Small UAS / Drones and related general thread - NOT Swarming ones.

Possibly mock-ups:


It appears the "S-300 & Tor-M1 air defence systems" in the US are high quality mock-ups allegedly for Ukraine. It is also being suggested some arrived & already in use.


Would a pulse jet be able to be 3D printed in something like inconel? Obviously not an Ukraine solution but I’m thinking more broadly about cruise missile/UAV mass production. If you accepted commercial electronics and a pulse jet, perhaps a sub $100,000 weapon is possible at scale.
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I think the technology have evolved to the point of asking about military organization and doctrine for drone usage. There are classical questions to be answered:

Should drone forces be added to existing formations or be its own independent formation, and at what level?

Should drone forces be massed or dispersed?

What kinds of combined arms training is needed for drone and other arms?

Given the array of missions that a drone force can under take, what is the typical priority amongst them? What have the greatest operational impact?
The Russian army controls Shaheeds via satellite, - speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

▪️ "They flew from the south and north. Then they fly in groups, fly in different directions in batches, each drone has its own route, each UAV has GPS navigation, is controlled via satellite, so it can even fly in a circle, and in a certain time inflict blow ," Ignat said.
▪️The Russians are trying to confuse, mislead our air defense, for this they use the terrain to disappear from radar.


The Russian's are producing their own Geran-2 drones now which probably explains the uptick in their use.
So they use their twin seat Mig-29 as MUM-T?!? Woaw. What an agile military. :eek:
Is it possible for drones to detect mines? Obviously they can do it visibly if they are obvious, but I was thinking more along the lines of a magnetic anomaly detector or something for finding mines in the rough.
Is it possible for drones to detect mines? Obviously they can do it visibly if they are obvious, but I was thinking more along the lines of a magnetic anomaly detector or something for finding mines in the rough.

program went back into 90s..Janes covered extensively but then disappeared

program went back into 90s..Janes covered extensively but then disappeared
Very sad indeed. It would have been really useful about now.
IMHO decision paralysis as too many options/mixes & no platform decision either. also believe these hvy quads are not a long term solution. a Marine/Army fixed wing vtol solution which doesnt exist yet. These FTUAS toys aint it.

not a believer that it is ok to lose10K quads a mnth, gotta have a robust survivable high performance fixed wing mini gunship design as a baseline.

yes risky & pricey fixed wing ALE. Current ALE are disposable munitions, future ALE should be much more reuseable fixed wing vtol but still launched from the helicopter but on the halt and altitude only.
ALE need be recoverable on the ground following multiple/many missions not costly one shot wonders which cdrs will be reluctant to use as only so many shots will be possible. 1689151550124.png 1689151849465.png
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Aren’t the Coyote base ALEs recoverable or at least optionally recoverable?
Aren’t the Coyote base ALEs recoverable or at least optionally recoverable?

Derived from the expendable Coyote loitering munition, the Block 3 utilizes a non-kinetic warhead to neutralize enemy drones, reducing potential collateral damage. Unlike its expendable counterpart, the non-kinetic variant can be recovered, refurbished and reused without leaving the battlefield,” according to Raytheon.

I was thinking about those little hover drones being able to do it.
Aren’t the Coyote base ALEs recoverable or at least optionally recoverable?
As far as perceived no ALE candidate is a vtol multi-shot per flight platform. Recoverable unarmed is unbelieveably underwhelming for the necessary overhead to recover and relaunch.

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