Siebel (SIAT) Aircraft


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26 May 2006
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it originated in the Klemm-Flugzeugwerke Halle that had been founded in 1934
as a branch of Leichtflugzeugbau Klemm in Böblingen. Its name changed to Siebel Flugzeugwerke when it was taken over by Friedrich Siebel in December 1937.

After World War II the company was revived as Siebel Flugzeugwerke ATG (SIAT) in West Germany in 1948, with its headquarters in Munich. In 1956, its headquarters were moved to Donauwörth and the company became WMD-Siebelwerke ATG (WMD/SIAT) in 1958 in cooperation with Waggon- und Maschinenbau GmbH Donauwörth (WMD). In 1968 the company was absorbed by Messerschmitt-
Bölkow-Blohm after MBB became the major shareholder.

Its products were;

Fh.104,Si,201,Si.202,Si.204,Si.304,Si.308,SIAT.311,SIAT.313,SIAT.222,SIAT.223,SIAT.224 & BS.210,later I will talk about them.
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Fh.104 Hallore was a low-wing twin engined small transport monoplane,powered by two 280 hp Hirth HM 508D V-8 inverted air-cooled piston engines
Si.201 was a two-seat shoulder-wing STOL reconnaissance,observation and army cooperation monoplane,powered by one 240 hp Argus As 10C air-cooled inverted V8 engine
Si.202 Hummel was a side-by-side two-seat low-wing sporting monoplane,it was appeared in three versions;
Si 202a: with 45 hp nine-cylinder radial Salmson 9Ad engine
Si 202b: with 55 hp four-cylinder in-line air-cooled Zundapp 9-092 engne
Si 202c: with 60 hp four-cylinder in-line air-cooled Hirth HM 515 engine,this variant had slightly extended and noticeably rounded tips to wings and tail surfaces
Si.204 was a low-wing light transport and trainer monoplane,based on Fh.104,powered by two 590 hp Argus As 411-A1 V-12 inverted air-cooled
piston engines,its variants;
Si.204 was a prototypes each given a separate V number; Fifteen built by Siebel
at Halle
Si.204A was a pre-production A-0 and initial production A-1 passenger transports built at SNCAN (Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Nord) in France.
Si.204D was a blind flying trainer developed by ČKD (BMM) in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia; the first D-0 pre-series aircraft was delivered in January 1943 plus another 44. Production of the D-1 was carried out by Aero and BMM.
D-3 aircraft were built with wooden wings and tailplanes in an effort to relieve pressure on the aluminum supply
Si.204E was a version of Si.204D,fitted with DL-131 gun turret
Si.304 was a fighter or fighter-bomber project,no more details
Si.305 ? was not known,but may it was the Mistel aircraft project with Focke-Wulf FW,190bis,and powered by four rocket engines,early 1944
Si.306 ? was not known,but may it was a Volksjäger proposal fighter project of 1944/9
Si.307 ? was not known,but may it was a further development of DFS.346,there have been some changes in the design of the machine, have improved the sealing of the fuselage, landing fences at the ends of the wing
Si.308 was a three-seat light aircraft,based on Hummel,I don't know if it was built or not
SIAT-309 ------?
SIAT-310 ------?
SIAT-311A was a high-wing twin turbofans regional small transport aircraft project,could accommodated two crew and 20 passenger
SIAT-312 ------?
SIAT-313 was probably developed from SIAT-311,as a short-takeoff ground attack aircraft Project,studied the possibility of turbofan engines with high by-pass ratio air for blowing out at to branch off wings.
BS.210 (Bolkow-Siebel) was a STOL utility transport aircraft project,had a high wing and powered by two Turbomeca Astazou X engine
SIAT-222 Super-Hummel was developed from Si.202 Hummel as a side-by-side two seat trainer and sporting monoplane,later became SIAT-223
SIAT-223 Flamingo was based on SIAT-222,it had a conventional low-wing monoplane with fixed tricycle undercarriage. The cockpit was enclosed by a large bubble canopy,its versions;
SIAT-223A-1 Flamingo Trainer A1 Two or four-seat trainer aircraft, powered by a 200-hp Avco Lycoming IO-360 piston engine
SIAT-223K-1 Flamingo Trainer K1 Single-seat aerobatic aircraft, powered by a 200-hp Avco Lycoming AIO-360 piston engine
SIAT-223T-1 Flamingo Trainer T1 One aircraft fitted with a turbocharged 210-hp Avco Lycoming TO-360-C1A6D piston engine
SIAT-223-M4 The Model 223T-1 Flamingo Trainer T1 was later fitted with a Porsche PFM 3200 engine.One aircraft only
SIAT-224 was twin engined low-mid-wing STOL military observation and photographic aircraft project of the 1960s
SIAT-225 ? may this a speculation of Airbus proposal or joined design ?

- To be continued
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I am not sure about SIAT-225 ? designation,only my guess.
To compete Bachem Ba.349,Siebel submitted a proposal for this contest,may
it used the RLM 348 designation ?it's only my speculation.
My dear Luftfahrtarchive,

can I ask if there was earlier designations before Si.307,such as
306 & 305 ?.

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