Some Future Titles of Interest for SPF Members

Any additional details about how many pages or unbuilt projects content?

My dear Antonio,

this book is better,and contains many Projects,429 pages.


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Except the former is in English vs German for those who may not speak/read German.
A couple of interesting New Vanguard books in Osprey's "Big Reveal" for 2022. (They haven't gotten around yet to "X-Planes"):

NVG: Graf Zeppelin-class Aircraft Carriers

The quest for a modern aircraft carrier was the ultimate symbol of the Axis powers’ challenge to Allied naval might, but fully-fledged carriers proved either too difficult, expensive or politically unpopular for either to make operational. After the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935, Hitler publicly stated his intention to build an aircraft carrier, the Graf Zeppelin, which was launched in 1938. A year later, the ambitious fleet-expansion Z-Plan, was unveiled with two additional aircraft carriers earmarked for production. However, by the beginning of World War II, Graf Zeppelin was not yet completed and work was halted. Further aircraft carrier designs and conversion projects were considered but in January 1943, all construction work on surface vessels ceased and naval resources were diverted to the U-boat Campaign.

This book explains not only the history of Germany’s famous Graf Zeppelin fleet carrier and German carrier conversion projects but also Italy’s belated attempt to convert two of her ocean liners into carriers. It considers the role of naval aviation in the two countries’ rearmament programmes, and describes how ultimately it was only Italian seaplane carriers and German ocean-going, catapult-equipped flying boat carriers that both Axis powers did eventually send into combat.

NVG: Super-Battleships of World War II

At the start of World War II, the battleship was still king, and all the major powers were planning and developing the classes that would replace their most modern and powerful battleships. These would have been the most powerful surface combatants ever built, mounting guns up to a monstrous 20in calibre, however none were ever completed. When war broke out, big-gun battleships were rendered obsolete by the advent of the aircraft carrier.

This book will trace the design, development, and eventual fates of these uncompleted superbattleships during the period immediately before and during the Second World War. None of these ships were actually completed and their designs were in various stages of maturity, but the stories of these never-completed leviathans are compelling.
Crecy have just informed me that the Boulton Paul projects book, scheduled to be published on 30th September, will be delayed by 'a few months'
Latest news, from the author, is that the book has been sent to the publishers PRINTERS and so may meet its latest publication date of 29th September 2021 or slip by just a few days. Finally made it through the endless releases of train and bus books ;)

Doah, that should have said printers, not publishers. Release date just depends on delivery time back to the UK
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Osprey's sole X-Planes release for 2022. (Remember, the XB-19 book is still coming late this year.)

XPL: McDonnell XP-67 "Moonbat"

Few aircraft in history have generated as much interest among aviation enthusiasts as the series of X-planes that sprang from the US Army’s Request for Data R40-C, focusing on high-altitude, high-speed, long-range bomber interceptors. These included the McDonnell Aircraft Company’s first-ever clean-sheet design, the XP-67. Its futuristic lines promised performance that it was ultimately unable to deliver, but development was still underway when disaster struck. Just before Army performance demonstration flights were scheduled to begin, an engine fire destroyed the only XP-67 prototype, leaving a host of unanswered questions about what might have been.

The authors of this book have uncovered new sources of information and a wealth of photographs and line drawings that document not just the XP-67 but also its immediate precursors within the McDonnell Aircraft design community, as well as alternative configurations for unbuilt variants aimed at different missions. These include never-before-published photos of all stages of construction including key airframe changes made after initial flight tests, showing in detail for the first time how the final configuration was evolved.

maybe I want to write a book,French Secret Projects 4,Military & Civil Aircraft 1930-1942,and I
can contact Crecy if they want.

maybe I want to write a book,French Secret Projects 4,Military & Civil Aircraft 1930-1942,and I
can contact Crecy if they want.

When I check,I found it will consist of more than 700 pages,so I will write a
book about Combat Aircraft at first,and maybe Civil Aircraft after that,as a
separated books,and the years most be 1930-1944.
When I check,I found it will consist of more than 700 pages,so I will write a
book about Combat Aircraft at first,and maybe Civil Aircraft after that,as a
separated books,and the years most be 1930-1944.


a big change I will do,and the two books will be as following,

- Encyclopedia of French Military Aircraft 1919-1945
- Encyclopedia of French Civil Aircraft 1919-1945

I ask my God Almighty to help me in this job.
- Encyclopedia of French Military Aircraft 1919-1945

This week,I will write the Introduction and first uuchapter.
I would be happy to help you any way I can. I wrote French Aircraft of the First World War, and produced a follow-up manuscript covering the 1919-45 period. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.
I would be happy to help you any way I can. I wrote French Aircraft of the First World War, and produced a follow-up manuscript covering the 1919-45 period. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.

OK Masked Marvel,

and I will send to you a special Message,and for French Aircraft of the First World War,it's amazing &
very great book,I will arrangement my ideas at first,and I am glade with your offer,and definitely I will
contact you,thanks.
- Encyclopedia of French Military Aircraft 1919-1945

I counted more than 850 items from A to L ,tonight I will start from "M" letter,I think
it's totally will be more 1500 designs,it'll be included a variants and Projects.
Yes, if you are including all known projects you will have close to 1,250-1,500 types.

My manuscript had covered all prototypes and operational aircraft. It included extensive information on units and foreign service. However, that much information would require two volumes; most English publishers would be reluctant to commit to a such a large project. Perhaps things have changed from 20 years ago, and they now realize that books on French aviation can be profitable. In fact, the 1914-1918 book was the publisher’s best selling title.

I had originally wanted to write the 1919-40 book for Putnams. They requested that I do the 1914-1918 book first; if it sold well they would then be willing to do a follow on book. French Aircraft of the First World War took ten years to research, by which time Putnams was beginning to have financial problems and were reluctant to put too many resources into the project.

Fortunately, for us, Jack Herris of Flying Machine Press was enthusiastic about the project and contacted Art and I about his willingness to publish our work. I enjoyed writing the book and was pleased with the final result. I remain disappointed to this day that the French have never produced their own work on the subject.

I have spent the last 20 years on a 72,000 page encyclopedia covering all military aircraft. This includes extensive translations of aviation publications from around the world. I will be happy to provide you with whatever information you need.

Please let me know how I can be of help.
Of course you can help,

at first many thanks to you Masked Marvel,but if I will write a book like yours (by the way,it's amazing),I need
3 to 4 volumes at list,but I will cover only a small details about each aircraft,with mention variants and Projects,
I intend to be no more 550 to 600 pages,I will tell you in a special message how is my ideas and in which
form would like to be the book,and maybe you will write some pages with me,as we can say both job from
us,and the author in this case will be two and not one,but I don't take this decision now.

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