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Another article directly from ESAs website:
Go Sabre! Go Skylon!
Go Sabre! Go Skylon!
DSE said:Bond says ultimately REL does not envision taking on the role of engine manufacturer, but would prefer to stay focused on Sabre’s unique heat-exchanger technology.
DSE said:Mat Parry said:DSE said:Bond says ultimately REL does not envision taking on the role of engine manufacturer, but would prefer to stay focused on Sabre’s unique heat-exchanger technology.
I think that's a sensible (and insightful) ambition. let somebody else rule space, we will rule the heat-exchanger market
And just who do you suppose will take over the full scale engine development and validation/verification?
I don't get the logic of this. It's like P&W saying they developed the gearbox and overall design for a geared turbofan at reduced scale and now wants someone else to do the full up engine development and manufacture.
DSE said:And just who do you suppose will take over the full scale engine development and validation/verification?
I don't get the logic of this. It's like P&W saying they developed the gearbox and overall design for a geared turbofan at reduced scale and now wants someone else to do the full up engine development and manufacture.
Hobbes said:DSE said:It makes sense leaving the jet component of the SABRE to a jet engine manufacturer.
That's the way a lot of business is done nowadays - outsource and co-ordinate the assembly of the final product instead of building up the capital and resources to do it all in-house.
Honestly, I get the willies whenever Elon Musk announces that he's working on a new project - don't spread yourself too thin, I think, know your competence and your resources, get people to help you to do it, don't try to do everything until you know it's working.
Then that's probably why I'm not a billionaire.
SteveO said:Reaction Engines expands research project to build full-sized air-breathing engine -
Anyone care to hazard a guess how that is going to work?At Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) the heat exchanger needs to cool air from 1,000°C to minus 150°C, in 1/100th of a second, displacing 400 Mega-Watts of heat energy (equivalent to the power output of a typical gas-powered power station) yet weighs less than 1¼ tonnes.
Clever people will build something cleversublight is back said:From the web site.
Anyone care to hazard a guess how that is going to work?At Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) the heat exchanger needs to cool air from 1,000°C to minus 150°C, in 1/100th of a second, displacing 400 Mega-Watts of heat energy (equivalent to the power output of a typical gas-powered power station) yet weighs less than 1¼ tonnes.
sublight is back said:From the web site.
Anyone care to hazard a guess how that is going to work?At Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) the heat exchanger needs to cool air from 1,000°C to minus 150°C, in 1/100th of a second, displacing 400 Mega-Watts of heat energy (equivalent to the power output of a typical gas-powered power station) yet weighs less than 1¼ tonnes.
Dragon029 said:sublight is back said:From the web site.
Anyone care to hazard a guess how that is going to work?At Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound) the heat exchanger needs to cool air from 1,000°C to minus 150°C, in 1/100th of a second, displacing 400 Mega-Watts of heat energy (equivalent to the power output of a typical gas-powered power station) yet weighs less than 1¼ tonnes.
Through their patented / secret design. You'd think it to be a scam or hoax, but the simple fact is, their technology has passed all of it's trials so far.
Rhinocrates said:The big problem, I gather, was frosting - that is, the buildup of ice as the air was cooled quickly, but they've shown that they can overcome that. That was the biggest potential showstopper apart from reentry, which is a problem for people working on the airframe, not the engine. As Alan Bond has said many times, his focus is on the engine and that's what his company is about, so "Skylon" is really just something that will use SABRE. They are, after all, Reaction ENGINES.
The thing that people need to keep in mind is that SABRE is an air breathing rocket, not a jet, and that Skylon is a launcher that has to compensate for and make use of the fact that Earth has an atmosphere and is not really an aircraft.
The Strathcylde design looks like a better airplane, but its embellishments add weight and make it a lesser spaceship and I worry about that - still, that's only a theoretical project.
bigvlada said:From the previously mentioned document
At Mach 5, air sucked into the engine goes from 1,000 Celsius to -150 Celsius in one-hundredth
of a second, and a frost control system keeps the moisture from turning into ice and clogging the heat exchanger.
