EMBRAER reaches 75 deliveries in the last quarter of 2024, totaling 206 new aircraft in 2024
São Paulo (SP), January 7, 2025 – EMBRAER, a global leader in the aerospace industry, delivered 75 aircraft in 4Q24 – or 27% above the previous quarter (3Q24), when 59 aircraft were delivered, and equal to the volume in the same period in 2023 (4Q23).
During the entire year of 2024, 206 aircraft were delivered or 14% above the 181 aircraft in 2023. With 31 deliveries in the last three months, Commercial Aviation reached 73 new aircraft in 2024 (at the ceiling of the revised estimates of 70-73 for the year and within the original estimates of 72-80).
Meanwhile, Executive Aviation accounted for another 44 jets in 4Q24 and a total of 130 annual deliveries (at the midpoint of the original estimates for the year).
Compared to 2023, growth in these business units was 14% and 13%, respectively. Finally, Defense & Security also surpassed the previous year's result with the delivery of 3 new C-390 Millennium in 2024 versus 2 in 2023.
EMBRAER chega a 75 entregas no último trimestre de 2024, totalizando 206 novas aeronaves no ano de 2024 São Paulo (SP), 7 de janeiro de 2025 – A EMBRAER, uma das líderes globais na indústria aeroespacial, entregou 75 aeronaves no 4T24 – ou 27% acima do registrado no trimestre anterior (3T24)...
Ultralight aircraft with Colombian technology
Colombian engineers and mechanics built the Aeroagro AA100, an ultralight and highly precise aircraft that facilitates crop spraying. It also reduces the environmental impact.
Under Direct Interadministrative Contracting No. 38-0176-CDI22, the Argentine Navy and the INVAP company agreed to the construction of a naval air and surface surveillance radar, based on active electronic vertical scanning (AESA) technology, to increase and improve the operational capacity of the MEKO class surface units that currently make up the fleet of the Argentine Navy. The development of the pre-series radar will require an investment of U$D 14,345,000 dollars (fourteen million three hundred and forty-five thousand).
airborne POD for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions that would be intended for the IA-58 Fenix but also because the pod is interchangeable it could be used on other aircraft. The pod will have a set of systems such as an active antenna with AESA or active electronic scanning capability and EO/IR or elect optical and infrared sensors.
The ISR capacity of this pod will make the Puca in its "Fénix" model an aircraft capable of patrolling symmetrical confrontations against radars, communications equipment or anti-aircraft installations.
It will also have a broadband data link to transmit the information obtained in real time to a control center
Ultralight aircraft with Colombian technology
Colombian engineers and mechanics built the Aeroagro AA100, an ultralight and highly precise aircraft that facilitates crop spraying. It also reduces the environmental impact.
The Brazilian plane is an adaptation of a French model from the 1980s. The current version has already undergone several improvements in relation to the original project, both in design and in the advancement of materials used, such as carbon fiber. The Brazilian aircraft is certified by the FAA, the United States aviation authority, and has already been sold in several European countries, as well as Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Last year, a French couple embarked on a trip around the world aboard a Super Petrel LS produced in Brazil...
HISTORY Operating in the production and distribution of aircraft and training courses for helicopter pilots, Scoda Aeronáutica is a reference in aviation in Brazil. Founded in 1997 by eng. aeronautical mechanic and pilot Rodrigo Scoda, the company is led by a qualified work team made up of engineers, mechanics, pilots and administrators. All focused on ensuring the highest standard of quality and safety in our services. Providing training for Private Helicopter Pilot or Commercial Helicopter Pilot, the Scoda Aeronáutica Instruction Center is a reference among helicopter piloting schools in Brazil. Combining theory with the best flight instructors, and practical training in its fleet of 10 Schweizer S-300 at its own aerodrome, Scoda Aeronáutica has market recognition for placing its pilots in the best and most coveted jobs in the country. Learn to fly a helicopter from the best. Come to Scoda Aeronáutica.
SUPER PETREL LSA biplane, sesquiplane, staggerwing configuration, in addition to being strong and charming, provides the Super Petrel LS amphibious with highly positive flight characteristics, such as: smooth stall, excellent stability and comfort in turbulent atmospheres, firm and brief takeoff without the need for flaps and, above all, an unparalleled landing behavior. This configuration allows you to dive into the final stretch without losing speed, stabilize on the runway by placing the seaplane in the landing attitude and wait for it to sink for a smooth and precise touchdown. And to help, the small lateral area of the rear fuselage means that crosswinds have very little influence on the ultralight's landing. The Super Petrel LS is firm and precise at low speeds. This behavior is highly desired and appreciated during landings and even more so during landings (landing in water). Landing this light sports amphibian is an easy, safe and very pleasant operation. With a design that combines beauty, sportiness, robustness and elegance, the biplane is an invitation to discover new regions, new terrains and new landscapes. With plenty of energy to surprise even the most experienced pilots.Amphibious, seaplane, ultralight, biplane, light sports amphibious or simply Super Petrel LS. You can choose the name of the machine at will, but the experience it provides, whether on land or water tracks, usually has just one name: spectacular.
A configuração biplano, sesquiplano, staggerwing, além de forte e charmosa proporciona ao anfíbio Super Petrel LS características de voo altamente positivas, como: estol suave, excelente estabilidade e conforto em atmosferas turbulentas, decolagem firme e breve sem necessidade de flaps e...
Located in São João da Boa Vista (SP), Octans Aircraft was founded in 2002. The company's specialty was the production of experimental aircraft, a field in which it operated until 2016. While in this category, the manufacturer delivered 240 aircraft.
In 2015, the manufacturer decided to suspend production of experimental aircraft and directed all efforts to developing its new product, the single-engine Cygnus for up to five occupants. The first prototype flew in January 2020, and the testing and certification campaign should be completed by the end of this year, freeing Octans to deliver the first devices to customers.
Seamax The Brazilian amphibious aircraft Seamax M-22 already has more than 135 units flying in more than 50 countries. It was created by designer and engineer Miguel Rosário in 1998 and made its first flight in 2001. The M-22 has capacity for two passengers, a speed of 185 km/h and a flight duration of five hours and can land on land and water. The company was created in Rio de Janeiro, but in 2015 it moved to São Paulo. With a sales focus on the foreign market, Seamax entered into a partnership with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and plans to build a factory in the United States... - See more at https://todosabordo.blogosfera.uol.com.br/ 2017/09/03/aviao-fabricante-brasileira-embraer-seamax-volato-inpaer-scoda-novaer-csa/?cmpid=copiaecola
The CAP 4A is a two-man aircraft used for primary training. It is a development of the EAY-201 “Ypiranga” (EAY – Empresa Aeronáutica Ypiranga) which first flew in 1935. In 1943, the prototype and manufacturing rights for the EAY-201 were acquired by Companhia Aeronáutica Paulista, which perfected the project and renamed it CAP-4 “Paulistinha”. This company produced a total of 777 CAP-4A aircraft from 1943 to 1948.
The example on display (registration number “PP-TJR”) flew in flying clubs until it was deactivated in 1970.
Technical specifications
Manufacturer: Companhia Aeronáutica Paulista – Brazil
Engine: Franklin 65 hp, 4 horizontally opposed cylinders
Military Designation: --
Length: 6.65 m
Wingspan: 10.1 m
Height: 1.95 m
Empty Weight: 320 kg
Maximum Speed: 155 km/h
Range: 500 km
Armament: -
Ultralight manufactured in Colombia.To talk about the history and development of the ultralight aeronautical industry in Colombia, it is inevitable not to mention the trajectory of the current WACSA, (World Aircraft Company South America), a company based in Valle del Cauca since the beginning. of the 70s and that despite the different socio-economic difficulties that the country has gone through, it has managed to maintain itself over time.
