R-27 missile seeker video link.
-radio control of rockets by maksimov and gorgonov
Dear Colleagues, can you explain to a a layman at what frequency stated in GHz an aircraft radar sends a CW signal and with what RF power to illuminate an aerial target so that it was clearly "visible" to an R-27R1/ER1's seeker at about 10 to 20 NM? What is the order of magnitude to make the system work correctly?
According to "MiG-29 Famous Russian Aircraft" by Yefim Gordon the R-27E and ET have a firing view of 110°.. just imagine that!
I am curious about R-23T and R-24T missile since they are a BVR capable weapon that is retrofitted with Infrared Seeker instead of the Radar Seeker. Do you comrades got any idea what is the maximum lock range for the R-23T and R-24T IR seeker head both at rear and front aspect?
Hello Comrades,
I am curious about R-23T and R-24T missile since they are a BVR capable weapon that is retrofitted with Infrared Seeker instead of the Radar Seeker. Do you comrades got any idea what is the maximum lock range for the R-23T and R-24T IR seeker head both at rear and front aspect?

I found this stuff here on the last page but what does PMG and PPS and also ZPS means?
Hello Comrades,
I am curious about R-23T and R-24T missile since they are a BVR capable weapon that is retrofitted with Infrared Seeker instead of the Radar Seeker. Do you comrades got any idea what is the maximum lock range for the R-23T and R-24T IR seeker head both at rear and front aspect?

I found this stuff here on the last page but what does PMG and PPS and also ZPS means?
View attachment 655585

I believe PPS is the range in pursuit mode / rear aspect and ZPS is frontal..

Hello Comrades,
I am curious about R-23T and R-24T missile since they are a BVR capable weapon that is retrofitted with Infrared Seeker instead of the Radar Seeker. Do you comrades got any idea what is the maximum lock range for the R-23T and R-24T IR seeker head both at rear and front aspect?

I found this stuff here on the last page but what does PMG and PPS and also ZPS means?
View attachment 655585

I believe PPS is the range in pursuit mode / rear aspect and ZPS is frontal..

View attachment 655628
which manual is this sir
ЗПС задная полусфера = ZPS rear hemisphere
ППС передная полусфера = PPS front hemisphere
PMG is obviously relating to the engine mode of the F-16 target, my guess would be not afterburner, maybe Mil thrust?
Hello Comrades,
I am curious about R-23T and R-24T missile since they are a BVR capable weapon that is retrofitted with Infrared Seeker instead of the Radar Seeker. Do you comrades got any idea what is the maximum lock range for the R-23T and R-24T IR seeker head both at rear and front aspect?

I found this stuff here on the last page but what does PMG and PPS and also ZPS means?
View attachment 655585

I believe PPS is the range in pursuit mode / rear aspect and ZPS is frontal..

View attachment 655628
which manual is this sir

From where is that screenshot of the R-23's specifications in detail? A manual if so which one?
When the RGS-23 seeker achieves lock-on, the misille switches to the proportional navigation guidance after 0.5sec.

This means that the missile starts tracking and maneuvering half a second after launch, correct? In comparison the AIM-7C/D/E need around 1.5 seconds.
Does anyone have any information and/or photographs of the K-24? This was a Soviet clone of the AIM-7E Sparrow (They obtained at least one under mysterious circumstances in 1968 - could've been taken from the wreck of an F-4 shutdown over North Vietnam).
You mean the K-25.

It was pursued alongside the R-23.

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1. Purpose, basic tactical and technical data and the principle of operation of a homing missile of the R-24 type.
1.1. Homing missile R-24T
12 . Homing missile R-24R
1.3. Basic tactical and technical data
1.4. Conditions for the combat use of R-24 missiles
2. Attack of an air target with the launch of guided missiles R-24R (R-24T) using the equipment "SAPFIR-23MLAE"
3. Attack of an air target with the launch of guided missiles R-24R (R-24T) using a heat direction finder
4. Attack of an air target with the launch of guided missiles R-24T using an optical sight

1.1. R-24T homing missile

The R-24T homing missile with a self-guided thermal head (TGS) is designed to destroy maneuvering and non-maneuvering air targets day and night in simple and complex meteorological conditions (outside the clouds) in the presence of natural and organized interference under any pa heading from the front and back hemispheres. Missile launches can be made both at targets flying at the same height with the carrier aircraft, and at targets flying in excess or lowering relative to the carrier aircraft.
In terms of its structure and principle of operation, the R-24T rocket is similar to the R-23T rocket, but compared with it has higher combat capabilities, which are determined by its tactical and technical data (the sensitivity of the TGS is increased, its noise immunity; the launch range has been increased; zones of possible launches have been extended ; improved maneuverability characteristics; increased power of the warhead).
The launch ranges of the R-24T missile in various conditions of combat use depend on the range of the target engagement with the heat homing head.

