Kadija_Man said:
Orionblamblam said:
joncarrfarrelly said:
It's as meaningless as any of the 'what do you want polls' of the last three decades.
Sure. But if some particular choice got a *lot* of votes, that could well tilt the balance. Not really sure what a "lot"would be here, but I suspect it would be a number far above what anything truly new and license-heavy would actually get.
As it is easy to skew the voting in that poll, the validity of it as being truly representative of public interest in any particular suggested kit is highly questionable. As a PR exercise, it works very well though. The gullible and the naive will assume that Revell actually cares what their customers think and will purchase more of their kits.
What you suggest is that Revell of Germany cares little what the customers thinks or wants. That flies in the face of a customer driven market where the manufacturer of a good or service tailors his product to the wants and needs of the buying public/business/government agency.
Yes, the Revell survey-vote is a good PR move; they want to at least give the appearance that the customers needs drive Revell's activities. Hand in hand with that, is it not in Revell's best interest to give the customer what he wants? I see no nefarious intent with the open survey-vote. I take this solicitation of public input at face value. When the tabulation is in I fully expect the results to be presented to the people who dictate Revell's product development choices.
Yes, the voting is easily skewed by those with agenda's and/or are natural cheats. But the survey is appreciated and if honestly evaluated by Revell, will be a useful tool to them.
I agree with those who have identified the ever tightening patent protection C&D's between prototype builders and those wishing to provide sub-scale physical analogs being a major road-block to Revell and the others as to what subjects they can afford to produce. Boeing and the others are clearly penny wise, and pound foolish. But they suffer from Corporate Think and there is no known cure for that (yet).
So, when the smokes clears, Revell will invest in subjects that require little if any licensing fee's; are clearly devoid of likely third-party actions; and will be a product that fills the expressed need of the buying public.
Whoopee: more P-51's and Me-109's.