From the threat posed by the rise of drug trafficking, through periods of recession, to the plagiarism of its aircraft both here in Colombia and abroad, it has managed to adapt with the support of the recognition and quality of the more than 500 aircraft produced locally ( gyroplanes, helicopters, high and low wing aircraft). In recent months it has continued to set the tone for what an organized ultralight industry should be, through the first local aircraft certifications and the formalization of official authorization by Aerocivil as a Manufacturer of Aeronautical Products.
The present synthesis of the history of this company demonstrates the capabilities and industrial potential in aeronautics that Colombia has: WACSA biplane “Scamp” WACSA goldwing
Embraer tested an autonomous aircraft in Brazil, a Legacy 500 jet that can taxi on its own and travel along the airport runway without human interference. The project has the participation of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, which has been carrying out research on autonomous cars for more than ten years.
Strategic partnership will allow both companies to cooperate on engine development to complement EDGE's aerospace capabilities
São José dos Campos, Brazil: August 11, 2023: EDGE, one of the world's leading advanced technology and defense groups, today signed a strategic agreement with Turbomachine, one of Brazil's leading turbine developers. Turbomachine specializes in research, innovation and development of gas turbine engines and plasma-assisted combustion solutions in the aerospace domain. The agreement will allow EDGE and Turbomachine to collaborate closely on the development of engines, including turbofan and propellant fan, for EDGE's portfolio of UAVs and missiles.
The signing, which was witnessed by members of senior management from EDGE and Turbomachine, and by Vice Admiral Marco Antonio Ismael Trovão de Oliveira of the Brazilian Navy, took place at Turbomachine's headquarters in the city of São José dos Campos.
The founder of Turbo Machine explains to the followers of Canal Caiafamaster what was tested in the first flight of the Tupan 300 scale model.
In-house navigation system that avoids dependence on foreign aircraft;
Flight test with high-power conventional electric motors (not the final configuration - it is a test configuration);
Future flights should test the progression from VTOL flight to conventional cruise flight, but still with high-power electric motors (scale model).
Embraer signs advanced A-29 Super Tucano trainer contract with African client.Embraer signed a contract for the sale of four A-29 Super Tucano light attack and advanced trainer aircraft to an undisclosed customer in Africa. These aircraft will perform a wide spectrum of missions such as border surveillance, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR), close air support, counterinsurgency, and advanced flight training. The A-29 Super Tucano is an extremely versatile aircraft that is able to carry out the most challenging missions under the most demanding conditions.
The year 2024 was a milestone for Akaer. With projects that strengthened its technological leadership in the Aerospace and Defense sectors, the company reached new markets, consolidating an important projection on the global stage. At the same time, it expanded its leading role in initiatives that are fundamental to Brazil's sovereignty.
One of its main achievements was achieving the status of Tier 1 Global Supplier, a first among Brazilian companies in the aerospace sector. The qualification, which highlights Akaer's ability to develop and supply complete, highly complex systems and structures for global manufacturers, is the result of a contract with the German company Deutsche Aircraft for the production, in Brazil, of the forward fuselage of the D328eco, a 40-seat turboprop designed for regional transport, rescue missions, military operations and firefighting. The first deliveries are scheduled for 2026.
“Tier 1 status is the result of more than three decades of dedication and innovation. This achievement reflects the talent of our team, the commitment of our partners and the technical quality that defines us. We will continue to elevate Brazil's reputation in the aerospace sector”, stated Cesar Silva, CEO of Akaer.
However, this was not the group's only milestone in the international market in 2024. In December, Akaer was selected to manufacture the structure, also in Brazil, of the first Portuguese aircraft – the LUS-222, a twin-engine high-wing aircraft designed for civil and military missions. The agreement signed with EEA Aircraft and Maintenance includes the fuselage, complete wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizers and all control surfaces of the new aircraft, with production starting in 2025. This is the first time that a Brazilian company will manufacture the entire structure of a regional transport and cargo aircraft.
Strategic Partnerships
Reinforcing its long-standing partnership with Embraer, Akaer confirmed its participation in two globally relevant projects in 2024: the C-390 Millennium military freighter and the Praetor 600 executive jet, taking on the assembly of the fuel tanks for both aircraft and the POD and JAMMER pylons for the C-390 Millennium.
The company also announced the delivery of the first essential tooling for the HondaJet Echelon (HA-480) for manufacturing the aircraft's tail.
The year was also marked by progress in the HÜRJET program, with the flight of the second prototype of TAI's (Turkish Aerospace Industries) supersonic fighter. Akaer contributed to the development and detailing of the structural design, in addition to the installation of the fuselage systems, reinforcing its expertise in highly complex technological programs.
“Our commitment to excellence is what sets us apart in the market. Each project is an opportunity to raise the standard of Brazilian aerospace engineering,” stated Cesar Silva.
National Sovereignty
Akaer has reaffirmed its leading role in projects that highlight the company’s technical competence and, at the same time, reinforce Brazil’s technological autonomy and strategic capacity in the defense and aerospace sector. With cutting-edge modernization and development initiatives, the company consolidates its role as a key player in national sovereignty.
The Cascavel NG, an armored vehicle modernized by Akaer for the Brazilian Army, successfully passed the first phases of testing carried out by the corporation and was presented to the public for the first time. Equipped with state-of-the-art defense systems, such as daytime and thermal cameras, a missile launcher system, and an automated turret, the vehicle has gained agility, precision, and greater combat capability.
Also highlighting the progress made in projects carried out by Akaer, in May 2024, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) P-3AM Orion maritime patrol aircraft successfully completed its first flight after the wing modernization, conducted by the company.
The project involved the replacement of several primary elements of all wing assemblies, such as upper skins, front and rear spars, and upper and lower panels of the central boxes.
The P3 plays an important role in intelligence, surveillance, and protection of natural resources, such as pre-salt reserves, missions.
Towards space
In the space field, Akaer advanced in the VLN AKR project by obtaining the launch license and successfully completing the Preliminary Requirements Review. The initiative will place Brazil in the select group of nations with autonomy to launch satellites.
With a focus on nano and microsatellites, the launch vehicle will operate within national territory. The launch is expected to take place in the first half of 2027.
Another milestone for the Brazilian Space Program, the VCUB 1 nanosatellite released its first images of the Earth in October, taken with the OPTO 3UCAM camera, developed by Akaer. This is the first reflective camera designed and produced in Brazil and is capable of taking high-definition images of the Earth's surface – a pod
and identify objects at least 3.5 meters across from space, covering a scanning range of 14 km.
Expanding Horizons
Akaer's technological expertise transcended the aerospace sector in 2024, making its presence felt in other strategic markets, such as agribusiness. One example is the development of high-performance batteries for Solix agricultural robots, which represent a significant advance in field automation.
Using the same lithium battery technology applied in the aerospace sector, Akaer has developed solutions that meet the most rigorous quality and performance standards. Solix robots operate 24 hours a day, analyzing crops, identifying weeds and applying herbicides accurately. This level of automation reduces the use of agricultural pesticides by up to 90%, minimizing environmental impacts and optimizing costs.
The project, which integrates sustainability and innovation, also reduces carbon emissions. The robots use rechargeable batteries with solar energy, replacing machines and aircraft powered by fossil fuels.
O ano de 2024 foi um marco para a Akaer. Com projetos que fortaleceram sua liderança tecnológica nos setores Aeroespacial e de Defesa, a empresa alcançou novos mercados, consolidando uma importante projeção no cenário global. Paralelamente, ampliou seu protagonismo em iniciativas fundamentais...
