Russian-Ukrainian Conflict News

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(h/t Jup/
Also over at MilitaryPhotos, they are speculating that the troops that stormed Belbek were MVD spetsnaz VV:
Originally Posted by Uncle_Vanya
These guys are some kind of MVD SF, Vympel or Alfa perhaps, or am I mistaken? Does the Russian Army even field ballistic shields?
You absolutely right, shields are sure giveaway, these guys are MVD spetsnaz VV(not FSB Alpha/Vympel, they have completely different equipment) Well, that makes sense, since Crimea is russian territory, its VV job to disperse unlawful armed groups. Also explains why "polite people" became "rude people", VV spetsnaz are not known for good manners sadly.

Originally Posted by bitter
You absolutely right, shields are sure giveaway, these guys are MVD spetsnaz VV(not FSB Alpha/Vympel, they have completely different equipment) Well, that makes sense, since Crimea is russian territory, its VV job to disperse unlawful armed groups. Also explains why "polite people" became "rude people", VV spetsnaz are not known for good manners sadly.
Well, given that their 9 to 5 job is breaching strongholds and putting bullets into the heads of terrorists, while inevitably getting shot at (thus the shields), I don't think their not-so-sunny disposition is that surprising.
#Russia state TV reporting "self-defence units" being set up in east #Ukraine vowing not to submit to govt in #Kiev. #Moscow proxy forces?

BBC correspondent.
(h/t CourageAboveAllValues/
Yet more chickens coming home to roost, methinks (and far from the last):

After earlier reviews, officials stockpiled a supply of the Russian rocket engines and now have an inventory that would last about two years, according to Ms Schumann.

The latest US sanctions imposed against Russia over its intervention in Ukraine's Crimean peninsula do not effect any Pentagon programs, she said.

If the Atlas V with its Russian engines were scrapped, it would take up to five years and as much as a billion dollars to replace, she said.

United Launch Alliance, a joint venture of aerospace giants Lockheed Martin and Boeing, relies on the Russian engines for the Atlas rockets.

Ms Schumann called the Atlas V a "reliable, cost-effective launch vehicle with a proven record of success," and alternative launch vehicles for larger satellites would carry a higher price tag.

A senior US defence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that it was unlikely the review would lead to any major change in the launch program or a decision to drop the Russian engines.
2,000 out of 18,000 Ukrainian Troops to Leave Crimea

MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti) - Less than 2,000 of Ukrainian troops serving in Crimea decided to leave the peninsula for Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday.

"As of March 21, less than 2,000 out of 18,000 Ukrainian servicemen staying on the territory of the Republic of Crimea decided to go to Ukraine," the ministry said in a statement.

Those willing to continue their service in the Ukrainian armed forces will be provided with transport to carry their families and belongings to the Ukrainian territory.

A total of 147 military units in Crimea have hoisted Russian flags instead of Ukrainian and applied to join the Russian armed forces.

"St. Andrew's flags of the Russian Navy have been raised on 54 out of 67 vessels of the Ukrainian Navy, including eight warships and one submarine," the defense ministry said.

Ukraine's only submarine, the Zaporizhzhia, joined the Russian Black Sea Fleet earlier on Saturday and will be soon relocated to its base.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on Friday to ratify the treaty providing for the reunification of the Crimean Peninsula with Russia.
Leaders in the predominantly Russian-ethnic republic refused to recognize the legitimacy of the government in Kiev that came to power amid often violent protests last month, instead seeking reunification with Russia.
"Pro-Kremlin TV host Dmitry Kiselyov fumes over EU sanctions"


Moscow (AFP) - A Russian television host famous for his aggressively pro-Kremlin stance has accused the European Union of attacking his freedom of speech after he featured in the latest EU sanctions blacklist.

Dmitry Kiselyov, who hosts a prime-time television news show and heads a state news agency, became the first journalist to face sanctions over his role in rallying public support for Russia's takeover of Crimea.

The EU in its sanctions list called him a "central figure of the government propaganda supporting the deployment of Russian forces in Ukraine."

