Kosmos-2551 was launched at 1959 UTC to a 295 x 307 km x 96.4 deg syn-synch orbit with node at 11:30 local time. It is suspected to be the first Razbeg imaging satellite, an operational followon to the Kosmos-2525 EMKA test satellite
View: https://mobile.twitter.com/planet4589/status/1436188021729251328
Pretty low, yes. It will need to do pretty much daily orbit boosts to stay up. Here's the height vs time diagram for its prototype, Kosmos-2525.
View: https://mobile.twitter.com/planet4589/status/1436188965812510721
View: https://twitter.com/thom_astro/status/1433513752536698896

MLM (PR people call it Nauka) now stands tall and no one will have me believe that it cannot change into some kind of #transformers robot. #MissionAlpha
The new module is not only additional living space, but also an elaborate laboratory complex. There are 14 workplaces inside the module and 16 outside to accommodate the equipment.

The # Science module provides more than 30 new experiments:

View: https://twitter.com/roscosmos/status/1434277592215867393
All those problems are a bit scary. Personally, I wouldn't be able to enjoy my rest time if I was up there with that thing connected to the ISS.
I wonder what's their actual take on the situation.
All those problems are a bit scary. Personally, I wouldn't be able to enjoy my rest time if I was up there with that thing connected to the ISS.
I wonder what's their actual take on the situation.
Apparently the Russians seem to think their segment of ISS is good up until around 2025, and after that it becomes more difficult.
That`s hilarious to hear that. Russian space agency is so weak that it makes less launches than Space X per year. I don`t even mention about the space technology they have. And now they are claiming that Russia wants to send its own mission to Venus. The chief of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin doesn`t wanna stop making funny statements.
Regarding funny statements the same thing can be said about Musk he is the reason why youtube users like thunderf00t is near 1 million subscribers. Roscosmos has only recently made less launches with the latest versions of Falcon-9 I agree.

If I remember the all the recent news made correctly.

  1. The angara-5M costs 57 million dollars per launch expected in 2024.
  2. Amur costs 22 million dollars with methane engines that re-usable to 300 times for 2026.
  3. New upper stage kerosene engines going from a 300 second to 3000 second burn time based on closed circuit technology, also there are parachute tests being conducted in 2024 for upperstage engines and the orel aircraft if a I remember correctly which means these engines can be re-used 10 times without any refueling just using the same fuel where you can multiply the costs by the amount of kerosene by 1/10th the amount you will get cheaper fuel costs than any methane fuel engine. Also if you are testing with parachutes than this idea is still cheaper than current re-usable rockets that use half the fuel for payload to orbit and half the other fuel to re-land.
  4. detonation engine testing.
  5. nuclear reactors with MPD thrusters.
Musk states 1000 times re-usability on starship so I wonder if those few explosions made back in testing count or not? I will let the rockets do the talking if Falcon launches still get more purchases after the two rockets mentioned in point 1 and 2 are in service than I consider them the real deal, if they dont than it is only natural that they come up with new designs to beat the recent designs. But I have no idea where they stand for all 5 points mentioned. Assuming Amur and Angara-5M dont get delayed that is still a pretty fast time frame for new rocket engine designs to replace their own existing designs.

Although what is making me currently nervous on US attempts to Mars is the methane engine approach while Roscosmos is already aware of our approach based on a 2018 interview and they seem to be no strangers in methane re-usable rocket technology by how fast they whipped up the Amur design. But they still considered using electric engines with nuclear reactors as their cheap approach for interplanetary travel to distant planets. Rogozin states if they had the funding for a Mars manned mission it would take them 8-10 years, Sergei Krikalyov states in the late 2030s and KB Arsenal was said to introduce a such an expedition in 2030-2033 https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/138602/. Space X has yet to launch starship to orbit, give a payload I suppose to orbit, making two starships dock successfully than land them on Mars, bring and land equipment there to mine for fuel. while a nuclear reactor with electric engines approach sounds more simplistic with less steps. Some of Space X steps can take as long as the Tesla self driving cars in 2014 which I think we are still waiting for this day to happen? NASA lands rover with a drone in Mars, Roscosmos wants to fly a helicopter drone project in the most hellish planets like Venus. I currently cant say where the U.S. space agencies stand but I would take Roscosmos as a more serious adversary than Blue Origins considering they can receive more funding from the state based on oil and gasline projects or the Chinese to be more creative than they already are.

