In the introduction to that marvellous HOTOL book, our vey own
@newsdeskdan quotes Alan Bond. Who said "Earth is just 10% too big for SSTO." Which echoes the Great DOGE a-hole past statement when he still had a brain "Earth is wrong planet for SSTO. On Mars : no problem." (indeed: 5000 m/s orbital velocity).
Orbital velocity of a celestial body is determined by its size, mass, and density (plus the atmosphere, if any). With Earth, we were gifted the biggest rocky body in the entire Solar System. Even swapping for Venus (
not the atmosphere, God forbidd - just the rocky body) would help - 10% smaller and 25% less dense, makes orbital velocity in the 7200 m/s range. Of course the atmosphere completely ruins that.
A case could be made than even with hydrolox all-time record of 466 seconds specific impulse, all-rocket SSTO are on their (propellant mass fraction) knees past 7000 m/s - when Earth mandates 9000 m/s. That's the rub.
Also LOX being almost 80% of an all-rocket SSTO takeoff weight. That's another rub.
Aerospace-plane (1958-1964) identified "air collection" and scramjet as... realistic (?) ways to suck atmospheric air and burn the 21% oxygen inside.
And... we have been stuck there ever since : 70 years later.
Guess why staging is still going strongly, expendable or reusable ? its the cheapest, most efficient trick on hand. Tsiolkovsky smart trick.