Russia appears to be on fire

sferrin said:
yasotay said:
Orionblamblam said:
Hammer Birchgrove said:
Did Obama at least wash a bird? ::)

While riding a unicorn, even.

You know darn well the President would not "ride" a unicorn.
The American Unicorn Liberties Union would have been all over that.

Nah, unicorns are white, the ACLU would ignore it. ;)

Wait a sec'... I thought unicorns wouldn't show up until a Log Cabin Republican wins the presidency. ???
Had some major fires a few years ago in Australia with lots of people killed. Apart from general post modernist management incompetence the primary cause was the Greens Party. Yep those harmless Greenies killed lots of people. They had taken over the local councils in the area and banned fuel reduction burning off programs and residents from clearing trees from their property. Come a hot, dry fire season and with houses built into forests with huge levels of potential forest fire fuel (leaves, grasses, accumulated mulch, etc) fueling fire storms that ripped through small country towns and rural estates (upper class green changers) there were a lot of avoidable casualties.
Abraham Gubler said:
Had some major fires a few years ago in Australia with lots of people killed.

I saw a most impressive home video from some Australian suburb. The camera was set up on a tripod and left to run while the homeowners got the hell out of Dodge. It looked out into the back yard at a lone eucalyptus tree in the middle of the yard. The trees in the all the neighboring yards were merrily roaring away, but this one wasn't burning, it was just being dry-roasted. But as it roasted, it was outgassing some impressively flamable vapor, which floated above it... until a spark hit it. The air above the tree turned into a fireball, which shot downwards, engulfed the tree... which proceeded to *explode.*

Did about half a page disappear? Was what I and others posted more offensive than what had been posted before? ???
I didn't finish my job yet, guys...
seems that topic was of fires in Russia we expecting tornados over here - cold air from Atlantic did find its way and it wants to go fast
Ahh this is the Bar... Overzealous editing of people talking trash I think.

And that video from the Onion of the guy even older and more rightwing than McCain was pretty damn funny.
flateric said:
I didn't finish my job yet, guys...

:eek: Have mercy!!!

seems that topic was of fires in Russia we expecting tornados over here - cold air from Atlantic did find its way and it wants to go fast

Seems to me to be a rather abrupt way to balance things out. Rain falls had been nicer.

Mother Nature, what have we done to deserve this!? :eek:

Oh, that's right... ::)
it just so happens that pine trees have flammable resin that makes them sensitive to heat thus creating wild fire


-1997 El Nino

ENSO usually happens in our region... seems like it moved northwards

it actually gave birth to a sibling... instead of the usual south american cycle... we now have massive dumps from california making an ENSO cycle with the north pacific current

animated time line here:


  • enso.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 6

fire and El Niño phenomenon correlation:
El Niño phenomenon can be observed as irregularities in ocean convection whereby regions and countries near bodies of water(which are in the receiving end of the spectrum) are toasted to death. More water = yikes! one example is my country(Philippines). It's literally surrounded by large bodies of water, hence get a combination of warm and dry.

because the Earth rotates, effects are displaced horizontally

Areas like Africa, California and South America have self convecting regions or just literally toast themselves silly but not as much as what ENSO can generate.

receiving end bodies of water like the Mediterranean and black sea are El Niño magnets so now we have fires in Russia.

What to expect late is La Niña. In my country, it's endless torrents of water and wind. Dunno what's gonna happen in the northern hemisphere...

also note that the combined dumping of the two will logically produce more devastating results

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