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Electric aircraft maker Eve has obtained a $50 million loan from Citibank, strengthening its balance sheet and supporting the development of its "flying car," the company said on Wednesday.
Eve, controlled by Brazilian planemaker Embraer, is one of a bevy of startups worldwide developing battery-powered aircraft that can take off and land vertically to ferry travelers on short city trips, allowing them to beat traffic.
The firm expects its electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft to obtain certification and enter service in 2026, and has amassed nearly 3,000 potential orders ahead of production with potential revenue of $14.5 billion.
"Eve continues to attract new investors, a sign of the continued confidence in our strategic plan and strong customer interest in our eVTOL aircraft," Chief Financial Officer Eduardo Couto said in a statement.
The Citi loan comes on top of a credit line of $88 million that Eve secured from Brazil's state development bank BNDES earlier this month to fund the development of its first production facility in Sao Paulo state.
Following a raising of $95.6 million in new equity in July from a group of investors including Embraer and Japan's Nidec, the fresh loan pushes Eve's pro-forma liquidity to about $480 million, the company said.
The key metric stood at around $340 million at the end of the second quarter.
"The bank loan, along with existing cash and credit lines, ensures that Eve remains well capitalized with a comfortable balance sheet and one of the highest cash runways in the advanced air mobility industry," Couto said.
Eve debuted on the New York Stock Exchange in May 2022, raising around $400 million to develop and produce its eVTOL aircraft.
(Reporting by Gabriel Araujo; Editing by Sonali Paul)
Argentine designer of ultralight helicopters expands with new US division.
Augusto “Pirincho” Cicaré founded Cicaré Helicopteros in Argentina in 1972 to design ultralight helicopters. The company developed several models over the years that have sold in Argentina and international markets.
Today, the manufacturer’s small helicopters are classified in the experimental category in the United States, yet before last year, they were difficult to buy and import into the country. After attempting to acquire a Cicaré helicopter a few years ago, retired software entrepreneur Keith Barr saw an opportunity to help the company expand.
“I’d heard of these guys about 20 years ago as they were doing some amazing things with Rotax engines, but when I went to purchase [a helicopter], it was very difficult,” Barr explains. “It was part language barrier and part not having a way to represent the company in the US.”
American Expansion
Barr worked with Cicaré to help fund and operate a US-based division of the company. Reno, Nevada–based Cicaré USA, which provides import services, sales, and support for the helicopters, opened in 2023.
Cicaré USA is marketing the 51% kit-built ultralight helicopters as affordable options for people who want to purchase personal helicopters.
The US division sells three products—the Cicaré 7 line, the Cicaré 8, and the Cicaré trainer.
The Argentine Air Force is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with next generation equipment for surveillance, control, and search-and-rescue operations. The Aukán and Vigía 2B prototypes, currently in the evaluation phase, are the result of joint efforts from two bodies of the Argentine Air Force: the Directorate General for Research and Development (DGID, per its Spanish acronym) and the Center for Applied Research.
“This development project uses entirely domestic engineering,” Major General Guillermo José Alsúa, the chief of the Argentine Air Force’s UAV System Implementation Program (SART, per its Spanish acronym), told Diálogo. “Every member of the engineering team involved in the development process belongs to the Argentine Air Force.”
According to Maj. Gen. Alsúa, Aukán and Vigía 2B “are a break from the traditional concept, still seen in many air forces, that everything that flies involves a pilot or an operator in the aircraft.” The rollout of this program “reflects the Air Force’s need to change the way such weapons systems are incorporated into the institution,” he added.
“UAVs can serve as support not only for military operations, but also for community assistance and natural disaster situations,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa explained. “Aukán will operate within a tactical range of up to 150 kilometers from base,” he stated. “In turn, Vigía 2B can operate from practically any distance, regardless of the location of the base.”
Colonel César Daniel Cunietti, the assistant director of Research and Development for the Argentine Air Force, toldDiálogo that security forces, as well as different government agencies, could benefit from the real-time information drones generate. “They could be used by the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Science and Technology for example, to do different surveys, such as the progress of crops and harvests,” Col. Cunietti added.
Vigía 1 and Vigía 2A
The development process for these Argentine drones began in 2010, through a comprehensive approach between DGID and the Center for Applied Research. “The team first developed a model that was tested in a wind tunnel, which allowed for the simulation of flight conditions and to take precise measurements,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa said. From that model, the first unit, Vigía 1, was produced as a small electric prototype with a pusher configuration (with the propeller mounted behind the engine) and a V-shaped tail, he added.
Following positive results with Vigía 1, the Air Force began producing another prototype — Vigía 2A — which weighs about 840 pounds, and has a 26-foot wingspan and a 60-horsepower engine. Since its first flight in 2015, Vigía 2A continues to fly successfully. “We will keep Vigía 2A as a model to evaluate technology to test sensors, autopilot systems and communication systems that will later become part of the two prototypes to be mass-produced for the Air Force,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa stated.
Aukán: operations in the tactical environment
One such prototype is Aukán, which weighs between 200 and 220 pounds. Even though it is a Class I model (about 330 pounds or less), it has next generation equipment to train pilots who will later be flying the heavier Vigía 2B prototype.
“Aukán will initially equip the Military Aviation Academy. Given its equipment and features, it’s a good model for operations in the tactical environment,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa said. “That means that it can serve as support not only in military operations, but also in community assistance tasks, disaster situations, and logistics support, among other government functions.”
Aukán has a high-definition multi-sensor system, infrared vision and a designator to track targets in motion. With a 20-horsepower engine, it has already successfully performed several flight tests. “We’ve checked several units, and technical and budgetary issues notwithstanding, Aukán should be ready for mass production beginning in 2018,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa said.
Vigía 2B: operational tasks
The Vigía 2B prototype is even more advanced and will be certified under NATO Standardized Agreement (STANAG) 4671. Its dimensions were increased in order to end up with a vehicle that could comprehensively meet the Operational Requirements of the Air Force.
“We chose an engine over 120 horsepower, and that transformed the aircraft into a Class II heavy unit with a MTOW [maximum takeoff weight] of 2,100 pounds, which will carry the electronic systems and sensors almost of a Class III,” Maj. Gen. Alsúa explained. “In other words, it’s a heavy Class II, but with many of the capabilities that would make it a Class III.”
The Air Force plans to develop three Vigía 2B prototypes. Each will undergo different tests in flight and on the ground. The first prototype will mostly focus on in-flight testing, flight characteristics, speeds and altitudes. The second will have sensor integration, while the third will meet all of the requirements for production.
“The first prototype should be ready for ground testing by the end of this year [2017] or the beginning of next. Which means that, excluding any major issues, it could do its first flight by the middle of next year [2018],” Maj. Gen. Alsúa said. “Vigía 2B will be used for operational duties, which are the typical military duties SART teams carry out. It will also have greater capacity to cover disasters and assist communities,” he stated. “We estimate that it will end up being an aircraft with more than 15 hours of autonomy.”
Peruvian aerospace and MRO firm Seman has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to produce parts for the latter’s FA-50 light combat aircraft.
Senior Peruvian officials including the country’s president, defence minister, and service chiefs attended a signing ceremony for the agreement, says KAI.
Peruvian aerospace and MRO firm Seman has signed a memorandum of understanding with Korea Aerospace Industries to produce parts for the latter's FA-50 light combat aircraft.
Aircraft used in the training of all active duty aviators of the Brazilian Air Force
Agência Força Aérea, by Lieutenant Scarlet
The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) celebrates, this Thursday (12/05), a historic milestone with the first official flight of the modernized prototype of the T-25 Universal aircraft. The feat, carried out by the Lagoa Santa Aeronautical Material Park (PAMA LS), under the supervision of the Aeronautical and War Material Directorate (DIMAB), in partnership with the Institute for Industrial Development and Coordination (IFI) and the Institute for Research and Flight Tests (IPEV), represents the realization of visionary and dedicated work.
