RAAF Kawasaki T-4s


ACCESS: Restricted
8 October 2009
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Well I was told on ARC that the RAAF briefly concidered the T-4 for their LIFT plane, but was quickly dumped from the list due to old feelings about the war. This was obviously a good excuse to for some RAAF love!!!

1. 76 Sqn, RAAF:


2. 79 Sqn, RAAF:


I hope you like them! Comments and crits always welcomed!!


ps. I take no resopsibility for drool or for correctness of info!!! :p
The T-4 looks fictional to me. I know it's a real (and flying) aircraft but it looks (to me) like something that escaped from an anime or a manga. That's not to say that I don't like it - I think it's a cool little airplane.

A suggestion for your 76 Sqn image. Try hitting the roundel and the cat with more reflected light - not as bright as what you have on the nose but just enough to make those markings lay down on the skin of the aircraft. Also. The darkest part of the cat should be the part that is in the wing shadow. Other than that, I think it looks great in that black and red trim.

That cat leaping forward like that (and where it is leaping to) makes me think of the Tiger-meet Mirage F.1C with the tiger being sucked into the intake. Not a complaint, just something that made me smile.
I doubt that WW2 had anything to do with it rather the Japanese prohibiton on exporting weapons. Since Australia and Japan signed a defence agreement a few years ago this may have changed by not in time for the 1990s LIFT decision. From memory two tenders were downselected for the LIFT: Machi and BAE.

Great pictures but. At least Kawasaki didn't stuff up the RAAF roundels unlike BAE who supplied the first few Hawks with the wing Kangaroos pointing inwards instead of forward...
The Artist said:
The T-4 looks fictional to me. I know it's a real (and flying) aircraft but it looks (to me) like something that escaped from an anime or a manga. That's not to say that I don't like it - I think it's a cool little airplane.

A suggestion for your 76 Sqn image. Try hitting the roundel and the cat with more reflected light - not as bright as what you have on the nose but just enough to make those markings lay down on the skin of the aircraft. Also. The darkest part of the cat should be the part that is in the wing shadow. Other than that, I think it looks great in that black and red trim.

That cat leaping forward like that (and where it is leaping to) makes me think of the Tiger-meet Mirage F.1C with the tiger being sucked into the intake. Not a complaint, just something that made me smile.

Thanks for the tips! I'll bear them in mind with the other special schemes I've got lined up!


ps. I don't think many will make it on here due to their pure what-if nature, but feel free to pop over to whatifmodelers.com to follow my profile thread there!!
Damian2 great work!!! Very nice and detailed profiles.

Can I ask if you have a 3d view of this aircraft ?


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