It does? I am not aware of anything on this scale that can switch modes without a transition state of some kind, I didn't think it necessary to spell that out. Shows what I know.merriman said:Your post suggest that there is a non-transitional switch between turbine and rocket mode.
steelpillow said:Two things about the Skylon concept worry me.
One is the integration of turbine mode for low-speed atmospheric flight with rocket mode for high speed space flight. AFAIK nobody has yet been able to make a rocket reaction chamber capable of opening its front to ingest air (or, contrarywise, a jet exhaust capable of closing off its inlet to act as a rocket chamber).
I don't regard a blob of solid fuel as a relevant control mechanism for a fluid-fuelled spaceplane. Nor FYI did Werner von Braun.Zootycoon said:Not correct; the solid fuel ramjet, i.e SA6/Meteor etc do exactly this as these use a common combustion chamber for both rocket and airbreathing elements.
Tell that to Pegasus or Scaled Composites. OK SABRE is a little different but for the overall system there are other efficiency gains from using a launch aircraft. The conventional downside is the development cost, however that must be offset against the development cost - and risk, as above - of the full SABRE technology.A two stage launcher with a subsonic first stage is more trouble than its worth.;- all the second stage gains is about a 5% improvement from the nozzle outlet pressure matching.
Not at all. SABRE needs to fully isolate the air inlet in order to operate as a rocket in a vacuum. In the ducted rockets that I am familiar with, the valve that you are talking about controls not the air supply but the fuel-rich combustion gas supply, i.e. it operates only in a single combustion mode and is little more than a fuel throttle, and AFAIK it is not required to close fully. I am rather astonished that you have managed to confuse the two.Zootycoon said:The solid fuel ramjet (aka airbreathing rocket) uses a variable area injector orifice to introduce the partially combusted gases, i.e a fluid, into the combustion can. This is precisely the component which you claim has never been done before.
steelpillow said:Zootycoon said:Likewise I'm dumbfounded you believe an air isolation is so difficult. High precision variable flow at high temperature and pressure is challenging by no means impossible.
I think even if Branson hasn't figured it out yet his customers might just have. He's in too deep and I don't believe he's behind Pegasus 2 anyway (P Allen?)
Zootycoon said:Likewise I'm dumbfounded you believe an air isolation is so difficult. High precision variable flow at high temperature and pressure is challenging by no means impossible.
I think even if Branson hasn't figured it out yet his customers might just have. He's in too deep and I don't believe he's behind Pegasus 2 anyway (P Allen?)
DSE said:If memory serves, the pre-cooler ground test made use of LN2, not LHe. So I would consider this a necessary initial step towards proving the design, but not yet sufficient to say they have demonstrated it. Helium is a much different working fluid than nitrogen from both a thermodynamic standpoint as well well as from that of simple containment. The real issue with liquid air cycles is can the HEX be made mechanically strong enough to deal with all the stresses imposed on it while keeping its weight to a minimum.
Gildasd said:I'm having a bit of an issue with the thermodynamics/chemistry:
Air is at best 21% O2, so why not use O2 as the cooling medium and plumb it into the combustion chamber somewhere on the right slope of the T-s phase diagram.
Bumping the O2 content above 25% in the process instead of wasting precious He that could be better used in children's balloons?
red admiral said:Gildasd said:I'm having a bit of an issue with the thermodynamics/chemistry:
Air is at best 21% O2, so why not use O2 as the cooling medium and plumb it into the combustion chamber somewhere on the right slope of the T-s phase diagram.
Bumping the O2 content above 25% in the process instead of wasting precious He that could be better used in children's balloons?
You'll need to put a lot of energy in to the air to cool it significantly to liquefy it and then separate the LOX before using it as a working fluid. The engine in the previous HOTOL concept did something like this but was very heavy.
Remember that the ultimate heat sink for Skylon/SABRE is the LH2 fuel - the diagram you've posted is of the test rig. In the actual engine cycle the LH2 acts as a heat sink for the LHe (which is a closed loop) and is then burnt.