Table 1.1 shows the range of capture of TGS (in km) for various types of targets in the presence of a uniform thermal background at an air temperature of 15 ° C and a relative humidity of 70%.

Target typeEngine operation modeFlight altitude (m)Flight speed (Mach)Heading angle 0Heading angle 15Heading angle 30Heading angle 60Heading angle 90Heading angle 180
1.2. Homing missile R-24R

The R-24R homing missile with a semi-active radar homing head (RGS) is designed to destroy maneuvering and non-maneuvering air targets day and night in simple and difficult meteorological conditions (in the clouds), against the background of the earth's surface, in the presence of natural and organized interference from any angle from the front and rear hemispheres.

Missile launches can be made both at targets flying at the same height with the carrier aircraft, and at targets flying with an excess or lowering relative to the carrier aircraft.

In terms of its structure and principle of operation, the R-24R rocket is similar to the R-23R rocket, but has, compared to it, higher combat capabilities, which are determined by its tactical and technical data (the threshold sensitivity of the RGS is increased, its noise immunity; the launch range is increased; the eons of possible launches; improved maneuverability; increased warhead power).

1.3. Basic tactical and technical data

The main tactical and technical data of the R-24T and R-24R missiles are given in table. 1.2.

1.4. Conditions for the combat use of R-24 missiles

The MiG-23ML fighter provides a single launch of R-24 missiles and a series of two missiles. The launch option is selected by the pilot by setting the SER - ODIN switch, on the weapon console in the appropriate position.

When choosing a launch option, it is necessary to take into account that a serial missile launch does not provide a significant increase in efficiency compared to a single one and, in addition, often leads to a disruption in the stability of the aircraft's power plant, and when launching R-24T missiles, to the capture of a previously launched missile.

In this regard, on an air target, it is necessary to launch R-24R missiles with an interval of at least 3 - 4 s, and R-24T missiles - 4 - 6 s. For a maneuvering air target, it is recommended to launch the first missile at the maximum permitted range, the second at a range equal to half the permitted range.

Target flight altitude, km0.04-250.04-25
Maximum launch range in the altitude range from 0.04 to 25 km
with the ratio of target and fighter speeds -0.8 + 1.0 (km)

in front hemisphere


in rear hemisphere3-203-20
Minimum launch range for those conditions, (km)

in front hemisphere


in rear hemisphere0.3-0.40.3-0.4
Available overload of the rocket, G2424
Maximum overload of the carrier at launch, G55
Maximum seeker deflection angle, deg+-50+-55
Maximum angular velocity of the seeker, deg / s2020
Maximum target overload, G77
Missile equipped mass, kg244257
Warhead weight, kg3434
Warhead typeContinuous RodContinuous Rod
Time of controlled missile flight, s4545
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Missile launches must be carried out at steady-state engine operating conditions under the following conditions:

- the altitude and speed of the fighter's flight correspond to the values specified in the Pilot's Manual;

- the presence of the "PR" command, which is issued upon reaching the permitted launch range and missile readiness;

- overload of the fighter at the time of launch no more than 5g

The conditions for the combat use of missiles are characterized by the range of possible launches. For all conditions, the maximum permitted launch range of an R-24 missile is approximately 1.7-2 times that of an R-23 missile. In fig. 1-1 shows the range of possible launches of R-24 missiles when attacking a non-maneuvering target into the front and rear hemispheres for the speeds and altitudes of the fighter shown in the table in the figure.



Before landing in the cockpit, it is necessary to make sure that the version of the prepared weaponry corresponds to the flight task, in the absence of external damage to the weapon suspensions, in the charging of nitrogen cylinders to cool the homing heads of the R-24T missiles and in the presence of safety checks in the missile launchers. After landing in the cockpit, set the weapons system controls to their original position in accordance with the Pilot's Instructions.

After takeoff, check the readiness for the use of guided missiles and the sighting system using the built-in control system in accordance with the Instructions to the pilot. After the end of the check, the controls for the weapons system should be installed in accordance with the flight assignment. Exit to the target detection area If there is instrumental guidance equipment in the combat area, the fighter can be taken to the target detection area it can be executed by signals transmitted over the Lazur-ML radio link, or by commands of the combat control officer, transmitted by voice over communication means (eye guidance).