Overall respect to Musk for still replacing the existing Soyuz rockets with a new method that Roscomos themselves decide to apply it to stay competitive in the market.
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ISS prepares for re-docking of Russian spacecraft

09/16/2021 11:00

In accordance with the Russian flight program of the International Space Station, on September 28, 2021, it is planned to re-dock the Soyuz MS-18 manned transport vehicle from the Rassvet small research module to the newly arrived multipurpose laboratory module Nauka.

According to preliminary data from the Main Operational Control Group of the Russian Segment of the ISS (Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after SP Korolev, part of the State Corporation Roscosmos), the estimated separation time of the spacecraft is 15:21 Moscow time, the autonomous flight will be preliminarily 40 minutes. Re-docking will be carried out in manual mode by the spacecraft commander, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky with the participation of flight engineers - Roscosmos cosmonaut Pyotr Dubrov and NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hai.

This operation will be carried out in order to release the docking station of the Rassvet module, to which the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft is to dock on October 5, 2021, as well as to check the operation of the docking equipment of the multipurpose laboratory module, which became part of the Russian segment of the station at the end July. For this, first of all, the Soyuz MS-18 manned spacecraft will be docked to Nauka, and then the Progress MS-17 cargo vehicle. It is he who will prepare the International Space Station for the reception of the new "Prichal" nodal module. From July 2, 2021 to the present, the Russian "truck" is docked to the small research module "Poisk"; it is scheduled to undock on October 21. After two days of autonomous flight, as expected, it will automatically dock to the nadir node of the Nauka module.

Now, at the docking port of the Nauka module, there is a special adapter (ring-pad), which allows the Russian Soyuz MS and Progress MS spacecraft to dock, so the Progress MS-17 cargo vehicle will take it away with it upon final undocking. with the station. After such a two-stage check, the Prichal module will be docked to the docking station, which is scheduled to launch at the end of November this year.

In the near future, the crew of the Soyuz MS-18 manned spacecraft will conduct an onboard training for the upcoming operation. Oleg Novitsky, Petr Dubrov and Mark Vande Hai, together with the specialists of the Main Operational Control Group, will work out the preparation steps and the redocking sequence itself. As part of a three-hour training session, they will work out the planned work and check the condition of the equipment, in step-by-step consultations with Russian specialists on Earth.

Currently, there are seven crew members on board the International Space Station: Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Novitsky and Petr Dubrov, NASA astronauts Mark Vande Hai, Shane Kimbrow and Megan MacArthur, European Space Agency astronaut Tom Peske, and JAXA astronaut Akihiko Hoshide. Roscosmos cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov, as well as space flight participants - actress Yulia Peresild and director Klim Shipenko are to arrive on the Soyuz MS-19 spacecraft.


MOSCOW, September 30. /TASS/. Roscosmos has offered proposals for rescuing the crew in case of possible emergencies during the launch of the new generation piloted transport ship (PTK NP) Orel from the Vostochny spaceport, the state corporation's report for 2020 reads.
According to the document, last year "the development of proposals and recommendations" was conducted on the creation of a search and rescue system for astronauts during manned launches from the Vostochny spaceport in case of possible emergencies on the launch routes in the waters of the Okhotsk Sea and the Pacific Ocean."
The piloted transport ship Orel is being built in Russia to be used in the lunar program, the first unmanned flight is scheduled for 2023 from the Vostochny spaceport, the first manned flight is planned in 2025, and from 2028 it is planned to begin flights to the Moon on it.
View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1443942492165099526

Dear friends! I'm very sorry, but according to the list of data published by FSB yesterday, which, if transferred to the foreign citizens, can be used against the security of Russia, almost every information about the Russian space activities is forbidden for publication.

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1443942586209681414

The person, who shares this information with foreign citizens, can receive a status of a foreign agent. The themes related to Roscosmos are: its financial condition, its problems and plans, the technical condition of space rockets and ground infrastructure, innovations etc.

