SNCAN (Nord) 500 « Cadet » VTOL prototype

Stargazer2006 said:
I think it's the same pic you posted in Reply #62 from a different issue of Aviation Magazine... ;)

I know Stéphane, but it was in a slightly different context this time; at least the picture wasn't cropped by my scanner. Here is an early 3-view drawing of the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade when it was still a "project"......

The drawing comes from the 1st April 1965 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)


  • SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade - Aviation Magazine International - Numéro 416 - 1 Avril 1965.......jpg
    SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade - Aviation Magazine International - Numéro 416 - 1 Avril 1965.......jpg
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Dear Boys and Girls, here are some pictures with a caption in French showing the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade undergoing flight-tests. My questions; did the Helcade concept work, did the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade actually fly untethered and was it stable?

The pictures come from the 15th August 1968 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)


  • SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade - Aviation Magazine International - No. 496 - 15 Août 1968.......jpg
    SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade - Aviation Magazine International - No. 496 - 15 Août 1968.......jpg
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Dear Boys and Girls, here is an article in French about progress (or lack thereof) with the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade and a "project" for development of the SNCAN Nord 511 Plate-forme tethered surveillance vehicle......

The article comes from the 15th March 1969 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)
Dear Boys and Girls, here are pictures of the prototype SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade and SNCAN Nord 510 Plate-forme which aren't "projects", with a caption in French, as presented at the 1967 Paris Salon......

The pictures come from the 15th June 1967 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)
Dear Boys and Girls, here is a picture with a caption in French showing the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade undergoing tethered flight-tests......

Can anyone tell me please; did the SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade actually fly untethered and was it stable? Was it able to make the transition from a vertical take-off to horizontal flight and back again?

The pictures come from the 15th May 1969 issue of Aviation Magazine International......

Terry (Caravellarella)


  • SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade prototype - Aviation Magazine International - No. 514 - 15 Mai 1969.......jpg
    SNCAN Nord 500 Helcade prototype - Aviation Magazine International - No. 514 - 15 Mai 1969.......jpg
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A small item from AIR PICTORIAL dated January 1966 about the mockup of the Nord 500.

This particular item should reconcile Terry and myself over what the name of the N.500 was since the caption calls it the Cadet, but adds that it is also known as the Helcade...


  • Nord 500 Cadet (Air Pictorial, Jan 1966).gif
    Nord 500 Cadet (Air Pictorial, Jan 1966).gif
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Stargazer2006 said:
A small item from AIR PICTORIAL dated January 1966 about the mockup of the Nord 500.

This particular item should reconcile Terry and myself over what the name of the N.500 was since the caption calls it the Cadet, but adds that it is also known as the Helcade...

Helcadet ;D



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