I in my humble opinion of amateur in the tanks i consider that it is an idea that without changing too much in terms of the leopard 2a7 provides some novelties that allow to adapt better to the modern battlefield: the armor although it has not increased in thickness it has reduced the weight , this means that the metal is more resistant with less density or equal to at least, It also provides several active and passive systems that allow to detect enemy targets faster thanks to their cameras, sensors and sights of last generation combined with an artificial intelligence developed by Indra and destroy them with its powerful 130mm cannon if they are other armored or high value targets or use any of their machine guns in case of being infantry or little armored vehicles , in the case of being at longer range it can use the Kamikaze Hero drones with a decent explosive charge, having two launchers and capacity of 4 drones could be used 2 kamikaze and 2 reconnaissance to spot enemies from a distance and eliminate them before they see you, Its GPS and communications systems allow it to be integrated with the Lynx armored vehicles ,the command , control centers and the air force that will undoubtedly try to support and defend it. This will be able to mark targets for artillery if necessary , and this will form a swarm of KF51 Panther, Linx, PHZ200 and others that will be able to neutralize many enemies, RPGs will not be a threat thanks to their active protection and armor is equal to LEO2A7 and you can always put reactive armor.

Don't forget the LOUD exhaust, that pops and and bangs when the throttle is lifted . . .

Point the cannon backwards and keep firing, that'll make it really fast... but it will also annoy the hell out of your infantry.
The RWS seems to has MUSS integrated. Quite genius I'd say. Now they have a smoke system equal to the Armata (banks of fixed launchers and a trainable turret) while using far less space.
The RWS seems to has MUSS integrated. Quite genius I'd say.
No it has not (which is kind of funny because it looks like one could). Muss is next to the comanders and behind the gunners sight. Or atleast there is the jammer system. 1000046145.jpg
Now they have a smoke system equal to the Armata (banks of fixed launchers and a trainable turret) while using far less space.
Not equal amount as T-14 has 2 movable 12 charges launcher and 2 fixed vertical Launcher which makes 48. Mutch more than the 20 of this Panther. But having fixed and movable hard kill APS and a softkill jammer makes it a quite protected system.
No it has not (which is kind of funny because it looks like one could). Muss is next to the comanders and behind the gunners sight. Or atleast there is the jammer system.View attachment 732481
Ah, so it appears that I was mistaken. Still, the 4-round launcher strikes me as terrifyingly similar to that on the Puma, which wiki apparently claims to be a component of MUSS.
Ah, so it appears that I was mistaken. Still, the 4-round launcher strikes me as terrifyingly similar to that on the Puma, which wiki apparently claims to be a component of MUSS.
View attachment 732536
It probaly is (for cost reasons) but its not the "important" part of MUSS. Tought as this vehicle is probaly in a high conceptual state it wouldn't surprise me that if we see it next time a lot could be changed. Things tike TAPS and Rosy could and probaly will be installed for example.
Last year's KF51s was a huge disappointment - it felt like Rheinmetall doesn't understand what they are doing, just blindly slapping all buzz words on a poor 2a4 chassis; they were completely out of touch with concurrent experience. EMBT with its careful turret shaping to cover exposed sensors from splinters was just a better concept(tbh, I still like the 2024 Leclerc evo).

Fast forward just a year later, and KF-51U seems to be the most in-touch tank concept out there. Especially impressive is that RM guys appear to be the only people to, I don't know, actually watch combat footage and protect the engine deck(and turret basket) with both composite protection and a dedicated row of APS charges. Like, engineers actually doing their job - solving real-life problems. ain't it impressive?
3x7.62 anti-loitering APS is a bit more controversial (compared to the huge 30mm RWS others went for), but I see the logic and advantages.

Not a wannabe rushed t-14 reskin 10 years later, not a repackaged mix of pre-war ideas, not a big gun seller (like, who in their sane mind even needs that bigger gun, with new unavailable ammo and strained frontline logistics?). Replace 130mm with a 120mm L55A1 to give some mercy to ammo stocks - and IMHO it's the way it should look like for the 2025 battlefield.

Very, very impressive.
Last year's KF51s was a huge disappointment - it felt like Rheinmetall doesn't understand what they are doing, just blindly slapping all buzz words on a poor 2a4 chassis; they were completely out of touch with concurrent experience. EMBT with its careful turret shaping to cover exposed sensors from splinters was just a better concept(tbh, I still like the 2024 Leclerc evo).
It also looked smaller which has it advantages
Fast forward just a year later, and KF-51U seems to be the most in-touch tank concept out there. Especially impressive is that RM guys appear to be the only people to, I don't know, actually watch combat footage and protect the engine deck(and turret basket) with both composite protection and a dedicated row of APS charges. Like, engineers actually doing their job - solving real-life problems. ain't it impressive?
Like i said to others. Its the most complete design looking at the protective suit and it still is supposed to reduce the weight (don't know if its turret weight only or for the whole vehicle) 10-20% so a few tons atleast. Long and short range APS, Passive APS and we probaly will see TAPS on it too in the future.
3x7.62 anti-loitering APS is a bit more controversial (compared to the huge 30mm RWS others went for), but I see the logic and advantages.
It has its own advantages and if the software is like Smart Shooter then it does the job just nicely.
Not a wannabe rushed t-14 reskin 10 years later, not a repackaged mix of pre-war ideas, not a big gun seller (like, who in their sane mind even needs that bigger gun, with new unavailable ammo and strained frontline logistics?).
Well all have shown the capability to switch between 120 and 130/140mm. Atleast all of KNDS vehicles but i think Panther could do it too right?
Replace 130mm with a 120mm L55A1 to give some mercy to ammo stocks - and IMHO it's the way it should look like for the 2025 battlefield.
Or Ascalon 120mm for those wanting the little extra spice (a little longer and similiar if not same pressures).
It has its own advantages and if the software is like Smart Shooter then it does the job just nicely.
Yep, low moment of inertia and high ammo capacity(compared to 30mm especially) immediately come to mind; the only disadvantage really being the reach.
Very, very well thought through indeed.

I guess that if properly interconnected, supported, and deployed in some mass, this one has the potential to actually break the drone stalemate. At least, anything else won't be tanks' fault anymore.
Yep, low moment of inertia and high ammo capacity(compared to 30mm especially) immediately come to mind; the only disadvantage really being the reach.
Very, very well thought through indeed.

I guess that if properly interconnected, supported, and deployed in some mass, this one has the potential to actually break the drone stalemate. At least, anything else won't be tanks' fault anymore.
Yeah and if needed an extra 30mm rws could allways be installed.
Man if MGCS keeps going they way it has, then the intier europian tank market is going to be sown up by k2s and kf51s.
Yep, low moment of inertia and high ammo capacity(compared to 30mm especially) immediately come to mind; the only disadvantage really being the reach.
Depends on how many rounds you need to fire to take down a drone. I'm betting that it's ~1-3x 30mm and probably 30x 7.62mm.

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