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1443942744691458060

They make exception for covering scientific, joint or fully civilian space missions, but in Russia, civilian and military cosmonautics are very close, so you never know if you have stepped on a minefield. This means, I won't be able to cover Russian space activities for you yet.

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1443942990523871234

You can read more about this order here:


The development of a super-heavy rocket in Russia was suspended, mainly for financial reasons, said the head of the flight of the Russian segment ISS, General Designer of the Rocket and Space Corporation (RSC) "Energia" Vladimir Solovyov.
"It's insanely expensive. They began to count, figured - hundreds of billions of trillions are obtained. The Minister of Finance does not understand this," he said at a scientific session at the Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Earlier, the general director of the Samara Rocket and Space Center (RCC) "Progress" Dmitry Baranov told RIA Novosti that the company suspended the development of the technical project of a super-heavy class rocket, not ruling out that work could resume after clarifying the program.

Later chapter "Roscosmos" Dmitry Rogozin stated that a super-heavy rocket for flights on Moon in the previous form will not be created, and the funds will be directed to the creation of methane technologies, on the basis of which a new rocket will be built in the future.

If someone was to ask me how would I summarize every space company's bad aspect with one sentence, it would be simple.

Roscosmos: Lets create an amazing idea, than say were too broke for this shit later( Rogozin state how the current version of Yenisei would be 4 times cheaper than SLS but because of financial issues than they withdrawn from the project for methane engines, have confidence in the nuklon idea for being cheap and backed by rogozin/putin, wont come as a surprise that ROSS becomes too expensive)

NASA: Too woke for me to enjoy(I know better not to discuss politics on this board by not going any further into elaborating that sentence into further details but I do miss the apollo days)

Space X: Fake it till you make it( supersonic vertical take off chairs, tesla trucks although being promised to be better than trunks seems to be debunked about battery sizes needed, Self driving cars in 2014, underground tunnels for fast moving self driving teslas for said time estimate although the Vegas tunnel makes a great homeless shelter at the moment, etc. There is no way that fans are not nervous about some of his space project proposals)

William shatner in space, sending a TV crew to space, sending civilians to space.....Sadly all the fun space events wont show up until the upper 2020s to mid 2030 dates.

MOSCOW, October 5. / TASS /. The Luna-25 automatic station will be launched in July, while the Russian-European ExoMars mission - in September 2022, Head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin told the Channel One Russia.

"Next year, in July, we are planning a mission to the Moon (Luna-25). <...> And a nine-month mission to Mars (ExoMars) is scheduled on September," Rogozin said.

Earlier, the Roscosmos’ press service reported that the launch of Luna-25 was postponed from October 2021 to May 2022. Rogozin noted that the launch window opened in May and ended in October.

The automatic station will become Russia’s first domestic device on a natural satellite of the Earth. The Luna-26 mission is to be launched in 2024, Luna-27 - in 2025, and Luna-28 - in 2027-2028.

The start of the second half of the ExoMars mission was scheduled for 2018, however, it was postponed to 2020 and 2022. The Proton-M launch vehicle with the Briz-M upper stage are likely to be used for the launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

Pshh... reminds me when we tried to fool everyone into thinking one of our recent spy satellites was destroyed in transit. I dont believe it one bit.

It is disappointing about the russian heavy becoming vaporware. That said, the nuklon is certainly a brilliant idea. I can imagine angara sending up large loads up to be ferried with this happening multiple times. This technology would allow the creations of space stations around the moon and mars as well as sending down habitats to the surface of the moon. But ruskies take for effing ever dangit. We need to develop this space ferry system further here in America. The whole Elon Musk bugs bunny carrot rocket stuff, landing vertically here and there. Not sure about it.
Pshh... reminds me when we tried to fool everyone into thinking one of our recent spy satellites was destroyed in transit. I dont believe it one bit.

It is disappointing about the russian heavy becoming vaporware. That said, the nuklon is certainly a brilliant idea. I can imagine angara sending up large loads up to be ferried with this happening multiple times. This technology would allow the creations of space stations around the moon and mars as well as sending down habitats to the surface of the moon. But ruskies take for effing ever dangit. We need to develop this space ferry system further here in America. The whole Elon Musk bugs bunny carrot rocket stuff, landing vertically here and there. Not sure about it.

