If this news is true

ROSCOSMOS could have serious problem
Kazakhstan seized the Property of Roscosmos TsENKI in Baikonur Cosmodrome.
because Russian debt of 2 billions rubels towards Kazakhstan

View: https://twitter.com/DJSnM/status/1635385265517916160
The Back Story:
Kazakhstan and Russia made Agreement to replace the Toxic Proton rocket with cleaner Zenit.
because Proton frist stage crash into Kazakhstan down range, poisoning the landscape...
Original was planed for Zenit, but do various reasons it became Angara, launch in Baikonur Cosmodrome complex for Zenit.

But Angara became Vaporware for nearly 20 years and Proton show more and more launch "issues"
as finally the Angara launched, things had change drastic:
under Putin the Vostochny Cosmodrome was build that next Soyuz will have also Angara pad.
Also is Angara launch mainly for Plesetsk Cosmodrome for military missions.
so no need for launch pad in Baikonur Cosmodrome

So the Russians offer a new deal, Kazakhstan get the new Soyuz-5 rocket.
The Kazakh authorities face with another Vaporware rocket that change annual it design and configuration.
and took action, seized the Property of Roscosmos TsENKI.

A further deterioration of relations between Russia and Kazakhstan.
since war in Ukraine the Russia state media and officials like Medvedev
make Propaganda against Kazakhstan, even demanding "military Actions" against them...
Michel Van thanks for your geopolitical hot take. Definitely not filled with goofy anti ruskie propaganda nonsense at all.

The war has revealed that many here love Nuland tier geopolitics and have a heavy slant against their enemies. There is much more to the story than Michel has led on. ffs
Many grievances and battles of smaller nations trying to walk a careful balancing act between great powers. This is especially the case with the conflict going on as the west has many nongovernmental orgs and intelligence assets working overtime to diminish Russia's influence in the Caucasus. Russia is obviously trying to resist this. Factor in the embedded corruption within Kazakhstan as a result of many turmoils of the past and politicians who are walking the tightrope so carefully, wanting to lead their nation closer to one or the other directions off into the future horizon.

Right now there is a lot of venom spit out from both Kazakhstan and Russia concerning the Baikonur cosmodrome and it is surely going to slow the already glacial pace of Russia's space industry.
Right now there is a lot of venom spit out from both Kazakhstan and Russia concerning the Baikonur cosmodrome and it is surely going to slow the already glacial pace of Russia's space industry.
For the moment Russians need Baikonur Cosmodrome
Next flight to ISS (cargo and manned) they launch important payloads with proton.
like the SIGINT Olympus on 12 March 2023 with Proton.

I don't known why they not launch it with Angara 5 from Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
Could be that Olympus was build for launch with Proton and not for Angara.
(next to that Vostochny Cosmodrome Launch pad for Angara is not finish yet.)

Worst case scenario is that Russia also invade Kazakhstan
Here the Russian lost access to ISS and unable to launch Protons
also are cosmonauts unable to land in Kazakhstan now enemy country
it would ironic if Elon Musk SpaceX replace the Soyuz with Crew Dragon for ROSCOSMOS
While it take years for Russia to launch new Hardware with Angara from Russia

but this is highly unrealistic scenario, Russia need Kazakhstan for moment.
View: https://twitter.com/sciguyspace/status/1641144604182323201

I asked about the report of 50° C temperatures inside the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft during its return to Earth Tuesday (no crew were inside). NASA's Joel Montalbano said they have a lot of questions, too, are are working with Roscosmos to obtain some insight.

View: https://twitter.com/spcplcyonline/status/1641146791042088995

Re temps in the damaged Soyuz MS-22 that reentered yesterday, Montalbano said they've seen the report that it got up to 50 degrees C inside, but that's not what the technical team shared. NASA's chasing it down. Working w/Roscosmos.
If the Descent Module's cabin temperature reached 50 degrees then any astronaut onboard would probably have died from heat-stroke.
A lifting Soyuz reentry (when I suspect the highest temperatures occur) lasts about 8 minutes from reentry interface to parachute deployment. I've spent 15 minutes in a 90°C sauna and I'm certainly not the kind of person who takes kindly to that sort of thing (had to abandon a steep, long climb on my bike on a hot day once). Granted, I wasn't wearing a space suit (though that could actually be beneficial if it delays exposure to the high temp) and my cardio-vascular system didn't have to strain against a 5g deceleration (see bike example). But 40K and 7 minutes seems like a lot of margin (and I'd been riding at a high pace for over an hour in temperatures approaching 40°C when I had to stop that bike climb).

