A short brief notes about my book,French Military Aircraft 1919-1945,
1- I with my partner strive for honesty to check out from all our entries in the
script,we spended more than 30 years for this task.
2- The book contains more than 600 aircraft,which were actually built,and more
than 1100 projects and unfinished airplanes,but you must know that,98 % of
these 1100 are from reliable sources,no doubts in that.
3- The un-identification concepts are divided into two parts;
A- First group is connected with the projects,which were really existed and confirmed,but we can't find any designations for it,so we put it as we got,and we make some speculations to their series in the companies,and as you read or see
in many sources (books or magazines),they made the same to some unknown
aircraft,for example;
Fighter was a single seat fighter project,powered by one ..... engine,it was
appeared in the year 19xx,then we add our suggesting as following Type-xx ?,
after than we showed question mark to inform the readers about,that's only
our opinion in the its allocation.
B- Second group is concerned about the projects which are un-confirmed,so we
opened a one chapter for them all,(to not be confuse with others real designs),as we can't ID or no confirm about their existing.