The Air Force Commander, Lieutenant Brigadier Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, participated in the ceremony, together with other members of the High Command, among other military personnel.
In his speech, the Air Force Commander highlighted the advantages of the modernization of the aircraft. “The inaugural flight of the T-25M, now equipped with new technologies, symbolizes the Air Force’s commitment to innovation, efficiency and, above all, to the excellent training of our future pilots. For more than five decades, the T-25 Universal has been responsible for the first flight hours of thousands of Aviators, going beyond the mission initially intended for it. The beginning of the modernization of this fleet demonstrates the ability to reinvent itself, using its own resources to ensure that our mission of serving the country is fulfilled with the highest quality. With the modernization, we will provide our Cadets with the opportunity to fly even more safely. Congratulations to all the professionals involved who, with dedication and competence, made this modernization possible”, highlighted the General Officer.
The modernization of the T-25 Universal aims to strengthen the national capacity for aeronautical development and production, providing the FAB with a state-of-the-art training aircraft for the training of the next classes of aviators, especially at the Air Force Academy (AFA).
The flight
The T-25M FAB 1880 prototype, commanded by Major Aviator Peixoto, from IPEV, and by the Commander of the Second Air Training Squadron of the AFA, Major Aviator Fernandes, performed aerial passes over the ceremony site before returning to the ground.
“Performing the first flight of the Modernized T-25 was a great honor and privilege. The excellent work of PAMA-LS was evident, which, with dedication and competence, delivered an aircraft that combines tradition and innovation. The modernization of the avionics brought greater efficiency, reliability and safety, meeting the training requirements of future Air Force Aviation Officers. The success of this project is also the result of the fundamental collaboration between IPEV and IFI, which ensured excellence in the activities carried out. Participating in this modernization, which will have a direct impact on the training of our Aviators, is a source of immense pride”, said Major Aviator Peixoto.
The aircraft was accompanied by the T-25A FAB 1833, manned by other members of the technical team. The flight validated the technological improvements incorporated, including new navigation systems and a modernized design. In addition, the new exterior paint job of the modernized fleet was revealed, developed by an AFA Cadet, in a voting process among the cadets, reinforcing the participation of the new generation of FAB military personnel. The event was also attended by military authorities, who participated in the official christening of the aircraft, marking the beginning of a new phase for the T-25 Universal. Technical team and leadership in the modernization project Under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Engineer Nelson Muta Hotta, the project was executed with great efficiency, ensuring that all technological improvements were accurately integrated into the aircraft. The team worked tirelessly to provide the FAB with an updated training platform that meets the highest standards of safety and efficiency. Modernization: Updating systems and the impact on pilot training
The modernization process of the T-25 Universal, which is now called the T-25M, includes several improvements to its structure and technology. The main objective was to increase the aircraft's operability, bringing it up to the most advanced technological standards, while at the same time remaining accessible for cadet training. Among the most significant updates are the replacement of the electrical and electronic systems, which received state-of-the-art equipment, and the complete renewal of the wiring.
The structural modification of the aircraft's instrument panel was another important point. The new configuration reduces vibration and facilitates the installation of new components, which results in an aircraft that is 50 kg lighter and, consequently, with a greater payload capacity. This update not only improves the aircraft's performance, but also contributes to operational economy, a crucial factor in
tight budgets.
Innovative Technologies: a new level for navigation and safety
The modernization project incorporated several cutting-edge technologies, such as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which ensures precise navigation, the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS), which increases safety during flight, and STORMSCOPE, which allows the identification of storms and other adverse weather conditions. The ADS-B system, which transmits position and other flight parameters in real time, was also integrated, providing greater safety and efficient communication with Air Traffic Control.
In addition, the aircraft's internal and external communication was improved with the installation of new digital systems, offering superior clarity and signal strength. The digital engine parameter monitoring system, with audiovisual speed alerts, also contributes to the safety and efficiency of flight operations.
Extending service life and reducing operating costs
The modernization process also aimed to extend the service life of the T-25. PAMA-LS now has full control over the project and can perform maintenance and upgrades internally, without relying on external support. This autonomy reduces operating costs and ensures that the FAB has greater control over the aircraft's maintenance logistics.
The Director of PAMA-LS, Air Force Colonel Valter Faria Junior, spoke about the project. “This first flight is the beginning of a development campaign that will take place throughout 2025, supported by IPEV and IFI. It is a great pleasure to participate in this moment and contribute directly to the development activity, using the combination of my logistical experience with my knowledge as a test pilot and test crew,” the Officer highlighted.
The unification of the T-25A and T-25C models into a single T-25M configuration further simplifies the supply chain and maintenance, generating significant savings. The modernization also allows the aircraft's systems to meet the highest safety standards, ensuring the continuity of pilot training with the best technology available.
Future prospects and challenges
Despite the challenges encountered during development, such as the integration of 100% in-house engineering and supply chain management, the project progressed quickly. In just 10 months, the T-25M prototype was ready for flight tests, with the test campaign scheduled to last until 2026. During this period, the aircraft will undergo approximately 60 flight hours, with performance tests and final certifications that will ensure its full suitability for operations in airspace.
The PAMA-LS team, composed of military personnel specialized in various areas, was essential to the completion of this project. The experience acquired during the process not only contributes to the FAB's autonomy in relation to the maintenance and updating of its fleet, but also sets a new standard for future Air Force aircraft modernization programs.
The new version of the Albatroz, a military drone developed by Stella Tecnologia, will be capable of carrying out missions at an altitude of 40,000 feet (approximately 12,000 meters).
This information was provided by the manufacturer's founder and CEO, Gilberto Buffara, who is participating in the BID Brasil Showcase in Brasília this week.
Originally equipped with a combustion engine, the Albatroz has been given a prototype with turbines developed with 100% national technology by Aero Concepts, Stella Tecnologia's partner in the project.
The new configuration will allow the aircraft to reach a speed of 250 km/h in critical missions that require high performance and range.
"It will be able to fly at altitudes higher than Mount Everest [the highest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas, at 8,849 meters high]", said Buffara.
The Albatroz is one of the highlights of the BID Brasil Showcase, which runs until Friday (6) at the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center. The aircraft is on display at the Aero Concepts stand, the turbine manufacturer (South Wing, S41 and S43).
On Tuesday (3), the Minister of Defense, José Múcio Monteiro, visited the space and learned about the details of the project.
The Albatroz was developed by Stella Tecnologia to transport sensors, radars and small missiles.
With a length of 4 meters and a wingspan of 7 meters, it stands out for its versatility. It can be operated on runways less than 150 meters long, including vessels, transporting loads between 6 kg and 50 kg – its maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) is 200 kg.
“The Albatroz was designed to perform missions from the Multipurpose Aircraft Carrier Atlântico, following specifications from the Brazilian Navy [which will receive the first prototype]”, stated the CEO of Stella Tecnologia.
“The aircraft’s configuration allows, for example, the inspection of long maritime and terrestrial strips. And with a small flight platform, easy to operate and transport”, he highlighted, noting that the military drone has topography sensors.
New Albatross
The new version of the aircraft was possible thanks to the partnership between Stella Tecnologia and Aero Concepts, announced in April of this year during FIDAE, an international fair held in Chile.
This is the first time that turbines developed 100% in Brazil are applied to smaller flight platforms, such as medium and large drones, a milestone in the national Defense industry.
