool exterior would it actually pierce waves Attachments stealthspeedboat1.jpg 32.9 KB · Views: 197 stealthspeedboat2.jpg 36.9 KB · Views: 174
take a look .. is this actually a stealth vessel or merely a boat with a cool exterior would it actually pierce waves
Brickmuppet ACCESS: Secret Joined 10 November 2006 Messages 238 Reaction score 117 Website brickmuppet.mee.nu 2 April 2008 #3 Yes. That is in fact the special forces thingy. It is closely related to the special forces dingy. ;D Regards Avatars informative link, I wonder if this is in competition with or complementing the Stiletto project. http://www.mshipco.com/?page_id=11
Yes. That is in fact the special forces thingy. It is closely related to the special forces dingy. ;D Regards Avatars informative link, I wonder if this is in competition with or complementing the Stiletto project. http://www.mshipco.com/?page_id=11
K Kim Margosein ACCESS: Confidential Joined 9 February 2007 Messages 101 Reaction score 13 3 April 2008 #4 I vaguely recall a boat looking like this in the movie "Street Fighter" . Could this be some movie prop? kim Margosein
I vaguely recall a boat looking like this in the movie "Street Fighter" . Could this be some movie prop? kim Margosein
Stingray Resident retro rainbow rotorhead nerdy girl, uwu Senior Member Joined 29 November 2007 Messages 414 Reaction score 200 Website sites.google.com 3 April 2008 #5 I don't know about this one, but the prop in "Street Fighter" was much smaller than that.