I mean there is some faith in Starship for example his biggest critic thunderf00t has a youtube channel with nearly 1 million subscribers with content that bashes Musks ideas but has not bashed his idea of the Sabatier Process which he should be very familiar with since he has a Phd in chemistry which I consider as a huge plus.
Pshh... reminds me when we tried to fool everyone into thinking one of our recent spy satellites was destroyed in transit. I dont believe it one bit.

It is disappointing about the russian heavy becoming vaporware. That said, the nuklon is certainly a brilliant idea. I can imagine angara sending up large loads up to be ferried with this happening multiple times. This technology would allow the creations of space stations around the moon and mars as well as sending down habitats to the surface of the moon. But ruskies take for effing ever dangit. We need to develop this space ferry system further here in America. The whole Elon Musk bugs bunny carrot rocket stuff, landing vertically here and there. Not sure about it.

I mean there is some faith in Starship for example his biggest critic thunderf00t has a youtube channel with nearly 1 million subscribers with content that bashes Musks ideas but has not bashed his idea of the Sabatier Process which he should be very familiar with since he has a Phd in chemistry which I consider as a huge plus.
There’s a whole channel on YT just dedicated to bashing him, I wish I could say I was surprised these days.
The arrival of the MLM module this summer opened up new photographic ... and photogenic possibilities. New perspectives: the MLM module towering over the ground is a picture we couldn't take during my last mission. It almost gives me vertigo!

View: https://twitter.com/Thom_astro/status/1448201998986252293

For me, the 65th expedition to the International @Space_Station is the most intense in all three orbital flights.

Today, I want to share with you the footage of the re-docking of the #SoyuzMS18 spacecraft from the Rassvet module to the #Nauka module.

View: https://twitter.com/novitskiy_iss/status/1448270674158620672
The International Space Station was unexpectedly tilted on Friday after a test firing of thrusters on Russia’s Soyuz MS-18 spacecraft continued longer than expected. First reported by the New York Times, the personnel aboard the ISS were never in danger according to a statement from Russia’s Roscosmos space agency.

Ground teams for NASA and Roscosmos were able to regain control of the station about 30 minutes after it lost positioning control at 5:13AM ET. But it’s the second such incident aboard the ISS within the past year, and it occurred with a craft that is supposed to return to Earth early Sunday morning.

The preflight testing phase of the Progress M-UM transport cargo module with the Prichal node module of the Russian segment of the International Space Station continues at the Baikonur Cosmodrome technical complex.

After completing the technological operations to assemble Progress M-UM spacecraft as part of the instrument and equipment compartment, transient spacer and Prichal module, specialists from Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia (part of Roscosmos State Corporation) conducted an external inspection of the spacecraft installed in the dynamic test facility of Assembly and Test Building Site 254.

From October 11, 2021 the spacecraft underwent a series of onboard systems checks and a launch-readiness check set using the ground-based equipment of the automated test facility. Today, on October 20, 2021, in accordance with the schedule of regular training a cycle of autonomous tests of the ship took place in an anechoic zone, assembled of radio absorbing screens to test the onboard radio system for rendezvous and docking "Course-NA" in conditions simulating the physical environment of outer space.

Universal node module Prichal, developed and produced by S.P. Korolev RSC Energia, is intended to expand technical and operational capabilities of the Russian segment of the ISS. The Prichal UM is planned to be launched using Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle in November 2021.

Russian scientists find a way to produce safe nuclear fuel for hydrogen synthesis

Based on the results of several hundred experiments, scientists have identified the most promising method which allows to obtain a relatively inexpensive but effective and combustible fuel