“These are 500 newton turbines. This technology has already been used in Brazilian missiles, but had not yet been applied to an unmanned aircraft”, stated Buffara.
“For this new configuration, it was necessary to recalculate, for example, the engine consumption. The turbine is lighter and more powerful, but has a higher energy consumption than the combustion engine. The aircraft's temperature control was also adapted for this version.”
The next stage of the project is certification by ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency). Flight tests are expected to take place in early 2025.
“Since we have already received authorization for tests with the combustion engine, I believe the process will be faster. It is the same aircraft. Only the propulsion system has changed,” said the CEO of Stella Tecnologia.
“This new version of the Albatroz is also a test platform. From it, we will launch other aircraft with different applications, including loitering munitions [also known as suicide drones],” he added.
“With this same turbine, we will be able to develop versions capable of flying at up to 700 km/h.”
The Albatroz is the second largest large UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) manufactured in Brazil. The first is the Atobá, also developed by Stella Tecnologia, with 8 meters in length, 11 meters in wingspan and a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of 500 kg – due to its characteristics, it requires larger runways, 400 meters long.
About Stella Tecnologia
Founded in 2015, in Duque de Caxias (RJ), Stella Tecnologia develops large unmanned aircraft for civil and military use.
Its aeronautical projects use highly configurable, state-of-the-art resources to meet a wide range of operational requirements for tactical and strategic missions, using the best sensors and subsystems, chosen with impartiality, to compose integrated systems of extremely high performance and reliability.
About Aero Concepts
Aero Concepts is a Strategic Defense Company (EED).
It operates in the market of projects, consultancies and services in turbomachinery applied to power generation with thermal plants, control system projects and test benches for the industrial and aerospace sectors, in addition to being a manufacturer and supplier of turbine technology for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).
It is an official partner in the development and manufacture of turbines applied to propulsion systems for the FAB (Brazilian Air Force).
In the field of solid propulsion for rockets and propellants, Aero Concepts has a partnership with the Klu group
mpen working on the development, testing and production of rockets, boosters, warheads and missiles.
Founded in January 2016, it has units in Ribeirão Preto and São José dos Campos, in the State of São Paulo.
A nova versão do Albatroz, drone de perfil militar desenvolvido pela Stella Tecnologia, terá capacidade para realizar missões a 40.000 pés de altitude (cerca de 12.000 metros). A informação é do fundador e CEO da fabricante, Gilberto Buffara, que participa nesta semana da Mostra BID Brasil, em...
ATJA45-30 / TR5000
The Aero Concepts ATJA 45-30 engine, also known as TR5000, is the only joint development project for an aeronautical gas turbine established with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) under the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA). The ATJA 45-30 engine is currently sponsored by the company Aero Concepts, by the FAB/DCTA institutes such as the Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) and the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA) and also by the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP) under an agreement with the Ministry of Defense (MD) for sponsorship of projects of interest to Defense. Tailor-made for the Defense Market, the ATJA 45-30 engine has a thrust of 3,700 N (832 lbf) and is designed to fly high-performance Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), such as Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs), aerial targets and cruise missiles with a maximum take-off weight of 1,100 kg up to speeds of Mach 0.9.
As a well-established private company in the industrial power generation market, notably in consulting, design, remote monitoring and services for turbomachinery of thermal plants up to 250 MW, AERO CONCEPTS seeks partnerships worldwide to establish itself in the Defense Market by offering the complete ATJA 45-30 engine package in the context of new UAV development programs that have as their basic pillars technological independence, comprehensive technical assistance and complete logistics solutions.
Argentine Army buys RMF-200V tactical radars from INVAP
According to information provided by INVAP, the RMF-200V is a multi-mission / multi-function 3D AESA 3D short-range air defense radar with a compact and lightweight design based on state-of-the-art technology.
With a detection range of up to 200 km and more than 70 degrees of elevation coverage, it scans the entire volume in less than a second, detecting and tracking all types of targets (up to 600 targets simultaneously), including very low speed threats such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
INVAP was selected by the Argentine Army to supply three RMF-200V tactical air defense radars, which will be mounted on all-terrain vehicles. By means of Administrative Decision 1330/2022, the Argentine Ministry of Defense approved the Interadministrative Direct Contract N° 84/77-0172-CDI22 for the
On today, September 15, the Minister of Defense of the Argentine Republic, Jorge Taiana, signed the Inter-Administrative Contract for the development and provision of the Airborne POD-ISR System. The ceremony was held in the city of Bariloche, province of Rio Negro, at the INVAP facilities where part of the development of the POD-ISR is being carried out.
The signing of the contract ensures the development and provision of the Airborne POD-ISR for the Argentine Air Force, through an investment of 1.2 billion pesos. The Minister of Defense said that “it is important, because it is the recovery of material that the force had and also an achievement of a law of the Fernández government, of a fund for Defense, which allows the creation of a fund to finance the armed forces, their re-equipment and recovery of material.”
The international aircraft brand WACSA has set its sights on Costa Rica as a strategic place to sell its units to the rest of Central America and Mexico.
The company offers aircraft for tourist and executive flights, as well as a line of planes for fumigation, with affordable costs for the type of aircraft and its performance.
As part of their expansion plans in the region, they found a national company to represent them and in this case, their business partner will be Global Wings Aviation Imports, led by Perla Cheves, a Costa Rican businesswoman.
For years, Cheves has run her own real estate group dedicated to real estate investments, specifically the purchase and construction of apartments for sale and rent in the Escazú, Santa Ana and Guanacaste Province sectors.
“Entering the world of the aeronautical industry is a challenge, but having a commercial pilot in our family has allowed us to better understand the business and dare to take this step where our goal will be to sell quality, high-performance, low-cost aircraft and, above all, to provide solutions to important sectors for the region,” said Cheves.
According to estimates made by the Costa Rican company Global Wings Aviation Imports, the aircraft cost $200,000.00 and, from now on, every effort is being made to establish alliances with financial entities that allow the respective financing.
“Our aircraft will be a great option for crop spraying. They are safe units, with guaranteed quality and international recognition that will allow the agricultural sector to bet on an efficient and long-lasting product,” said Cheves.
In 2023, Colombia increased its non-mining exports to Mexico, China and Costa Rica
Two men, in a mechanic's shop, fixing a car.
Caption: Sales to Mexico were driven by the vehicle sector. US$189.6 million were exported there, an increase of 181.2%.
The vehicle sector boosted exports to Mexico. On the other hand, non-mining sales to China gained market share.
Among the top 17 main destinations for Colombian exports of non-mining energy goods, Mexico, China and Costa Rica stood out in 2023 as the three markets, in addition to Venezuela, to which this type of sales increased.
To these three markets, the country shipped US$1,954.9 million in agricultural, agroindustrial and industrial products last year, for an increase of 10.8% compared to 2022. These three markets represented 9.8% of the Colombian non-mining energy pie, in value.
Now, in volume, exports to these three destinations reached 645,684.9 tons, which represents a growth of 17.3% compared to 2022.
In the joint pie, the vehicle sector was the one that drove these sales. In the year that just ended, exports of this kind of goods to the three countries totaled US$190.6 million, which represents an increase of 178.5% compared to those of 2022. However, it should be noted that 99.5% of these vehicles were sold to Mexico.
Another product that boosted sales to these countries was unroasted coffee. In the year of analysis, exports of the grain totaled US$151.6 million, which translated into a growth of 59.7%. However, 90.5% of the grain was shipped to China.
Other soybean oils also helped push the result to these countries. The export of this product totaled US$56.2 million, an increase of 22.9% compared to 2022.
Freeze-dried coffee also stood out, with sales to Mexico, China and Costa Rica reaching US$54.6 million, with an increase of 11.8%.
