SpaceX (general discussion)

while everyone look on Dragon crew fought
Musk and Shotwell gave important info on Starship Podcast

Musk explain how Starship will have Lower launch cost by it use of Oxygen rich combustion in Raptors
reduce the need of liquid methane

Shotwell mention that Starship and Superheavy will do return to launch pad for land landing, it's cheaper as Droneship landing or landing with parachute.
also that the Starship will have a active crew on board, active in sense that they do not rely on automatic system NASA has for Crew Dragon
Shotwell confirmed that Deadline for Starship is fix and R&D will run for 6 Years and mention that modification and improvements goes up to SN50.
Starship unmanned cargo Flight for mars will be in 2022 and manned landing on Mars in 2024

short overview


What is interesting here is that nothing extraordinary is involved in the technology of building Starship. However, the cultural approach is a total rejection of current methodology. A CEO of a large aerospace company probably dismisses any thought of making a similar effort because it would be too alien.

For Musk, this is the gamble of a lifetime. If he fails it will be his legacy. I imagine it takes overwhelming self confidence to do something like this and yet retain sufficient "people skills" to elicit the best technical thinking of your employees. Way beyond my limits.

It's a WEE bit more complicated than that, but in general yes.

It's not that the big aerospace companies "can't" do something similar it's not in their business model to do so for a sound financial reason. The CEO has to worry about public and investor perception which blowing up a prototype does NOT enhance. Musk doesn't care and has shown he's going to keep right on 'not caring' as long as he's in charge. That relieves a LOT of pressure all the way down the system.

You still don't want to be the 'individual' responsible for an accident but overall the production and R&D pressure is vastly less.

If Musk were to 'fail' with Starship his "legacy" is pretty much already set but that also assumes that "Starthip" has a clear 'failure' point which is not so clear. He's upped the priority and expenditure now that Falcon-9/Dragon is 'operational' so it's pretty much a given he's changed the paradigm any way you look at it.

Elon Musk is the Edison of our time.

You DO realize that's not exactly a compliment right? :)

He has no reason to be concerned about his legacy. Can you think of anyone else who is the co-founder and founder of several multi-billion dollar companies, the leading manufacturer of electric cars, and the leading commercial rocket launcher? I can't think of anyone else who has achieved nearly as much and he is only middle aged now.
He is driven and focused on achieving his dreams, and having fun while he does it along with the impossible hours he works.

His drive and focus is pretty much going to be his actual 'legacy' I think. There have been others who've managed the first but they as a general rule don't tend to continue on outside of their 'focus' industry/interest. Musk's been driven, (by his own admission) to branch out and generally 'see' what he can do with not only his money but his life. The fact that he's so focused and driven is both a good and a bad thing as always. The one thing I fear the most is that he could lose any of them and the way his business is set up they might not recover from such an event. On the other hand given a more 'survivable' business and operational strategy you would also tend to lose the capability and flexibility that makes him and his business such a success. It's a fine line I truly hope he can keep walking.

I read somewhere that the main reason he is building a rocket to Mars is to go home. :)

Well 'technically' he did say that he wanted to die on Mars.... Just not on impact :D

Elon Musk turning the world upside down

TESLA, Inc builds electric cars, who are ahead of there time.
Now fight US car industry for survival, who shredder there electric cars Prototypes in 1993...
With construction of several TESLA Gigafactories, the car industry world wide is in turmoil

SpaceX with cheap Rocket launch with reuse
now ousting expensive ULA and Ariane Space and Russian
SpaceX offering soon intercontinental rocket transport with Spaceship
and now a long term plan for Colony on Mars.

Starlink a Planet Wide Internet provider

Hyperloop the supersonic vacuum tube train
putting inflexible Amtrak on site track to the scrap yard

SolarCity, how is now the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States

The Boring Company, drilling cheap and fast series of tunnels to make Car traffic 3-dimensional

OpenAI: a not-for-profit artificial intelligence (AI) research company with goal develop artificial general intelligence in a way that is safe and beneficial to humanity !

Neuralink: company that want develop Neuronal interface between computers and human brains

This Man already has left his Footprints in History..

Breaking News
Perhaps we start to understand why just reposting tweets is unhelpful. Clearly people aren't actually reading them all. Posting commentary plus tweets when they add value is a lot more likely to engage people.

I find it can take nearly a minute just for the tweets to load on threads like this, which sure cuts into my interest in reading the thread.
Perhaps we start to understand why just reposting tweets is unhelpful. Clearly people aren't actually reading them all. Posting commentary plus tweets when they add value is a lot more likely to engage people.

I find it can take nearly a minute just for the tweets to load on threads like this, which sure cuts into my interest in reading the thread.
For me they are instantaneously there and that’s on a mobile.
Perhaps we start to understand why just reposting tweets is unhelpful. Clearly people aren't actually reading them all. Posting commentary plus tweets when they add value is a lot more likely to engage people.

I find it can take nearly a minute just for the tweets to load on threads like this, which sure cuts into my interest in reading the thread.
For me they are instantaneously there and that’s on a mobile.

They're just links with no context. Without context there is no reason to click on them and they basically amount to spam.


Useful it isn't.
It's probably a browser issue on your end (besides the dark-mode, you should be seeing what I've posted below), but that isn't uncommon, so I agree that it's good practice to either comment on the tweet's contents, or outright quote the text in the tweet if it's self-explanatory.

Sometimes they show like you have there, sometimes they don't. Ah, looks like a browser thing. (IE just shows links. Chrome and Firefox shows like you have there.)
with µ-matrix enabled for safety only the links show. So posting twitter links is, for me rather useless. I will not click on them most often.
with µ-matrix enabled for safety only the links show. So posting twitter links is, for me rather useless. I will not click on them most often.
So you’re saying you consider official links from Space X & other companies as unsafe?
Montag, it's coming for you!

Maybe it's the night-watchman (hyperdermic needle a field accessory).

Never Trust A Machine Programed By Man, Forbin

Hypo's as a weapon are so 1980s... In Cyberpunk:2020 we had "Bot-weilers" with fold out rocket pods and a "fricking laser" in it's head :)

I mean we ALL know Elon's a Super-Villain after all, come on! :)

Montag, it's coming for you!

Maybe it's the night-watchman (hyperdermic needle a field accessory).

Never Trust A Machine Programed By Man, Forbin

Hypo's as a weapon are so 1980s... In Cyberpunk:2020 we had "Bot-weilers" with fold out rocket pods and a "fricking laser" in it's head :)

I mean we ALL know Elon's a Super-Villain after all, come on! :)


I stand corrected.
with µ-matrix enabled for safety only the links show. So posting twitter links is, for me rather useless. I will not click on them most often.
So you’re saying you consider official links from Space X & other companies as unsafe?

no, but Twitter and Facebook are. Not every axxhole in the universe has to know everything about me.
with µ-matrix enabled for safety only the links show. So posting twitter links is, for me rather useless. I will not click on them most often.
So you’re saying you consider official links from Space X & other companies as unsafe?

no, but Twitter and Facebook are. Not every axxhole in the universe has to know everything about me.
But you can post web links certainly from Twitter without belong to it, as I do.
upgrade on Launch Site by Alex Rex

Also solving on Mystery on loudspeaker system on Starhopper
It's the Entertainment system for LUNCH PAD
under Starhopper is now area were workers can take there lunch...
...hench the name Lunch pad.

Came across another animation Youtube channel which features Starship as the main subject. Some examples below.

Boarding Starship

Sea launch

Invasion of the Musk Men

ISS docking
OMG Stanley Kubrick was right ;)


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