TOMSK, October 27. /TASS/. Scientists at Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) have found a way to synthesize fuel oxide compositions for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, making them safe in case of an accident and synthesizing hydrogen left in them, associate professor of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Department at TPU's Nuclear Engineering School Alexander Karengin told TASS on the sidelines of the "Hydrogen. Technologies. The Future" conference.
"The development of hydrogen technology is coming to the forefront now. One of the main methods of its production is water electrolysis and steam conversion of methane. However, steam conversion requires huge energy inputs with half of the methane being burned to reach operating temperatures. High-temperature gas-cooled reactors could be the way out. But the nuclear fuel that is currently in use is not suitable for that," Karengin said.
TPU scientists used a grant from the Russian Science Foundation to solve the problem of finding fuel mixtures with the required characteristics. Based on the results of several hundred experiments, they selected the most promising method of fuel creation - one-stage plasma-chemical synthesis in the air plasma flow of fuel oxide compositions from dispersed water-organic nitrate solutions that include an organic component.
It allows fuel synthesis using a plasma flow that hits uranium in a special nitride solution with the addition of organics, particularly alcohol, and metals used as a matrix (e.g., magnesium). This method makes it possible to obtain a relatively inexpensive, but at the same time effective and combustible fuel, which will create the desired temperature in the fuel element without the risk of destruction. Thus, it will be possible to synthesize hydrogen with nuclear reactors.

Need for research

The scientist explained that in a high-temperature reactor with a gas cooling system, a methane-based gas mixture could be used to cool the fuel elements. The methane would be converted to much needed hydrogen under the influence of high temperature. However, a significant portion of nuclear power plants use ceramic pellets with uranium dioxide nuclear fuel or dispersed thorium-uranium fuel. During reactor operation, these fuel elements (fuel pellets) are heated, but due to their structure they do not conduct the temperature well - it reaches the required 1,250 degrees Celsius for fusion inside the pellet, while on the surface it’s only about 400 degrees. If you increase the temperature, the fuel cells will simply melt, so they constantly need to be cooled.
Hydrogen is considered one of the most promising fuels, which, in addition to being highly efficient, is not harmful to the environment. The International Hydrogen Council estimates that by 2050 hydrogen will account for 18% of the world's total energy demand.

Russia’s state-of-the-art Teledroid robot can operate inside and outside space station

The experiment for delivering the Teledroid robot into orbit is planned for 2024

DUBAI, October 28. /TASS/. Russia’s cutting-edge Teledroid anthropomorphic robot will be able to operate both inside and outside the International Space Station (ISS), a spokesman for the Cosmonaut Training Center told TASS on the sidelines of the International Astronautical Congress on Thursday.
"We conducted our first test during the ‘Tester’ space experiment when the Fedor robot was used and now we will create a special-purpose robot that will operate in orbit both inside and outside the station," the spokesman said, responding to a question about where the Teledroid robot would operate.
As reported earlier, the experiment for delivering the Teledroid robot into orbit is planned for 2024. The press office of the Android Technics Research and Production Association reported in May that the conceptual design of the Teledroid robot for outer space was due to be finally approved in 2022-2023.
The 72nd International Astronautical Congress is running at the Dubai World Trade Center under the aegis of the International Astronautical Federation on October 25-29. The congress has brought together the heads of space agencies from different countries, space industry representatives, equipment producers and scientists specializing in space-related problems. Specialists are demonstrating their achievements and discussing plans of future space exploration missions.


In Chelyabinsk, tests of a futuristic liquid rocket engine of low power began.
Scientists call the tested equipment a demonstrator, on its basis they will produce engines with a thrust thousands of times more than those that have already been created.

Photo: RIA Novosti
In Russia, announced the development of a rocket with a carrying capacity of 200 tons
A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen will serve as an ecological fuel for them, notes SUSU Vice-Rector Sergey Vaulin. But most importantly - a breakthrough idea that will allow you to build a fully returnable single-stage rocket "Crown", superior to the Falcon-9 Elon Musk. After all, she lands only one surviving step.

Delivery of goods on the domestic shuttle will be more economical - at least to near-Earth orbits, even to deep space. And even on asteroids, from collision with which scientists are going to protect the Earth - this idea was "prompted" to them in 2013 by a meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk. Modern devices, the inventors say, are not very adapted to combat the attack of space wanderers: one traditional upper stage is not able to pave the way for the ship into space. According to the dean of the aerospace faculty Viktor Fedorov, there is such a dependence: the higher modern rockets rise, the larger the diameter of the nozzle should be the engine. This is achieved by changing the steps: worked one - down with her, the second - also away.

