Soviet Submarine Aircraft Carrier Model

Does anyone know the origin of this model ? An amateur modeller ?
Or could it be a real Soviet project ?!!! :eek:
A well-known amateur model. Totally unworkable, of course, but fun-looking and quite popular. They even included it into "Modern Warships" game as premium content.
Why should the sub have the ability to recover the aircraft? After launch the planee could strike the target and return home l, aircraft carrier or on a friendly airbase.
No aircraft recovery?
Then use ZELL and do away with that cumbersome flight deck.
The whole concept looks like a pipe dream to me.
With a strong catapult and RATO I think you could launch a MiG-29 sized aircraft from a short runway, and Why should the sub have the ability to recover the aircraft? After launch the planee could strike the target and return home l, aircraft carrier or on a friendly airbase. The sub allows the launch the aircraft closer to the target thus saving fuel for the planes to actually don't have to fly there. The WW2 RN MAC ships too operated on the same concept though on air defence role.
I'm pretty sure the Catapult-armed Merchantmen were assuming ditching the fighter once launched.
Can you read the date?
And now I am wondering whether I should ask if you have read this,
Monday at 09:15 #38

All I know about this beast is:

- the article and photos found via using Tin Eye reverse image search and taking a few minutes to sort out the chaff
- the Rubin Design Bureau is a real place which has done some interesting stuff & still exists.

I'm autistic and don't always catch what is being insinuated but it looks like you are insinuating that I am declaring the sub to be real; uum, no, I reported what I found, that it had more photos of the model, & did not judge the 'real world' project's reality.
As for whether I am declaring anything connected to that sub to be real,
I am indeed declaring the mentioned Rubin Design Bureau, after I eventually thought to run the Cryllic text through Google Translate and it showed that the design bureau was mentioned, to be real, which it documentably and historically it is.
Why do you think I am too stupid to read the date?

That's the reason April's 1st is relevant for this thread.

But it should be noted that it's not a globally widespread tradition

Please, there's no need to going personal

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