sferrin said:Huh. Liked like it landed upright when the camera froze. :'(
fredymac said:Looks like the cause of the failure wasn't low thrust but simply ran out of gas.
Must Tweet: "Looks like early liquid oxygen depletion caused engine shutdown just above the deck"
flanker said:Yes, the landing profile vs the previous landing attempts is very weird, guess they are trying out different stuff.
On a related note, reading russian forum about their attempts is enraging and sad at same time. Many of them are acting like pathetic extremely jealous (without admitting so of course) children. Lets hope that people that actually make decisions and engineers are not this... thick. Out of anyone (ULA, China, Airbus etc), Russians have by far the best chance to make a compleing partly reusable system to compete with SpaceX.
The first re-flight is scheduled for later this year.Byeman said:What partly reusable systems? There have been only landed stages. Reusing is a different matter
flanker said:The smoke itself is comperable to OG2 SF;
So i would say it is burning normal.
flanker said:Well, i honestly doubt they run different ratios depending on whether it is static fire or an actual flight. So i would guess we just see the black smoke because it has low velocity and stays around for a while. In flight it has high velocity and dissipates.
flanker said:If you look up Merlin testing the smoke from the preburner is very black, and so is F-1s:
Again, i dont think this is anything unusual. Apparently they did static test fire on the stage again!, supposedly full duration this time too.
flanker said:Third SF! 3 full duration static fires of max "damaged" core in 2 days.![]()