The plans are to build a fully returnable rocket superior to Elon Musk's Falcon-9

In "The Crown" everything will be different. 16 small engines should surround the ring around the central body of the power plant in the form of a needle. Facing inward nozzles, they will "blow" on it, and the needle will begin to accelerate the gas flow rolling down it. From the altitude of the rocket will depend only on the "behavior" of this jet jet - it will become tighter pressed against the central body or, conversely, detached from it. But this will not require multi-stage from the rocket itself. This is the peculiarity of the future multi-chamber main engine, resembling a crown in its appearance. Its development is carried out in the Ural Interregional Scientific and Educational Center "Advanced Production Technologies and Materials".


In Russia, a rocket engine has been created, a hundred times more efficient than a liquid engine

In the new National Security Strategy, announced on January 17, 2019 at the Pentagon, Donald Trump bluntly stated: space is a new area of hostilities. Star Wars is reaching a new level. Is Russia ready for them? We discussed this problem with RSC Energia Advisor, Minister of General Engineering of the USSR (1983–1991), Hero of Socialist Labor Oleg Baklanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kostin, Honored Tester of Space Technology RSC Energia Alexander Kubasov, Head of Kwanton Vladimir Leonov and its Technical Director Sergey Altunin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Strebkov, Chief of Armament of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (1994–2000) Colonel-General Anatoly Sitnov and a member of the expert council of the Duma Defense Committee, Lieutenant-General Mikhail Sautin.

- Oleg Dmitrievich, you led the country's space industry when US President Ronald Reagan began to deploy the SDI program, relying on reusable Shuttles. After the collapse of the USSR, it was closed. Now, it turns out, it is resuscitated?

Oleg Baklanov: Not exactly. Over the past 30 years, fundamentally new knowledge has been accumulated regarding the development of space systems. Fundamental science has penetrated into the nature of gravity and antigravity, the quantized structure of space. This makes it possible to create non-reactive, chemical fuel-free engines for space. NASA, China and Russia are working them.

For a specialist, it is clear: when Trump talks about non-ballistic missiles, we mean primarily non-reactive quantum engines (KvD). The fact is that the traditional LPR on chemical fuel has reached its technical ceiling and its specific thrust force does not exceed 0.7 newtons per kilowatt of power (0.7 N / kW). This limits the capabilities of the launch vehicle on the LPR - it allows you to put into orbit a payload of no more than three to five percent of the launch mass. In this case, there can be no question of any additional maneuvers in orbit. And Star Wars requires universal spacecraft capable of actively maneuvering both in the atmosphere and in orbit. To do this, we need engines on new physical principles (warp engines). And NASA, I think, has real results. By the way, this was partly facilitated by our achievements in the field of quantum engines, the work of which is based on the fundamental theory of Leonov's superunification.

- You were the chairman of the commission for testing the quantum engine of the company "Quanton". The test report is published. What parameters are recorded and what did they show?

- A year ago, I initiated the creation of this commission, understanding the importance of such engines for space. We were interested in the specific thrust force developed by the prototype kvD, and we reliably determined it - 115 N / kW. This is 165 times higher than the best samples of LPR. It turns out that the quantum engine is at least a hundred times more economical. This is a revolutionary achievement in space engine building, when new fundamental knowledge allows you to make a sharp jump in technical parameters.

- Why is the revolutionary achievement not being implemented?

Georgy Kostin: As a former director of the Voronezh Mechanical Plant (VMZ), which produces rocket engines, it is clear to me that in the future the quantum engine will replace the LRD. It is more economical, powered by electrical energy, does not require chemical fuel, and therefore does not embed harmful combustion products of fuel, uselessly heating the atmosphere and space. But there is a purely production problem. Its design is significantly different from the LPR produced at VMZ. To enter the production of VMZ with KvD, I was first proposed to create a hybrid engine KvD + LRD and thereby reduce the launch mass of the launch vehicle by at least three to five times. Electrical energy to power KvD is proposed to receive from the generator installed on one shaft with the pumping unit of the LPR. All calculations and sketch study of the hybrid are available. But we haven't gotten the go-ahead yet.

- Is this the short-sightedness of Roscosmos?

