Some Future Titles of Interest for SPF Members

Coming in Feb 23:



This is a stand-alone, Special Edition publication and is not part of their Detail & Scale nor Colors & Markings Series. It is basically a reprint of the 2006 book the authors published through Specialty Press as "F-117 Stealth Fighter Photo Scrapbook" that has been out of print for many years.
I can see why they are reprinting this. The original "Scrapbook" is going for $160 on Amazon.



About the Author

Chapter 1: Curtiss-Wright and Its Whirlwinds

Chapter 2: Pratt & Whitney: The Wasp and Hornet

Chapter 3: The Wright Cyclone and the Flying Fortress

Chapter 4: Wright’s Remarkable R-1830 Twin Wasp

Chapter 5: Round Engines at Douglas: Round One

Chapter 6: Military Applications of Smaller Round Engines

Chapter 7: The Wasp and the Texan

Chapter 8: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 9: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Single-Engine Bombers

Chapter 10: Single-Engine Fighters and the Double Wasp

Chapter 11: The Double Wasp in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 12: The Superfortress and the Duplex Cyclone

Chapter 13: Military R-3350s: Beyond the Superfortress

Chapter 14: The Wasp Major: The Ultimate Round Engine




About the Author

Chapter 1: Curtiss-Wright and Its Whirlwinds

Chapter 2: Pratt & Whitney: The Wasp and Hornet

Chapter 3: The Wright Cyclone and the Flying Fortress

Chapter 4: Wright’s Remarkable R-1830 Twin Wasp

Chapter 5: Round Engines at Douglas: Round One

Chapter 6: Military Applications of Smaller Round Engines

Chapter 7: The Wasp and the Texan

Chapter 8: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 9: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Single-Engine Bombers

Chapter 10: Single-Engine Fighters and the Double Wasp

Chapter 11: The Double Wasp in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 12: The Superfortress and the Duplex Cyclone

Chapter 13: Military R-3350s: Beyond the Superfortress

Chapter 14: The Wasp Major: The Ultimate Round Engine

For Americans, at least, it's on sale at a reduced price on the Specialty Press website.



About the Author

Chapter 1: Curtiss-Wright and Its Whirlwinds

Chapter 2: Pratt & Whitney: The Wasp and Hornet

Chapter 3: The Wright Cyclone and the Flying Fortress

Chapter 4: Wright’s Remarkable R-1830 Twin Wasp

Chapter 5: Round Engines at Douglas: Round One

Chapter 6: Military Applications of Smaller Round Engines

Chapter 7: The Wasp and the Texan

Chapter 8: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 9: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Single-Engine Bombers

Chapter 10: Single-Engine Fighters and the Double Wasp

Chapter 11: The Double Wasp in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 12: The Superfortress and the Duplex Cyclone

Chapter 13: Military R-3350s: Beyond the Superfortress

Chapter 14: The Wasp Major: The Ultimate Round Engine

When I see something like Chapter 4, it makes ne wonder about the rest of the book. :(



About the Author

Chapter 1: Curtiss-Wright and Its Whirlwinds

Chapter 2: Pratt & Whitney: The Wasp and Hornet

Chapter 3: The Wright Cyclone and the Flying Fortress

Chapter 4: Wright’s Remarkable R-1830 Twin Wasp

Chapter 5: Round Engines at Douglas: Round One

Chapter 6: Military Applications of Smaller Round Engines

Chapter 7: The Wasp and the Texan

Chapter 8: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 9: The Wright Twin Cyclone in Single-Engine Bombers

Chapter 10: Single-Engine Fighters and the Double Wasp

Chapter 11: The Double Wasp in Twin-Engine Bombers

Chapter 12: The Superfortress and the Duplex Cyclone

Chapter 13: Military R-3350s: Beyond the Superfortress

Chapter 14: The Wasp Major: The Ultimate Round Engine

When I see something like Chapter 4, it makes ne wonder about the rest of the book.
Just got the book and I like it a lot. The only apparent error in Chapter 4 is in the title. It really covers the engines and their ancillaries and mountings more than the rest of the aircraft. Lots of diagrams from the manuals, showing not only whole engines but also their subassemblies and components, including quite a few cross-section cutaways. And it covers the entire history of radial-engined military aircraft in the U.S., not just WW II and not just combat aircraft. In particular there is quite a bit of footage on the Hughes flying boat, which was originally intended for the military.
Eject! Eject!

New book for May 2023 from John Nichol with interviews with aircrew who know exactly how it feels to eject from an aircraft at high speed, both in peace and in war. Also traces seat development since the 1940's.

Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK (May 25, 2023)
Length: 400 pages (Hardback)
ISBN-13: 9781398509405


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This is a stand-alone, Special Edition publication and is not part of their Detail & Scale nor Colors & Markings Series. It is basically a reprint of the 2006 book the authors published through Specialty Press as "F-117 Stealth Fighter Photo Scrapbook" that has been out of print for many years.

I just received my copy through Amazon, it looks pretty good. Some rare photos in there.
'British Aircraft Carriers 1945–2010' by Angus Konstam, available 27 April.