Definitely going to be seriously uncomfortable, perhaps borderline risky, but sounds decently survivable to this layman (if 50°C is even accurate).
If not a full suit, then perhaps cooling garments plugged into a pack to last long enough to get down?
If not a full suit, then perhaps cooling garments plugged into a pack to last long enough to get down?

That wouldn't work as the spacecraft's cooling-system it's attached to was damaged.
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Russia unveils secretive weapon to target SpaceX’s Starlink in Ukraine

Extensively refers to work done by NSF member B. Hendrickx, see Russian space-related electronic warfare projects

Hendrickx, a Belgium-based amateur researcher whose uncovering of Russian procurement and court documents has yielded most of the limited public information available about the Tobol program, initially concluded that the system was defensive in nature, according to his 2020 analysis published by the Space Review. But further analysis, underpinned by court documents describing “specialized complexes for the electronic attack of space assets,” led to fresh revelations and he predicted last year that Tobol can be used offensively.
Russia unveils secretive weapon to target SpaceX’s Starlink in Ukraine

Extensively refers to work done by NSF member B. Hendrickx, see Russian space-related electronic warfare projects

Hendrickx, a Belgium-based amateur researcher whose uncovering of Russian procurement and court documents has yielded most of the limited public information available about the Tobol program, initially concluded that the system was defensive in nature, according to his 2020 analysis published by the Space Review. But further analysis, underpinned by court documents describing “specialized complexes for the electronic attack of space assets,” led to fresh revelations and he predicted last year that Tobol can be used offensively.


An electronic warfare satellite proposed by KB Arsenal in launch and orbital configuration.
Today at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, specialists from the Vostochny Space Center (a branch of the Ground Space Infrastructure Facilities Operation Center) and the Lavochkin Research and Production Association (part of Roscosmos State Corporation) transported the Fregat upper stage intended for launching the Luna-25 automatic station from the refueling and neutralization station to the assembly and test building.

The upper stage was refueled with propellant components and installed on the stand before the space head assembly.

The launch of the Soyuz-2.1b launch vehicle with the Fregat upper stage and the Luna-25 automatic station is to be the third launch in 2023 from the Vostochny Cosmodrome.
Roscsomos published the #Luna25 mission profile cards. This is my translation (sorry if something wrong), the original cards can be found here: https://t.me/roscosmos_gk/10293

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1686678219305467904

The Luna-Glob (Luna-25) lander was integrated with its Fregat space tug in preparation for launch on August 11:

View: https://twitter.com/RussianSpaceWeb/status/1686351384000569345

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1687470968925519872

#Luna25 with Fregat upper stage encapsulated under the fairing and ready for the assembly with Soyuz 2.1b rocket. Roscosmos still talks about the launch “in August”. I suppose they’re going to keep the launch date in secret even when the spacecraft is halfway to the Moon.
Confirmation on launch time and date for Luna 25.

Finally Roscosmos announced the launch time of #Luna25 officially (which we knew for almost a month).
Rollout - August 8
Launch - August 10, 23:10:57 UTC.
Soyuz 2.1b is assembled with the head part. The mission's press kit is here (VPN may be required): https://roscosmos.ru/media/files/2023/July/luna-25-sovmestniy.pdf

View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1688526871028240384
View: https://twitter.com/katlinegrey/status/1691784164469547079

Insiders say, #Luna25 has successfully entered the lunar orbit. There is no official announcement from Roscosmos yet.

According to Roskosmos, all systems aboard the spacecraft were functioning normally. The spacecraft was reported to be in the 91.4 by 112.6-kilometer orbit around the Moon with an inclination 82.087 degrees toward the lunar Equator and the ascending angle of 270.53 degrees longitude.

The mass of the spacecraft after reaching lunar orbit was reported to be 1,237 kilograms.

The first correction was expected to be performed two days after entering the initial lunar orbit and exact calculation of orbital parameters.
according german news Der Spiegel
has Lunar-25 a technical problem:

During the operation, an abnormal situation arose on board the automatic station, which did not allow the maneuver to be carried out with the given parameters
so Roscosmo according Der Spiegel


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