They grew the most to Mexico
Of the three destinations to which this type of export grew, it was to Mexico where non-mining sales increased the most. There they reached US$1,185 million, for a positive variation of 12.5% compared to 2022, driven by car exports (US$189.6 million) that grew 181.2%.
Several factors boosted Colombian car exports to this country. According to an analysis by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, based on information from Mexican organizations, in 2023 there was a growing demand in that market for vehicles, especially for multi-use vans, which are the ones Colombia sells to China.
To China, the country shipped US$440 million in non-mining exports in 2023 for an increase of 8.4% compared to 2022. Other unroasted coffees helped boost these sales, registering an increase of 75%.
It should be noted that today this market represents 2.2% of Colombia's non-mining basket.
And in 2023, a total of US$329.8 million was exported to Costa Rica, which translated into a growth of 7.8%. Sales were driven by the airplane and other aircraft sector, since from not exporting in 2022, US$21.2 million worth of this type of merchandise was sold last year. This was followed by perfumes and toilet waters, of which US$6.4 million were exported for a growth of 20.9%.
Akaer and FAdeA sign strategic partnership for innovation in the aerospace sector
Ricardo Fan
August 15, 2024
Aviation, Brazil - Argentina
Akaer and FAdeA sign strategic partnership for innovation in the aerospace sector
Akaer, a global leader in aerospace and defense solutions, and FAdeA, an Argentine company specializing in aeronautical products, have signed a collaboration agreement to explore new opportunities in joint projects, ranging from the development of advanced technologies to the production of aerostructures and cutting-edge engineering services.
The agreement, signed under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), establishes as its main focus cooperation in strategic projects such as the joint development of new manufacturing technologies and assemblies of structural parts and aeronautical subassemblies, including automation systems and robots.
The strategic collaboration also includes the development of engineering services aimed at modifications, conversions and upgrades of civil and military aircraft.
“The combination of forces between Akaer and FAdeA represents a strategic alliance that has the potential to generate significant technological advances and strengthen the competitiveness of both companies in the international market,” stated Akaer CEO Cesar Silva.
Basis of the agreement
Through this agreement, Akaer and FAdeA agree to combine their skills and resources to develop joint projects.
Akaer will take on product development, final assembly and interaction with customers, while FAdeA will focus on manufacturing parts and subassemblies.
Akaer will also develop engineering services that can be performed by FAdeA at its facilities, expanding the technical capabilities of both companies.
The companies also plan to collaborate in the training of specialized workers in engineering and mechanics, ensuring the strengthening and expansion of their technical teams.
“Akaer is confident in the potential of this partnership, which will certainly contribute to the sustainable growth of both companies, leveraging our experience and capacity for innovation,” highlighted Cesar Silva.
About FAdeA
Founded in 1927, Fábrica Argentina de Aviones (FAdeA) is one of the oldest aircraft companies in Latin America.
Located in Córdoba, FAdeA specializes in the production, maintenance and modernization of military and civil aircraft.
Throughout its almost 100-year history, the company has distinguished itself by manufacturing iconic aircraft, such as the Pampa III.
With approximately 750 employees, FAdeA plays a strategic role in Argentina's defense sector, also contributing to the export of aeronautical technologies.
About Akaer
With 32 years of experience, Akaer is an international reference in cutting-edge engineering for the Defense and Aerospace sectors.
It has actively participated in more than 50 world-renowned aircraft projects, such as the KC-390 freighter, the Gripen E fighter and the Hürjet supersonic jet.
Earlier this year, it became the first Brazilian company in the aerospace sector to qualify as a Tier 1 Global Supplier thanks to an innovative contract with the German company Deutsche Aircraft to manufacture the front fuselage of the sustainable D328eco aircraft.
Akaer is based in São José dos Campos (SP) and has sales offices in Portugal and Turkey.
A Akaer, referência global em soluções aeroespaciais e de Defesa, e a FAdeA, empresa argentina especializada em produtos aeronáuticos, firmaram um acordo de colaboração para explorar novas oportunidades em projetos conjuntos, que vão desde o desenvolvimento de tecnologias avançadas até a...
The Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, delivered this Thursday a new Pampa III Block II aircraft to the Argentine Air Force (FAA), built at the Argentine Aircraft Factory Brigadier San Martín (Fadea).
The aircraft was delivered in the city of Córdoba, where the factory is located, in the framework of an event that took place on Thursday morning.
The new Pampa III is the AV-1035, an aircraft that received the A-710 registration and will be destined for Tandil.
This unit will be followed by the Pampa III AV-1036 and AV-1037, which have different degrees of progress, reported Zona Militar.
The president of Fadea, Mirta Iriondo, also participated in the activity, who together with Minister Taiana signed a contract for the development of an unmanned aerial system for the Argentine Army.
The Minister of Defense, Jorge Taiana, delivered this Thursday a new Pampa III Block II aircraft to the Argentine Air Force (FAA), built at the Argentine Aircraft Factory Brigadier San Martín (Fadea).
The aircraft was delivered in the city of Córdoba, where the factory is located, in the framework of an event that took place on Thursday morning.
The new Pampa III is the AV-1035, an aircraft that received the A-710 registration and will be destined for Tandil.
This unit will be followed by the Pampa III AV-1036 and AV-1037, which have different degrees of progress, reported Zona Militar.
The president of Fadea, Mirta Iriondo, also participated in the activity, who together with Minister Taiana signed a contract for the development of an unmanned aerial system for the Argentine Army.
Among other activities, the functionality of the IA-58 Pucará Fénix cabin modernization was presented and a contract was signed for the purchase of 5 wing structural assemblies (shipset) for serial re-engineering.
First Pampa III Block II manufactured entirely in Fadea
The Pampa III Block II is the first to be manufactured entirely in the Fadea plant.
In April 2022, a modernized IA63 Pampa III aircraft was delivered to the FAAA at the same plant and in 2019, another aircraft. Four other aircraft had already been made available previously.
Pampa III Block II. (Photo: Courtesy of G.P.)
Pampa III Block II. (Photo: Courtesy of G.P.)
Pampa III Block II
The IA-63 Pampa III Block II is a true milestone for Fadea.
The two Pampa III prototypes, the EX-03 and EX-04, were modified to integrate the main component of the aforementioned block: Elbit's Embedded Virtual Avionics, a system that not only allows communication between the HOTAS, MFD, HUD and ADC of the Pampa III, generating a high-fidelity simulation of advanced avionics, sensors and weapons, but also increases capabilities within multi-participant training thanks to data-link compatibility.
En el acto, en la Fábrica Argentina de Aviones, con sede en Córdoba, se expuso también la funcionalidad de la modernización de cabina del IA-58 Pucará Fénix.
The Argentine Ministry of Defense, together with the country’s Air Force, has launched the testing of a new Dardo 3 stand-off bomb.
Aircraft mechanic Jorge Mendez published photos from the tests.
The published photos show an IA-63 Pampa III B2 combat trainer aircraft from the Flight Test Center carrying a Dardo 3 stand-off bomb.
Officially, the new type of weapon is called a cruise missile, but the sample itself is equipped with a jet engine and a folding wing, which, according to official information, allows the product to fly about 200 km
The new product is based on the 227 kg Mk.82 US aircraft bomb, which was installed in a folding wing body and, in the Dardo 3 version, received a jet engine to significantly increase the range.
The Dardo 3 has a length of 2.6 meters and a maximum diameter of 400 mm, which allows it to be used from light fighter jets and training aircraft.
Guidance is provided by an inertial system, GPS, and an infrared camera at the final stage of flight. In addition, depending on the version, it is possible to install additional guidance systems or various warheads, non-contact detonators, etc.
