Some Future Titles of Interest for SPF Members

My latest book, due to be published by The Crowood Press in a couple of months (fingers crossed!):


"Autocannon is a comprehensive history of the development of automatic cannon and their ammunition from the end of the nineteenth century up to the present day. A brief history of their development is followed by sections examining the basic principles of gun and ammunition design, including various unconventional systems. Next comes a survey of cartridges in calibre order, from 20mm to 57mm, including not only ammunition that has seen service, but also a wide range of experimental types. Finally there is a survey of the cannon, grouped by nationality, which again includes many experimental models. The book includes data on about 200 different cartridges and 400 cannon, and has nearly 500 illustrations. It is the culmination of decades of research, and is unmatched in its coverage of this subject."
- Encyclopedia of French Military Aircraft 1919-1945
Small announcing only,

work is in progress,I almost done the letters "A" & "B" from main Chapter.

Anther small announcing,

I almost finish the book,waiting review,and a BIG SURPRISE,my dear
James Davilla participates in the book,with his mighty experience in
this field,to become it's our book,we do the best for you,it's completely
a miracle.

It's enough to say,from the letter A to D only; we put more than 500 Projects.
I heard from one of the people involved with the book Kauz Night Fighters. It is about 10 weeks away from release.

Seems rather expensive for 116 pages;



Seems rather expensive for 116 pages;


Morton books for the Westland one so might end up longer. Orionblamblam’s B-52 book ended up longer than originally advertised.

Osprey for Chobham one. Really enjoyed William Suttie‘s Tank Factory so will be getting this one!

Seems rather expensive for 116 pages;


There was a link on this board a while back to an 80 or so page journal article by those two called 'Westland and the Attack Helicopter: From Lynx to Apache'.

Still valid

"This book was written to redress this imbalance and tell the true story behind the development and operational deployment of the world’s first high-speed strategic reconnaissance aircraft, which began 6,000 miles further east and four years prior to the momentous events in Europe, under the guidance of the Imperial Japanese Army and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co Ltd. Faced with similar preconceptions, technical arguments, and a very rigid operational doctrine, the Mitsubishi Babs was developed during a brief golden aeronautical period (between the mid 1930s and early 1940s), when the Japanese aircraft industry flourished under constant military aircraft competitions and production orders. Free from prying eyes and shrouded within a self-imposed veil of secrecy, the Japanese developed numerous designs that were equal to and in some cases ahead of contemporary Western manufacturers.

This book is the most comprehensive on the “Babs” yet published in English, with numerous photographs of the aircraft in service, several of which have never been published before, walkaround photographs of the preserved aircraft, illustrations from contemporary manuals, and color artwork".

Mitsubishi Babs Vol I

Authors: Giuseppe Picarella, Showzow Abe

Illustrator: Giuseppe Picarella

ISBN 9788366549739

Format: A4 HB, 192 pages (192 in colour)
I imagine it will be an expanded and corrected version of the article.

Expensive for an extra 30 or so pages.......
Depends on the size of the pages. 116 pages in Bookazine format is a lot longer than that article for example.

If it reaches print it will be around 300 pages in length. It was originally based on the article but has since been massively expanded. No idea where that price on Amazon came from. It won't be that expensive, although I can't give a final price just yet.
Now that is one I definitely will buy.
I have it and am reading. I was amazed to find out that the Folgore took 20,000 man-hours to build, which is three or four times what the Bf109 took. Then I saw drawings of the wing structure and much became apparent; every rib is assembled from multiple (10 or more) individual parts riveted together and this is going to really require a lot of man-hours. Still, a most fascinating book.

This work follows up on author Michael Fröhlich's book on Porsche's massive "Maus" tank and describes the firm's other armored vehicle designs, with special emphasis on the VK 4501 (P) Tiger prototype and the "Ferdinand" tank destroyer. VK 4501 was the designation for the prototypes competing to be what would become the Panzer VI "Tiger." Porsche's concept used a novel gasoline/electric hybrid power plant, but the Tiger contract eventually went to Henschel. Through details on the Tiger trials at the Verskraft proving ground, readers will gain insight into the armament procurement process in the Third Reich.

The hull/chassis design from VK 4501 (P) was later repurposed for a large tank destroyer named for the designer, "Ferdinand." These imposing vehicles saw combat on multiple fronts and were later renamed "Elefant." Fröhlich's study, available in English for the first time, is grounded in original reports, manuals, and technical drawings.

Published as a hard cover edition, the book contains about 500 pages with over 850 color and b/w photos, line drawings, and charts.


A must have if you are interested in conflict that broke out in the eastern parts of Ukraine from 2014 to the present.
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For me this is going to be a must buy.


Six months ago, there probably would have been very little interest in a book like this. Now, it may be a best-seller!
This recently became available on Amazon so I ordered it on a whim, not expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised by how much detail this book packs in. If you are fascinated with Russian civil aviation, this is a good read.


Nuts & Bolts Vol.47: "Sd.Kfz. 166 - Sturmpanzer IV"
Author: Holger Erdmann
From Nuts & bolts Publishing
232 pages, softcover,
Dual German & English text throughout
444 photos (293 historical photos, 151 color photos of the preserved vehicles in public and private collections), 16 color camouflage patterns.
Camouflage schemes matched with original photos
200 technical drawings

624 pages
1229 colour photographs
148 graphics
plus a foldout with 1/35 scale line-drawings of the newest addition to the range, the Leopard 2A7V.
(Subject to confirmation)
Part 1. Main Battle Tank Development
FV215 Conqueror
Countering the Soviet Tank Threat
FV4201 Chieftain
Chieftain Variants
Novel Concept Studies
German Future Main Battle Tank
MBT80 and the 4030 Programme
Challenger 1
Challenger 1 Variants
Challenger 2
Future Concept Studies

Part 2. Medium and Light Tracked AFV Development
Light Tanks and Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance Tracked 93
Carriers and Armoured Personal Carriers
AFV of the 80s Stage 1
Other Light and Medium Tracks Concept Studies

Part 3. Wheeled AFV Concepts and Development
Saladin and Saracen
Ferret and Fox

Part 4. Other Vehicles Associated with Chertsey
1 Ton Armoured 4x4 Humber
FV180 Combat Engineer Tractor
SP70: 155mm Self Propelled


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