Re: AEKKEA, Raab-Katzenstein, and Dietrich designations
Raab-Katzenstein Flugzeugwerk GmbH (RaKa) Designations
Also see:
Dietrich-Gobiet/Dietrich Flugzeugwerke Designations
AEKKEA-Raab Designations
Raab-Katzenstein Glider (Raab-Katzenstein Glider - 1921?)
Raab-Katzenstein L.U.G.C. VI - (SIRIS)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 1 - 1926
Schwalbe (Swallow) biplane
- RK 1 : Tandem 2-seat cantilever biplane sports aircraft, x 42
- Prototype rebuilt from Dietrich DP XI, orig. desig. Kl.1 (or K.I)
-- Kl.1a: 1 x 80 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 11 7-cyl.; span 8.00 m; x 25
-- Kl.1b: 1 x 110 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 12 9-cyl. radial; x 7
-- Kl.1c: 1 x (??) hp Anzani (some sources say still Sh 12); x 10
-- Kl.1d: 1 x 200 hp Wright J-5 Whirlwind radial; single-seat(?)*
-- * Upgraded Kl.1a (?); see:
luftfahrtarchive reply #22
-- Kl.1e: Upgraded Kl.1a airframe; aka Rheinische FR 2 (
-- Kl.1f: Upgraded Kl.1a; airframe; no other details
-- Kl.1g: Upgraded Kl.1a airframe; no other details
-- Pintsch
Schwalbe II; built by Julius Pintsch, AG, Vienna
-- Rheinische FR 2
Schwalbe; aka Friedrichshafen FR 2
-- FR 2: aka Kl.1e, revisions by R-K test pilot Otto Peschke
-- FR 2: 1 x 150 hp Siemens-Halske Sh 14A radial, span 8.00 m
-- FR 2: NACA cowling; filleted lower wing, spatted main u/c
Raab-Katzenstein RK 2
Pelikan (
Pelican), 2-seat biplane trainer, 7-cyl radial (16 to China)
- aka RK II or K II, K IIa (eg D-0841), K IIb (eg D-0816), K IIc (eg D-0834)
-- NB: RaKa was the German
Cirrus agent, hence the number of
Hermes-engined RK 2s
-- inline RK 2
-- radial RK 2
Raab-Katzenstein RK 3 - (Project) 1926
Phönix biplane; x 1
- RK 3 : Paul Hall design; 4-seat pax biplane prototype*
- RK 3 : 1 x 125 hp Siemens & Halske Sh12 9-cyl.; span 10.70 m
-- * Intended for commuter flying & business travel uses
- RK 3 : Prototype constr. abandoned 1926 for simpler RK 8
- RK 3 : Led to later RK 10 (
qv); poss related to unbuilt
Raab-Katzenstein RK 4 - (Project) 192(?) single-seat fighter a/c
- RK 4 : Sketchy details avail. (usually 'potential military use')
- RK 4 : 1 x 800 hp engine (??); related to RK 13 and RK 28
Raab-Katzenstein RK 5 - (??)
Falter; no further details
Raab-Katzenstein RK 6 - 1926 2-seat biplane trainer; x ~6*
- RK 6 : 2-bay biplane derived from LVG B.III via DLFW B.I
- RK 6 : 1 x 105 hp Mercedes D.I 6-cyl. inline; span 12.50 m
- RK 6 : Wooden constr.; consider interim, pending the RK 2
- RK 6a: Engine option; unclear if Mercedes D.I or Junkers L 7a
- RK 6b: Engine option; unclear if Mercedes D.I or Junkers L 7a
-- * eg: D-1061, D-1070, D-1152, D-1156
Raab-Katzenstein RK 7 - 1926
Schmetterling (Butterfly) glider
- RK 7 : Biplane built as tandem 2-seat glider, then motor-glider
-- For towing experiments; see:
luftfahrtarchive reply #23
- RK 7 : (Glider) Mixed wood/steel-tube construction; span 8.50 m
- RK 7a: (Motor-Glider) 1 x 14 hp DKW 2-stroke,* span 8.00 m
-- * Possibly the 175 cc ARE 175 1-cylinder motorcycle engine?
Raab-Katzenstein RK 8 -
Marabu, civil LVG C.VI conv.
- RK 8 : eg D-1114/W.Nr.40, D-1216/W.Nr.41, SIRIS
Raab-Katzenstein RK 9 -
Grasmücke (
Meadow Warbler), 2-seat biplane trainer, 3-cyl Anzani
- planned as a 1928 '
- RK 9a eg D-1446 (W.Nr.323), D-1525 (W.Nr.325), D-1575 (W.Nr.352), etc.
Grasmücke also used as a single-seat aerial advertising aircraft
Raab-Katzenstein RK 10 - (Project) 1927 2-or-3 pax cabin biplane
- RK 10 : Small commuter a/c; RK 3 derivative; Paul Hall concept
- RK 10a: 1 x 280 hp Junkers L5 6-cylinder inline; span 10.70 m (??)