- Roscosmos has a lot of problems. Programs for the decade ahead have been drawn up. The head has already reported that the scientific and production association "Energomash" has completed the assembly of the liquid engine RD-171MV with a thrust of 800 tons. And now we propose to make essentially a new unit consisting of two engines: quantum and LPR. It is not inscribed in any plans. Therefore, now we are at the stage of convincing the leadership of Roscosmos that this work should be started and the sooner the better.

I repeat, the LPR has a specific thrust force of not more than 0.7 N / kW. The only way to reduce fuel consumption can only be a hybrid. Although a powerful quantum engine has yet to be brought to an industrial design. That seems to be the whole reason. As for VMZ, the plant's capabilities are sufficient to perform this work.

- And how does Roscosmos itself treat the quantum engine?

Alexander Kubasov: I was the head of quantum engine testing at Kwanton. We confirmed the previously stated characteristics of the KvD about its high efficiency. Judge for yourself: specialists of the space industry for decades have been struggling to improve the characteristics of lpr by a few percent, and here - a hundred times. He did not believe in this until he personally measured the specific thrust force of the KvD.

" Vladimir Semenovich Leonov today looks like in his time Diesel before the carriage masters, whom he convinced that the cart can move without a horse "
Hundreds of thousands of people work in Roscosmos and its subordinate units, and suddenly a small team from the Bryansk hinterland, without state funding, issues such parameters. By the way, many people do not like it - professional pride plus traditional conservatism are affected. And most importantly - no one understands what creates the thrust of the KvD. After all, we were taught that this in principle can not be, and the reactive method is the only possible way to move in space. We did not study the theory of superunification in the university, it simply did not exist then. Immediately we are talking about a non-reactive way of creating a thrust force, antigravity, quantum gravity, about which we know nothing. Figuratively speaking, presenting his developments to us for expert evaluation, Vladimir Semenovich Leonov today looks like Diesel once looked before the carriage masters, whom he convinced that the cart can move without a horse. And in response I heard: and where are the oglobli, clamp, the hedges.

- What is the principle of operation of the quantum engine?

Vladimir Leonov: First of all, I would like to note that Kwanton has fulfilled its mission: a fundamental theory of superunification has been created, on the basis of which the principle of operation of the quantum engine is based. Successful tests of KvD confirmed the validity of our theory, which justifies new physical principles. The work of KvD is simple and based on the creation of thrust force due to the gradient of spatial energy. We have established that a colossal energy in the form of a global electromagnetic field with a very small discreteness (quantization) has been "spilled" through outer space, about which nothing was previously known. This global field was discovered by me in 1996 as the fifth fundamental force (superpower) in the form of superstrong electromagnetic interaction (CMEA). Its carrier is the quantum of space-time (quanton), the size of which is ten orders of magnitude smaller than the atomic nucleus, but it concentrates energy much larger than nuclear.

The quantum engine is repelled by the global CMEA field due to deformation in the right direction (Einstein curvature) of quantized space-time, creating an artificial gravitational force (thrust). The mass reader may not understand everything, but this is fundamentally new fundamental knowledge.

- The Russian Academy of Sciences is responsible for fundamental research. Why is the RAS silent?

Dmitry Strebkov: I participated in the meeting of the working group of the Defense Committee of the State Duma and supported all the developments of the Kwanton Group. I have known Vladimir Leonov for a long time and have always supported him in working on the theory of superunification, the development of KvD. As, however, and our teacher - General Designer of NPO "Kvant", corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Lidorenko. Leonov swung at the fundamental foundations of physics, and academic science is fundamentally conservative. In addition, not only in the Russian Academy of Sciences, but also in the world there are no other specialists in the theory of superunification. And this is a completely new knowledge in modern physics. But the main confirmation of the operability of this theory is the quantum engine itself, a specific sample. This is better than the conclusions of dozens of academics. In China, tested a quantum microwave engine in orbit. On the website of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Georgy Malinetsky on behalf of the Academy made a statement: "An impossible engine" from china does not contradict the laws of physics and can work without fuel. " But the Chinese engine has a thrust of several newtons, and Leonov has several thousand newtons. I believe that the test protocol of the quantum engine should be urgently considered in the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

- Will we miss the time? And how do the military look at this discovery?