"In my view, slapping sanctions on journalists is the lowest thing to do. It's a blatant attack on freedom of speech," Kiselyov said late Friday in an interview on Rossiya-1 television.

The bullish 59-year-old presents a highly opinionated news show and in a report on Crimea this month assured viewers that Russia could turn the United States into "radioactive ash".

He also heads a newly formed state news agency, Rossiya Segodnya (Russia Today), designed to be a tightly controlled mouthpiece for pro-Kremlin views.

Kiselyov blamed his inclusion in the blacklist on Moscow-based opposition figures, saying they had advised Western diplomats.

"These lists in my view are created in Moscow," Kiselyov said.

"We know their names, we know how they write and hand it into Western embassies," he said.

He cited Alexei Navalny, a charismatic anti-corruption campaigner and opponent of President Vladimir Putin who is now under house arrest on embezzlement charges.

"Navalny used to entertain himself by doing this," he said.

Kiselyov's bristlingly anti-Western performances on television, using simple dramatic language and sweeping hand gestures, have made him a cult figure, whose quotes are compiled on YouTube.

He has hurled vitriol at the West for supporting gay rights and praised Putin for giving US President Barack Obama a fresh crop of grey hair over Crimea.

An ambiguous figure, he previously presented a show called "Window on Europe" and worked for several years in Ukraine. Russian journalists recently spotted him on holiday in Amsterdam.

On Thursday, ex-US ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul wrote on Twitter that Kiselyov had taken part in a trip to the United States organised by the State Department.

Kiselyov on Friday confirmed he had gone on the trip to Washington several years ago while working as a senior television executive, saying he paid for his own travel.
"Why eastern Ukraine will not follow Crimea to Moscow (+video)"

Grey Havoc said:

"Russian flags have now been hoisted at 189 Ukrainian military units" now that is "distributed full spectrum dominance" Sun Zhu style.*Photos-Videos*-ONLY&p=7101619&viewfull=1#post7101619
(You'll need to copy and paste the link.)
Massive blackout in Crimea. Mainland Ukraine switches off 50% of electricity supply to Crimea. Blames "technical malfunction".
Hot Breath said:
Should I tell Senator McCain to watch over Alaska? One of the more witty comments to come from the Soviet Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, who denies there are any plans to invade Ukraine.

Yes found that quite amusing, humour from the Russian Ambassador, Cold War sabre rattling from McCain.

The cynic in me makes me wonder if the US scare stories are more to stoke up Cold War paranoia in order to have a valid 'Enemy' to justify not only halting the cuts in Defence spending but ramping it up both in the US and in Europe.

In other developments:

  • Several parts of Crimea were hit by power cuts on Sunday evening, which officials blamed on technical problems
  • There is still no confirmation of the whereabouts of Col Yuli Mamchur, the commander of Belbek base, which fell on Saturday. He was taken by Russian forces reportedly to a military prison. The interim Ukrainian president has demanded his immediate release
  • The rouble entered force as Crimea's official currency on Monday but the Ukrainian hryvnia remains in use until 1 January 2016, the pro-Russian Crimean prime minister says
Via comes this gem:

Russia may link power grids of Krasnodar territory and Crimea within two years

MOSCOW, March 24. /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian government discusses a draft plan to link power grids of the Krasnodar territory and Crimea, a source knowledgeable of the progress in interdepartmental consultations told Itar-Tass. The first stage of the program of Crimea’s energy supply envisages creating reserve capacities of 500-700 megawatt, said the source.“Diesel generators with the capacity of 56 megawatt have been delivered to Crimea and nine mobile gas-turbine power plants with the capacity of some 202 megawatt are being assembled. This process must be completed by mid-May. It is planned to provide reserve capacities of 500-700 megawatt,” said the source, adding that this amount exceeds Crimean domestic consumption.
The peak electricity consumption in Crimea is about 1.2 gigawatt, the usual level being 800 megawatt. Some 50 megawatt out of this volume goes to uninterruptible power supply facilities, such as the social infrastructure and the Black Sea Fleet. Crimea’s own capacity is some 550 megawatt, with electricity from renewable sources accounting for 240-270 megawatt. The second stage of the programme of Crimea’s energy supply, planned for two years, envisages linking the power grids of the Krasnodar territory and Crimea by stretching a power transmission line over the Kerch Strait, said the source, noting that, according to preliminary estimates, the cost of the network and of the transformers will be about 50 billion rubles.
Geoff_B said:
Hot Breath said:
Should I tell Senator McCain to watch over Alaska? One of the more witty comments to come from the Soviet Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, who denies there are any plans to invade Ukraine.