It should be noted that Dardo is a family of aerial bombs, represented by Dardo 1, Dardo2C, and Dardo 3 versions with a range of 40, 60, and 200 km, respectively. In addition, Dardo is a product of the family of munitions known as FAS:
FAS-260 – concrete-busting penetration
FAS-280 – a high-explosive fragmentation version
FAS-250 – with ENEAS 08V proximity fuze and ECEAS 08RV tail fuze
La Empresa Nacional de Aeronáutica de Chile (Enaer) y su filial DTS están próximas a entregar a la Fuerza Aérea de Chile (FACh) el cuarto avión de apoyo al combate Lockheed Martin C-130 Herc ...
HOW IS A HELICOPTER MADE? We visited HELIBRAS, THE ONLY FACTORY in the Southern Hemisphere
Helibras has delivered the aircraft, acquired for medical emergency missions, to the Military Fire Department of the state of Minas Gerais
Helibras, a Brazilian subsidiary of Airbus that specializes in the aerospace and defense-related services segments, has delivered two H145 helicopters to the Military Fire Department of Minas Gerais (CBMMG), for medical emergency missions. These are the first five-blade H145s in Brazil for public services and have advanced equipment.
The medical setup was provided by Air Ambulance Technology and includes three oxygen cylinders, a lung ventilator, two infusion pumps, a cardiac defibrillator with a multiparameter monitor, two stretchers for transporting adult or pediatric patients, and a neonatal incubator, when configured for neonatal transport.
In addition to being able to transport an extra 150kg of payload and lower vibration levels, the fifth rotor blade makes the H145 quieter in the air, benefiting patients and crew.
The H145 is designed to provide mission capability and flexibility, especially at high altitudes and in hot operating conditions. The acquisition of the helicopters by the Minas Gerais Health Department and CBMMG is to further strengthen the emergency rescue system, bringing state-of-the-art technology to ensure more speed and efficiency in search and rescue operations.
Swiss air rescue provider Rega recently received delivery of the first of a fleet of 21 new Airbus H145 D3 helicopters.
China proposes use of Alcântara Base: rumor or reality?
Ricardo Fan
January 16, 2025
Aviation, Brazil - China, China Power, CLBI, Defense, Chinese Expansion, Geopolitics, Hybrid Geopolitics, Latin Hybrid Wars
China proposes use of Alcântara Base: rumor or reality?
Controversial proposal raises doubts and reflects global disputes
Ricardo Fan
Amid rumors and debates, China's alleged interest in the Alcântara Base raises questions of sovereignty, technology and international pressures. In recent days, a piece of information has been gaining prominence on news portals (MSN): China has reportedly offered Brazil an agreement involving the donation of Chengdu J-10 fighter jets — modern multi-role fighters — in exchange for access to the Alcântara Launch Center (CLA), in Maranhão. However, the veracity and viability of this proposal remain under debate, surrounded by speculation and uncertainty.
What is the Alcântara Base?
The CLA is a strategic infrastructure for space launches, widely recognized for its location close to the equator. This advantage allows for fuel savings in satellite launches, making it one of the most attractive locations for space activities in the world.
Since 2019, Brazil has had a technological safeguards agreement with the United States, which regulates the use of the base. This agreement prevents countries that are not signatories to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), such as China, from using the CLA infrastructure. Thus, the very existence of this treaty would be a significant obstacle to the implementation of any Chinese proposal.
The rumor about the agreement with China
The information was also reported by the MSN Notícias portal, which highlights that China would be interested in establishing partnerships that would allow the use of the Alcântara Base. According to the publication, the objective would be to expand its space presence in Latin America, with possible agreements involving military technologies and resources. The article points out that this move reflects the growing dispute between China and the United States for influence in the region.
Information about the Chinese proposal was published on portals such as Click Petróleo e Gás, which claim that the Asian giant intends to expand its space influence in Latin America. The supposed counterpart would be the modernization of the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) through the donation of Chengdu J-10 fighter jets.
However, analysts from the defense press suggest that this information is nothing more than a rumor, considering the history of diplomatic relations between Brazil, China and the United States. In addition, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) has focused its efforts on integrating Saab Gripen fighter jets, acquired from Sweden, as a central element of its fleet modernization program, which makes an abrupt change of direction unlikely in this context.
How Donald Trump’s return to power could influence
With Donald Trump re-elected as president of the United States and set to take office on January 20, the political context could directly influence any debate on the use of the Alcântara Base by third countries. During his first term, Trump adopted a tough stance towards China, including protectionist measures and technological sanctions. A possible return of Trump to power could intensify pressure on Brazil to maintain alignment with US interests.
The technological safeguards agreement was approved in 2019, during the government of Jair Bolsonaro, who maintained a close relationship with the US. Under Trump, surveillance over the use of the base and its implications for US national security would likely be tightened, further limiting the possibility of collaborations with China.
Although the Chinese proposal raises questions about the expansion of its geopolitical influence in the region, its viability faces significant barriers, such as the current agreement with the United States and the FAB’s own priorities. To date, there has been no official confirmation from the Brazilian or Chinese governments about the existence of this agreement, which reinforces the possibility that it is just a rumor.
Whatever the truth, the case highlights the strategic importance of the CLA on the international stage and its status as a critical asset in the power struggles between China and the United States. Brazil, therefore, will continue to be a point of attention on the global geopolitical board.
Proposta polêmica levanta dúvidas e reflete disputas globais Ricardo Fan Entre rumores e debates, o suposto interesse da China na Base de Alcântara traz à tona questões de soberania, tecnologia e pressões internacionais. Nos últimos dias, uma informação tem ganhado destaque em portais de...
Uruguayan Air Force Purchases Five Embraer A-29 Super Tucanos by Converting Options into Firm Orders
Ricardo Fan
January 16, 2025
Latin America, Aviation, Featured, EMBRAER
Uruguayan Air Force Purchases Five Embraer A-29 Super Tucanos by Converting Options into Firm Orders
Uruguay Becomes Sixth Nation to Operate the A-29 in South America
Embraer (NYSE: ERJ/B3: EMBR3) announced today that the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU) and the Ministry of National Defense (MDN) of Uruguay have converted purchase options for five A-29 Super Tucano aircraft into firm orders. The agreement is part of a commitment signed in August 2024, when the FAU announced a firm order for one aircraft, in addition to the options that have now been converted. The agreement also includes mission equipment, integrated logistics services and a flight simulator. The contract is part of a fleet renewal program to expand the FAU’s operational capabilities.
“The relationship between Embraer and the Uruguayan Air Force has been growing, and we are particularly pleased to announce this agreement in the year that we celebrate 50 years since Embraer's first export contract to Uruguay,” said Bosco da Costa Junior, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security. “We are ready to offer the best multi-mission aircraft to the FAU, as well as all our support to increase its operational readiness and enhance its capabilities to perform strategic missions, such as border surveillance.”
“The acquisition of the A-29 Super Tucano and the flight simulator will provide Uruguay with airspace defense capabilities and is part of the government's commitment to renew the materials and equipment of our Armed Forces to fulfill the missions assigned to them,” said Uruguayan Minister of National Defense, Armando Castaingdebat.
“This acquisition gives us a technological boost and, by concluding the A-29 acquisition process, allows us to face, together with Embraer, the new paradigms of regional security,” said the Commander of the Uruguayan Air Force, General Luis H. De Leon.
With Uruguay and the recent acquisition of the first A-29 in NATO configuration (A-29N) by Portugal, the A-29 Super Tucano now has 20 operators worldwide, with more than 290 orders. The number of air forces operating the A-29 Super Tucano is constantly growing due to its unmatched combination of capabilities, making it the most economical, accessible and versatile choice.
