Satellite dish made of metal that remembers its shape


ACCESS: Top Secret
8 November 2007
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I recall seeing a drawing where a satellite dish is unfolding in space after being packed down to a fraction of its unfurled dimensions. It was made of some sort of memory metal that returns to its original shape after packing or deforming. Any idea what year this was?

I cannot tell you what year, but the metal was most likely NiTiNOL (Nickel-Titanium_Naval Ordinance Laboratory). This may give you a lead with your search. There are other "memory metals," but this was the first.
edwest said:
I recall seeing a drawing where a satellite dish is unfolding in space after being packed down to a fraction of its unfurled dimensions. It was made of some sort of memory metal that returns to its original shape after packing or deforming. Any idea what year this was?

Lord Vader said:
I cannot tell you what year, but the metal was most likely NiTiNOL (Nickel-Titanium_Naval Ordinance Laboratory). This may give you a lead with your search. There are other "memory metals," but this was the first.

...Was NiTiNOL the same "memory metal" that psychic/hoaxter(*) Uri Geller claimed to have been able to rub between his fingers and disable the "memory" effects? ???

(*) Gee, hope I don't get in trouble for calling Geller by *that* accurate descriptor :p
Sounds like a metal deposited coated mylar???

I experimented trying to dissolve Beta Titanium and Hastelloy X Nickle Alloy into solution inside an inert gas environment. It didn't work.

It was probably because the Ni holds O2 and titanium has a strong affinity for O2 under high temperature conditions. Titanium hates oxygen :(
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