Space station of 1950th years?


ACCESS: Confidential
15 August 2009
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I saw illustrations of this station in 1950th, but I do not know this space project.
What is the space project? I think it 1950th years.
On a stamp of Niger:


It is the modern changed drawing: "Large Space Observatory of the Future":

This Republic of Niger airmail stamp by French engraver Decaris was from 1972, NOT the 1950s. You can see that in the picture file's name.
Stargazer2006 said:
This Republic of Niger airmail stamp by French engraver Decaris was from 1972, NOT the 1950s! Even the file's name indicates this!

...Your lack of tact aside, I also have seen this design or something *very* similar in a couple of late 50's or early 60's publications. Sad part I will admit is that I can't recall the titles of those books, as they were read circa 1966-1967. ISTR one of them being from a book on scratchbuilding models of satellites from cardstock and toothpicks, while the other was a book along the lines of You Will Go To The Moon, although less elaborately illustrated. In fact, the drawing on the stamp is closer to the example given in the latter book. Just wish I could remember the book titles. Damn this approaching old age :-[ :-[
Stargazer2006 said:
This Republic of Niger airmail stamp by French engraver Decaris was from 1972, NOT the 1950s! Even the file's name indicates this!
This illustration is drawn in a few years after the original illustrations.
Change in Soviet illustration 1960:


This is a modification of an earlier American design.
French engravers in the 1970's often used by American originals 1950's. Example: stamps Mali 1976 and illustrations Frank Tinsley 1959:




i look in my data, but don't found something similar

in worst case this "Space Station" is a copy of the markalite cannon

from Toho Movie "The Mysterians" from 1957
OM said:
Stargazer2006 said:
This Republic of Niger airmail stamp by French engraver Decaris was from 1972, NOT the 1950s! Even the file's name indicates this!

...Your lack of tact aside

Sorry if I came tactless, magnus_z. I didn't mean to be unpleasant, I just thought it was kind of strange to upload a picture with "1972" in it and describe it as a 1950s design.
I'm all for finding stuff in interesting places but.... moved to Theoretical and Speculative Projects.
overscan said:
I'm all for finding stuff in interesting places but.... moved to Theoretical and Speculative Projects.
This is not "Theoretical and Speculative Projects".
This is "Space Projects".
From the Soviet book (Moscow, 1970):
Гильзин К. Электрические межпланетные корабли. - М.: Наука, 1970. - С. 379.


It is an American project of Boeing (1958). This ion spaceship.
In the Soviet book listed the source of this figure:

Aeronautics, X, 1958.

I have not seen an American magazine 1958, I saw only reprint in the Soviet book in 1970.
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