Anatoly Sitnov: My position is unequivocal. Only fundamental knowledge gives impetus to the creation of promising weapons systems based on new physical principles. By revealing the secrets of the nucleus, we were able to create an atomic bomb, a powerful nuclear shield of the country. And now we are lucky that the theory of superunification was created in Russia. For the first time, our science penetrated into the mysteries of universal gravitation, explaining the quantum nature of gravity. This new fundamental knowledge is the basis for the work of the antigravity engine and quantum generators of gravitational waves - grazers. We, the military, are well aware of the importance of new space technologies for defense. Therefore, the issue should be decided at the state level, and not by Kwanton alone. Further work on the engine should be included in state programs, determine the parent organization, for example, RSC Energia, the head design bureaus and the plant (Voronezh). Without this, the issue will not move from the dead point.

Mikhail Sautin: We held hearings on this issue in the working group of the Defense Committee. On the initiative of the First Deputy Chairman of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation, now Deputy Director General of Roscosmos Ivan Kharchenko, a technical task (TK) for a demonstration sample of a quantum engine was developed. The toR was approved by the general designer of the means of launching spacecraft into orbit with the appropriate ground infrastructure Alexander Medvedev and agreed by the director of the Research Institute of Space Systems (NIIKS) Mikhail Makarov.

In connection with the reorganization of Roscosmos, the financing of the work was postponed. But now Dmitry Rogozin gave instructions to begin the development of a quantum engine. As you can see, with some delay, the issue is still beginning to be resolved at the state level. At the same time, we are constantly faced with domestic bureaucracy at the level of the middle level of management, which does not understand the full responsibility of the tasks at hand. Like, since "Kwanton" is a private company, let it solve the problems itself. If elon Musk had been treated this way in the United States, there would have been no breakthrough. And the company "Quanton", without state support, created something that the Americans can not afford.

- As far as I can tell, Kwanton has been working on the engine since 2002. What are the overall prospects?

Sergey Altunin: We do not have such opportunities as the Voronezh Mechanical Plant, but we are ready to work together to create a powerful hybrid engine. So far, we have focused on the development of low-power KvD to ensure the maneuverability of satellites in orbit, and we are also working on the design of the engine for an aerospace drone. However, there is something to worry about. Some time ago, the Russian tracking facilities asPOS OKP of the Astronomical Science Center (ANC) noticed the separation of two devices from a large US satellite. One of them has already made more than four hundred maneuvers. It can be assumed that the Americans are testing in orbit shunting killers of satellites (Killer Satellites). We warned about this danger. If such technologies are implemented, there is a great temptation to disable Russian military satellites and blind our space systems before launching a preemptive nuclear strike.

- What to do next?

Oleg Baklanov: First of all, we need to urgently convene a meeting with the head of Roscosmos and outline a program of action.

In addition, I have sent relevant letters to President Vladimir Putin and the government. We are talking about the formation of a new branch of space engine building. In Soviet times, a decision of the Central Committee and the corresponding government decree would have been urgently adopted on this issue.
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The optimal day for launching the Russian station to the Moon has been named.

The source called July 23, 2022 the optimal day for launching the Russian station to the Moon.

03:24 08.11.2021 (updated: 04:09 08.11.2021)

MOSCOW, November 8 - RIA Novosti. The first Russian automatic station to the Moon in 46 years can be launched from May 25 to October 19, 2022, the most profitable day for launching will be July 23, a source in the rocket and space industry told RIA Novosti.

"The launch window for Luna-25 will be open from May 25 to October 19, and the optimal launch date would be July 23," the source said.

Luna-25 should become the first station in the history of modern Russia launched to the Moon. The previous Luna-24 spacecraft was launched by the Soviet Union in 1976.

The main task of the Luna-25 mission is to develop basic soft landing technologies in the circumpolar region and conduct contact studies of a given region of the Moon's south pole. The launch is planned from the Vostochny cosmodrome by the Soyuz-2.1b carrier rocket with the Fregat upper stage.

The station is to make a soft landing in the vicinity of the south pole of the Moon: the main area is located north of the Boguslavsky crater, and the reserve area is located southwest of the Manzini crater.


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