For air forces seeking a proven, comprehensive, efficient, reliable and cost-effective solution in a single platform, combined with great operational flexibility, the A-29 Super Tucano offers a wide range of missions, such as Tactical Air Support (CAS), Air Patrol, Special Operations, Air Interdiction, JTAC Training, Forward Air Controller (FAC), Air and Tactical Coordinator (TAC), Armed ISR, Border Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR), Air Escort, Basic, Operational and Advanced Pilot Training, Transition to Air Superiority Fighters, JTAC/LIFT Training and FAC.
Akaer selected to produce the structures of the LUS-222 aircraft
Ricardo Fan
December 6, 2024
Aviation, Transport Aviation
Akaer selected to produce the structures of the LUS-222 aircraft
Akaer, a leading Brazilian company in innovation in the areas of Defense and Aerospace, was selected by the Portuguese company EEA Aircraft and Maintenance, S.A. to produce the structures of the LUS-222 aircraft.
Akaer will be responsible for manufacturing, in Brazil, the fuselage, complete wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizers and also all of the aircraft's control surfaces.
The LUS-222 is a light regional aircraft, developed for civil and military uses, for the global market. The LUS-222 Program is led by EEA Aircraft and Maintenance and has the participation of several companies in the Portuguese aeronautical ecosystem, with support from the country's Air Force and the Government of Portugal.
Akaer will be the first Brazilian company to supply the entire structure of a regional transport and cargo aircraft. Production will take place in São José dos Campos (SP) from the first quarter of 2025. The first flight of the LUS-222 is scheduled for 2027.
“We are very pleased to have been able to create this partnership with Akaer for the manufacture of the aerostructures for the LUS-222 aircraft. Portugal and Brazil have a very successful partnership history in the aeronautical sector, especially with the KC-390 Program, in which the Brazilian industry, with the help of Portuguese partners, developed an aircraft that was integrated by the Portuguese Air Force. We may now be able to replicate this in reverse with the LUS-222 aircraft, led by EEA Aircraft and Maintenance, with Akaer as a partner and who knows, in the future, with the Brazilian Air Force and other civil operators from the huge country of Brazil as end users,” said Miguel Braga, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EEA Aircraft and Maintenance.
“We are proud to be part of this project. This is a significant achievement that highlights Akaer's technical capacity to develop and supply complete aeronautical structures and systems integration, which strengthens our relevant global Tier 1 position”, stated Cesar Silva, CEO of the company.
The aircraft
The LUS-222 is a twin-engine, high-wing aircraft with a rear cargo door. It has the capacity to transport 19 passengers or up to 2,000 kg of cargo, and can be used in military, search and rescue, transport and regional aviation missions.
Its ability to operate on short, unpaved runways makes it ideal for remote and difficult-to-access regions, offering an efficient solution for various types of operations.
The aircraft has a range of over 2,000 km and can reach a speed of up to 370 km/h.
Who will now become the launch operator for Embraer’s E-Freighters?
Astral Aviation, Africa's only all-cargo airline headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, has decided to postpone the acquisition of two E190F aircraft from Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC). The airline had originally signed the agreement with NAC to become the launch operator of Embraer's passenger-to-freighter (P2F) converted aircraft. However, Astral revised its decision in October 2023. “We don’t have any immediate plans for the E190F and may re-consider our position in the future, as the value-proposition for the E190F no longer meets our fleet strategy for the intra-African market,” Sanjeev Gadhia, founder & CEO of Astral Aviation, told The STAT Trade Times when reached out for a confirmation. In July 2022, at the Farnborough International Airshow, NAC, the world’s largest regional aircraft leasing company, signed a memorandum of understanding to place the first two E190Fs with Astral Aviation. This happened a few months after the Brazilian aerospace company made the decision to enter the air freight market with the launch of the E190F and E195F P2F programme, known as E-Freighters. Embraer was quick to get NAC on board to be the launch lessor for up to 10 E190F/E195F with first deliveries starting in 2024. Aircraft for conversion were expected to come from NAC’s existing E190/E195 fleet.
The partnership between EDGE and the Brazilian Navy continues to strengthen, delivering promising advancements like the MANSUP anti-ship surface missile.
With the board of directors of the National Commission for Space Activities (Conae) not having met since last year, the science and technology authorities announced unofficially that they have decided to replace the board of directors of Veng, the subsidiary in charge of the development of the Tronador II and other aerospace applications, as well as the operation of Argentine Earth observation satellites in orbit.
This restructuring of CONAE and its subsidiary Veng is great news for the Argentine aerospace sector. The new authorities, headed by a team of highly qualified experts, are coming with the mission of transforming and modernizing the country's space sector.
Previously, Veng's board consisted of its president, Marcos Actis, its vice president, Leonardo Comes Penalva, and Guillermo David Benito, a representative of Invap, as titular director.
The new replacements would be Roberto Yasielski, director of the Space Systems Engineering program at the National University of San Martín, as president; Leonardo Comes would continue as vice president; and Martín Suárez Gazzero (from CNEA), Julio Manco (lawyer and member of the board of the Argentine Aircraft Factory) and Mariano Luna (from the University of San Andrés) would occupy the positions of directors.
This group of leaders with vast experience in the area have a renewed focus on promoting privatizations and strategic projects, such as Tronador II and other projects, taking the Argentine industry to the next level.
Veng, founded in the late 1990s but which began operating in 2007, has a team of 463 highly qualified engineers, technicians and scientists.
Con el directorio de la Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (Conae) sin haberse reunido desde el año pasado, las autoridades del &aacut...
The National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE), with the participation of the company VENG, has made progress in a new milestone in the development of the Tronador II project, the Argentine launcher that will allow 500-kilogram satellites to be put into orbit at a distance of 600 kilometers from Earth. The manufacture of the thrust chamber of the RS-2 engine was recently completed, which is being carried out for the first time in the country using cutting-edge technology, combining additive manufacturing, in line with the main space agencies in the world.
The manufacturing was carried out on the RS-2 engine prototype, to validate the technology, at the facilities of the Teófilo Tabanera Space Center, in Falda del Carmen, province of Córdoba, within the framework of the Tronador Project Propulsion Development Plan, of the ISCUL Program (Satellite Injector for Light Payloads). In the coming months, a similar but larger part is expected to be manufactured using the same technology for the second stage engine of the Tronador II, called RS-3, with a thrust of three tons.
“With this achievement, we have finished developing additive manufacturing technology and manufactured the first regenerative chamber completely developed in Argentina with this technique, using a 3D printer and electrodeposition,” explained Brian Parola, deputy manager of Injector Vehicles, of the CONAE Space Access Management. “This is an important milestone in the development of the manufacturing technology for the propulsion of the Tronador project and demonstrates the mastery of the capacity to manufacture a functional regenerative chamber for the Tronador II launcher,” he said.
The 3D printer can manufacture a part with any type of geometry starting from a metal powder as raw material. “Using a laser, the machine creates the part layer by layer, which is why it is additive,” said Sergio La Ganga, responsible for Manufacturing for Space Access at CONAE.
En el centro espacial en Córdoba, la CONAE finalizó el desarrollo de la tecnología de manufactura aditiva, a la vanguardia de las agencias espaciales del mundo, que permitió fabricar la primera cámara de empuje regenerativa en la Argentina con esta metodología. Con este logro se avanza en el...
In the city of Maracay, in the Venezuelan state of Aragua, just over 100 kilometers from Caracas, the National Aeronautical Company S.A. (Eansa) presents its center for the design, research and production of aircraft, with which it seeks greater aerospace independence.
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