'Elizabeth’s Navy, Seventy Years of the Postwar Royal Navy' by Paul Brown, available 13 April.
With the demise of the Haynes Manuals the Osprey series have become more important than ever.
They have their limits in format and number of pages but are usually well worth buying.
Like the Haynes Manuals some can be found at much lower prices but the interesting ones often go up in price when they are out of print.
I just hope it dosen't get delayed. One book featured in this thread I had my eye on from Helion and Company was slated to come out in October, but has been delayed to May.

Another one featuring the story of Turkey's UAV programs also was originally set to be published last fall but will not come out until at least April.

This book on the F-111 by Crecy has also been continuously delayed.


if someone adopts book about USA Trainer Aircraft,for example from 1935 (BT-1)
up to 1990 or 1980 ?,and all the competitions in it.
Two great books,one of them was enformed to me by my dear James Davilla;

- American Military Training Aircraft: Fixed and Rotary-Wing Trainers Since 1916

- The C-5 Galaxy History: Crushing Setbacks, Decisive Achievements


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F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning II Hardcover – July 18, 2023​

The F-35 has changed allied combat warfare. But by the time it’s completed, it will cost more than the Manhattan Project and the B-2 Stealth Bomber. It has been subject to the most aggressive cyberattacks in history from China, Russia, North Korea, and others. Its stealth technology required nearly 9 million lines of code; NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover required 2.5 million. And it was this close to failure.

F-35 is the only inside look at the most advanced aircraft in the world and the historic project that built it, as told by those who were intimately involved in its design, testing, and production. It pulls back the curtain on one of the most heavily criticized government programs in history from start to finish: the dramatic flights that won Lockheed Martin the contract over Boeing; the debates and decisions over capabilities; feats of software, hardware, and aeronautical engineering that made it possible; how the project survived the Nunn-McCurdy breach; the conflicts among all three branches of the U.S. military, between the eight other allied nation partners, and against spy elements from enemies.

For readers of Skunk Works by Ben Rich and The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes, F-35 will pique the interest of airplane enthusiasts, defense industry insiders, military history aficionados, political junkies, and general nonfiction readers.


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F-35: The Inside Story of the Lightning II Hardcover – July 18, 2023​

The F-35 has changed allied combat warfare. But by the time it’s completed, it will cost more than the Manhattan Project and the B-2 Stealth Bomber. It has been subject to the most aggressive cyberattacks in history from China, Russia, North Korea, and others. Its stealth technology required nearly 9 million lines of code; NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover required 2.5 million. And it was this close to failure.

F-35 is the only inside look at the most advanced aircraft in the world and the historic project that built it, as told by those who were intimately involved in its design, testing, and production. It pulls back the curtain on one of the most heavily criticized government programs in history from start to finish: the dramatic flights that won Lockheed Martin the contract over Boeing; the debates and decisions over capabilities; feats of software, hardware, and aeronautical engineering that made it possible; how the project survived the Nunn-McCurdy breach; the conflicts among all three branches of the U.S. military, between the eight other allied nation partners, and against spy elements from enemies.

For readers of Skunk Works by Ben Rich and The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes, F-35 will pique the interest of airplane enthusiasts, defense industry insiders, military history aficionados, political junkies, and general nonfiction readers.

At last a proper book about the inside story of the history of the F-35, will be interesting to see if there is any information about the RAF/Royal Navy participation.

Product description
  • ISBN: 9781800352896
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Dimensions: 303mm x 226mm
  • Pages: 224
  • Photos/Illus: Approx. 300 images
  • This product will be in stock on Friday 31. March, 2023.
The new F-35 book looks to be interesting. Some info on the authors:

Tom Burbage was the Executive Vice President and General Manager of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program. In that position, he led the Concept Demonstration Phase and Lockheed Martin’s competitive selection as the Prime Contractor in October 2001. He then led the first decade of the program design, development, test and production. Prior to his assignment on the F-35, he led the F-22 Raptor development program and was the President of the Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Company. Before joining Lockheed Martin, Tom was a Naval Aviator, completing the US Navy Test Pilot School and accumulating more than 3,000 flight hours in 38 different types of military aircraft. He received a bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering from the US Naval Academy and holds master's degrees in Aeronautical Systems from the University of West Florida and Business Administration from UCLA.

Betsy Clark has had a front-row seat to the F-35 Program and has watched it evolve over the past 12 years. She first became involved as a member of a review team from the US Department of Defense in 2010 and has participated in eight additional reviews, providing independent advice to the Australian Defense Department on the status of the program. Betsy began her career in 1979 after earning her doctorate in cognitive psychology. Betsy has spent the past 35 years studying large, complex software development projects and has reviewed countless defense projects in the US and Australia.

Adrian Pitman was the Director of Acquisition Engineering Improvement in the Australian Defence Materiel Organization (DMO when he was tasked in 2011 to lead an independent Australian review of the F-35 Program prior to Australia formally committing to buy the first 14 of 100 F-35 aircraft. Adrian subsequently participated in a total of nine F-35 reviews, up until 2015. Adrian has spent 55 years of military service in the Royal Australian Air Force and the Australian Department of Defence. Over this time, he has worked or been associated with, five generations of British, French and USA jet fighter aircraft operated by the Royal Australian Air Force.
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