- RK 10b: 1 x 250 hp BMW IV 6-cylinder inline; span 10.70 m (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 11 - (Project) 1927 single-engined biz biplane
- RK 11 (I): RK 10 deriv. intended for more economical business use
- RK 11 (I): 1 x 140 hp Mercedes (
Typ J4L ??); span 10.70 m (??)
- RK 11 (I): 1 x 200 hp Mercedes D.III (mil. surplus to reduce costs)
- RK 11a: Pilot under wing open cockpit, encl. cabin for 4 passeners
- RK 11 (II): 1929 desig. re-use; cargo a/c design by Richard Bauer*
-- * Unclear whether RK 11 (II) had any commonality with RK 11 (I)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 12 - [Project]
Motte (
- RK 12: Planned licensed DH.60
Cirrus Moth
-- 1 x ADC
Cirrus, DLV consid. structure too weak
Raab-Katzenstein RK 13 - (Project) 1927-28 experimental a/c
- RK 13 : Effectively, civilian derivative of RK 4 fighter (
- RK 13 : 1 x 585 hp Bristol
Jupiter 9-cyl. radial; span (??) m
- RK 13 : Meant for high-altitude flights; other development work
-- RK 13 still in design phase when work was abandoned in 1928
Raab-Katzenstein RK 14 - (Project) 1928 single-engined airliner
- RK 14 : Lower-cost Luft Hansa airliner concept; Paul Hall design
- RK 14 : For medium-haul routes & routes with lower seat demand
- RK 14a: 1 x 600 hp Junkers L55 V12 engine; span (??) m
- RK 14b: 1 x 600–650 hp BMW VI V12 engine; span (??) m
Raab-Katzenstein RK 15 - (Project) 1928 single-seat sportplane
- RK 15 : High performance commercial a/c; design by Paul Hall
- RK 15a: 1 x 600 hp Junkers L55 V12 engine; span (??) m
- RK 15b: 1 x 600–650 hp BMW VI V12 engine; span (??) m
- RK 15 : Prob. derived from RK 4/RK 13; poss. for military use
Raab-Katzenstein RK 16 - (Project) advertising a/c
- RK 16: 2-seat, 4-engined* 3-bay biplane, span 20 m
-- Intended for illuminated advert signage at night
-- * 4 x 4 Benz Bz 4, BMW IV , or Junkers L5 inlines
Raab-Katzenstein RK 17 - (Project) twin-engined airliner concept
- RK 17 : Meant for Luft Hansa branchline use; Paul Hall design
- RK 17 : 1 pilot + 4-to-5 pax in cabin; no Luft Hansa interest
- RK 17 : 2 x Junkers L5 water-cooled 6-cyl inlines; span (??) m
Raab-Katzenstein RK 18 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 19 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 20 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 21 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 22 - Opel-Raab-Katzenstein (RK 9 with solid-propellant Sander rocket)
- an '
Ente' canard design (RK number unknown) was also proposed but Rabb and Opel fell out.
Raab-Katzenstein RK 23 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 24 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 25 - aka '
Erka', Argus As8
- RK 25 '
Ruhrland' racing aircraft, aka Raka 25
- RK 25/32, 2-seat, low-wing monoplane racer/tourer, presum. same as RK 32
- NB: Anatole Gobiet acquired rights and sold them to Sweden
Raab-Katzenstein RK 26 -
Tigerschwalbe (
Tiger Swallow[
tail]), 2-seat biplane trainer
- Raab-Katzenstein F 1
- Raab-Katzenstein RK 26a
- ASJA Sk.10
Tigerschwalbe, rights acquired from Anatole Gobiet
- Pintsch
- Fieseler Fi-1, D-1616/D-EVUK (W.Nr.103)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 27 - 1928 40m
Parseval blimp, D-RK27, 2 x 35 hp/26 kW Anzani
Raab-Katzenstein RK 28 - - [Project] 2- seat trainer
- RK 28: 1 x Bristol
Jupiter, no other details
-- 'RK 28' also often seen as a typo for RK 26
Raab-Katzenstein RK 29 - 1930 touring biplane, Sh 14, D-1898 (W.Nr.112), D-1899 (W.Nr.113)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 30 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 31 - (??)
Raab-Katzenstein RK 32 - (SIRIS), 1932, 120hp Argus-powered, related to RK 25 (?)
- NB: RK 25 D-1489 (W.Nr.85) is also listed as a "RK 25/32" or "Raab-Katzenstein 25-32"
At some point Raab Katzenstein (RaKa/Kassel) also built a Bleriot XI replica (W.Nr.967).
Also, does anyone know anything about DH.60 Moths being licenced by RaKa? Is this just the RK 29
Deutsche Motte? - 0735.html