SpaceX (general discussion)

Let's admit that Musk would do a great Captain Harlock on Space Pirate . Just need the right outfits.

And some industrial strength hair transplants... ;)
He's got them
It's a beginning, but not even close to a match, but perhaps he can revolutionize that business sector as well if he puts his mind to it?
Twitter goes ballistic
after Musk announcement of the "Tesla Bot"


from Tesla Homepage for job application
Develop the next generation of automation, including a general purpose, bi-pedal, humanoid robot capable of performing tasks that are unsafe, repetitive or boring. We’re seeking mechanical, electrical, controls and software engineers to help us leverage our AI expertise beyond our vehicle fleet.

Some of remarks:

will it come with holes?

"And suddenly a new industry of decomissioners is born."

"the Robot Apokalypse is brought to you by Tesla"


At Starbase start the work on higher and bigger High bay
workers remove concrete next to High bay

how the new bay could look like (photoshop)
Just a quick note about the Tesla neural network and AI program: tesla employee just demonstrated to the world that you can bully any autopilot driven Tesla into road submission and force your way on them. Their predictive behavorial program don't seem to take into account driving rules in its decision process...
This from Martin Corp Study on Nova rocket in 1962

Texas 2021

Hope, this picture isn't too 'off-topic"
Project of rough-terrain transporter of N-1 assemblies.

On the serioius note: the multi-wheeled transporters of "Superheavy" seems to be commercial vehicles, made for general cargo haulage, not dedicated to SpaceX exclusively. Another example of "off-the-shelf" technolgy?

Yes. Those are SPMT (Self-propelled modular transporter). They consist of modules with 4 or 6 axle lines each, transportable in ISO containers. The block on the front is a power pack. This drives several axle lines in each module. Each wheel set can rotate 360º for steering, and there's automatic height adjustment per wheel set: you can drive these over a kerb without changing the angle or height of the platform.

This is the current 'gold standard' for transporting heavy stuff up to thousands of tons. You can link SPMTs lengthwise and crosswise. Those two lines under the SH booster are controlled from a single console.
Just a quick note about the Tesla neural network and AI program: tesla employee just demonstrated to the world that you can bully any autopilot driven Tesla into road submission and force your way on them. Their predictive behavorial program don't seem to take into account driving rules in its decision process...
Threat modeling, ffs! "Do No Harm, Take No Shit" should be a fundamental guiding principle for any ai that is expected to liaise with humans in any capacity.

Sharing the #Inspiration4 astronauts' portraits in the crew access arm at Kennedy Space Center’s historic Launch Complex 39A ✨

So many legendary explorers have lifted off from LC-39A — our crew is ready to continue that tradition in 23 days!

After months of fittings, the excitement of putting on MY suit that’s taking me to space!!
"We're actually going to be impacted this year with the lack of liquid oxygen for launch," Shotwell said during a Space Symposium panel, per a video uploaded to YouTube by ExpovistaTV. "We certainly are going to make sure hospitals have the liquid oxygen they need," she said, without elaborating.


Given their future plans, and the necessity of making it on Mars, I wonder if they'll start making their own LOX.
I'll bet they have a LOX plant in the works. They already have a license to drill for natural gas that will be processed into fuel. I'm sure Elon is applying his vertical integration knowledge from Tesla to SpaceX.
Twitter must be joking and high on something if they think I'll sign up for of all things a twitter account after blocking my view with a dumb overlay. Nothing posted on twitter is worth twitter.

Got any direct links to the pics, please?
In the same boat as you are mate, seems like it's a newer feature and involves tracking your cookies. I've found that viewing Twitter in a Private/Incognito window skips all their signup BS.
‘The smartest person in any room anywhere’: in defense of Elon Musk, by Douglas Coupland

"It’s interesting whenever Elon Musk’s name comes up and people begin discussing his accomplishments, such as the reinvention of money, automobiles and space travel, there’s always someone who says: “Yeah, but I hear he can be a real dick.”

Take that, Elon.

So then, let’s be totally honest here, because in your heart, you know, and I know, dear reader, that you can be a real dick, too. So can I, and, if we’re being truly honest, so can, say, the Queen. She probably has to be a dick 10 times a week. So since when does being a dick somehow invalidate you as a person? It doesn’t. That’s just stupid. And what’s in it for you to dis someone you don’t know, anyway? Being negative is a stupid person’s way of trying to appear smart without actually being smart. And let’s also be certain about something else: we all hate a goody two-shoes, so come on, what kind of perfect behaviour is it you expect from a person, any person, let alone Elon Musk?

But I hear he treats his employees badly

First, we already discussed this: he can be a dick, so don’t be surprised when he is. Second, people know they’re going to be working with Elon Musk, so they can’t play woe is me if he goes Elon on them. And third, he’s incredibly smart and is used to working with the world’s smartest and most accomplished people, so if you don’t cut the mustard then you didn’t cut the mustard. And here’s something funny he actually said to someone who was pissing him off in the Tesla factory: “You know, I could be drinking mai tais with naked supermodels, but instead I’m here with you.” He has a point.

But he hurt my feelings and made me feel like I was in an unsafe and triggering work environment
Dear God, is this what our society has been reduced to?

Here are a few readily available facts about Musk:

…He’s a good father with six sons: triplets, twins and one solo. A first son died of Sids at the age of 10 weeks.

…He has been married to two women (his second wife twice).

…He is famous for his need to be in love and for being unable to sleep alone.

…He spent his 47th birthday in his factory fixing robots for 24 hours.

…He loves his mother, who is a top global fashion model at 73.

…He sees no future in fossil fuels.

…He hates visible seams on his products.

…He swears a lot.

…In 2018 his tunnel-drilling company, the Boring Company, sold 20,000 novelty flamethrowers as a publicity stunt. They now sell on eBay at an average of $3,000."

A good article on the historic implications on a successful orbital launch of the Starship rocket. The only flaw is that the writer assumes that lawmakers will realize the futility of the SLS system once the Starship enters service, and move to scrap it. Honestly they already know that, it's basically an open secret that the SLS is a massive jobs program.

Inspiration4 Crew Will Conduct Health Research to Further Human Exploration of Space​


Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT) aka "Dragon Test Drive" complete. This morning we strapped in to Crew Dragon Resilience w/ our flight spacesuits. All systems checked good! Dragon is stacked on trunk and looking sexy. L-16 days.

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