Yes found that quite amusing, humour from the Russian Ambassador, Cold War sabre rattling from McCain.

The cynic in me makes me wonder if the US scare stories are more to stoke up Cold War paranoia in order to have a valid 'Enemy' to justify not only halting the cuts in Defence spending but ramping it up both in the US and in Europe.

I believe it would satisfy the hard liners in both nations for such to occur. Who was it that said that the US had to invent enemies to justify it's own existence?
Hot Breath said:
Geoff_B said:
Hot Breath said:
Should I tell Senator McCain to watch over Alaska? One of the more witty comments to come from the Soviet Ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, who denies there are any plans to invade Ukraine.

Yes found that quite amusing, humour from the Russian Ambassador, Cold War sabre rattling from McCain.

The cynic in me makes me wonder if the US scare stories are more to stoke up Cold War paranoia in order to have a valid 'Enemy' to justify not only halting the cuts in Defence spending but ramping it up both in the US and in Europe.

I believe it would satisfy the hard liners in both nations for such to occur. Who was it that said that the US had to invent enemies to justify it's own existence?

Yes I remember when the US went looking for war and made up the "Kaiser", the "Fuhrer" and the "Emperor". What are they like characters from Ironman 3? ;)
The cold war strategist, George Kennan, wrote prophetically: "Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial complex would have to remain, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented."
From the Guardian
Hot Breath said:
The cold war strategist, George Kennan, wrote prophetically: "Were the Soviet Union to sink tomorrow under the waters of the ocean, the American military-industrial complex would have to remain, substantially unchanged, until some other adversary could be invented."
From the Guardian
Well arguably the Soviet Union 'sank' in 1991-92 is the US military 'substantially unchanged'
1) Strategic nukes reduced 80%
2) Armed forces much smaller
3) Base defense budget 2.9% of GDP smallest since WWII, smallest as a percentage of the federal budget since the end of WWII

Quite large changes I believe.
A Ukrainian ultra-nationalist leader has been shot dead in what officials describe as a special forces operation.

Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, died in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine, the interior ministry said.

He was a leader of Right Sector, a far-right group which was prominent in the recent anti-government protests.

Meanwhile, Ukraine's parliament has voted to accept the resignation of Defence Minister Ihor Tenyukh.

Mr Tenyukh had been accused of indecision in the face of Russia's military takeover of Crimea.
Some context:
Since I was away, the Cherkassy has finally been captured (but not without making the Russians work for it first), there appears to be an ongoing purge over in the Ukraine (of the 'shot himself 12 times in the back' variety) that has echoes of the 'Night of the Long knives', and, in the greatest evil:


We're doomed, I tell you. ;D

Seriously though, it appears that the Ukrainian Airborne were the only Ukrainian forces to be able to evacuate with anything resembling heavy equipment:
(h/t Ruthenius/
Correction, the Marines got some equipment out as well:

Finally concrete measures. After Ukraine lost russian market of rocket engines and electronics, USA helps out by buying hemp seeds.


How long can the provisional government in Kiev last at this rate?
shaba said: is down hosted in ukraine i believe

From that website, I first learned about the civil unrest in Ukraine while most media were ignoring what was gong on there.
This is not a Military project this is international Politics and as such is now locked. If you want news, follow the news websites, if you want to discuss the politics of the matter use a more suitable on-line politics discussion forum.
Now if you spot some new or unknown military hardware in the related footage then that's another matter, but please keep the politics out of it.
Dear Members,

Ukraine and Russia share the largest fleet of the formidable Mi-26. Bust is there any sighting of the type in action during the Ukrainian conflict?


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