Instrument guidance commands are indicated on the navigation and flight instruments, on the screen of the unified indication system (SEI) and on the display of one-time commands (TRK). On the SEI screen, guidance commands are issued in the form of a deviation from the crosshair of a ring of large (manual control mode) or small (director control mode) diameter.

In manual control mode, the ring during instrument guidance is controlled only horizontally, that is, it shows the difference between the set and current courses.

In director control mode, the horizontal deflection of the ring indicates the difference between the given and current heels, vertically - between the given and current overloads.

With instrument guidance, it is necessary to pilot the fighter so that the ring is in the center of the screen (the large ring describes the cross, the small one fits inside the cross). In this case, the fighter will follow the calculated guidance trajectory.

In the process of rendezvous with the target, it is necessary to estimate the range to the target by displaying the indices 100, 60 or 36 on the TRK and set the height difference of the target transmitted by the combat control officer by means of communication with the DN handle. At a distance to the target of 100 or 60 km (the index 100 or 60 is displayed) when attacking in the PPS or 36 km (the index 36 is displayed), when attacking the ZPS, the radar radiation is automatically turned on (the green lamp IZL on the middle control panel lights up, the SEI displays the indices 1,2, 3,4), after which the pilot needs to start searching for the target on the SEI screen, which should appear at the level of the current range mark issued by the Lazur-ML system.

If the command to turn on the radiation over the Lazur-ML radio link fails, the pilot must turn on the radar radiation manually by setting the IZL switch. - EKV. -OK. to position IZL.
If the control of the capture zone by range is performed with large errors (the mark of the current range does not coincide with the mark of the target or with the information about the distance to the target received from the command post), the pilot must align the middle of the strobes with the mark of the target before pressing the CAPTURE button by rotating the handle on the throttle.

When a fighter is flying at medium and low altitudes in the range of 300 - 1000 m, due to large errors in the operation of the Lazur-ML radio link, the fighter must be guided to the target visually.

Target detection, identification and acquisition

With instrument guidance, the target mark on the SEI screen, as a rule, appears at the level of the current range marker received from the Lazur-ML system. Having found a target, the pilot must determine its nationality (if the target is "his own", then when the REQUEST PZ button is pressed, a mark appears above its mark, similar to the mark of the target). After the target is identified, turn on the MAIN switch and lock the target by pressing the LOCK button.

With eye guidance, the process of detecting and acquiring a target is more complicated, since it requires the pilot to have a solid knowledge of the peculiarities of the aiming equipment, depending on the conditions of the target attack.

The pilot can detect an air target if it is in the radar's coverage area at a probable detection range. The field of view is located at a certain angle to the horizon, depending on the entered altitude difference of the AP and the distance to the target. The position of the viewing area in elevation relative to the horizon and the flight altitude of the fighter determines the operating mode of the "Sapfir-23MLAE" equipment ("BSV", "BSV-DN", "SMV" and "MV"). Each of these modes is used only under certain conditions of target attack, which are given in table. 2.1.

Flight altitude of the fighter, kmAbove 1.5Above 1.5Below 1.5Below 1.5
Antenna position with respect to the horizonUpDownUpDown
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If the target is correctly set (lowering) the target relative to the fighter by the Delta-H switch and the middle of the strobes with the handle on the throttle, the target will be detected and locked at maximum ranges.

When flying at medium and low altitudes in the range of 500 - 1500 m with lowering relative to the target ("SMV" mode), target detection presents significant difficulties and requires certain skills from the flight crew. In this mode.

Since the field of view is directed upward with respect to the horizon line, it is possible to detect only the target that is 300 - 500 m higher than the fighter. At the same time, there is a large amount of interference (false targets) on the screen due to the influence of the earth's surface.

At ranges of more than 12 - 15 km, there are flashes of various densities from the ground, and at ranges of more than 15 - 18 km, there are practically continuous flashes.

Target detection range decreases with decreasing flight altitude, especially at altitudes below 1000 m, and is limited by the amount of illumination in the upper part of the SEI screen. With good training, the pilot can distinguish the mark of the target among the interference from the ground by its speed of movement on the SEI screen, since the speed of convergence with the real target when attacking in the ZPS is always less than the speed of the fighter relative to the earth's surface.

In addition, with a false capture, the antenna position mark (dot) abruptly goes to the bottom of the screen. To lock a target, it is necessary to set the mark of the middle of the strobes in such a way that the target mark is closer to the upper strobe and that the upper strobe does not enter the band of strong illumination from the earth's surface.

During normal target acquisition, the antenna position mark (dot) appears at or above the crosshair, and the indicated range corresponds to the actual distance to the target. When capturing a false target, the pilot must briefly press down the UPR handle. STROBE, clarify target position and recapture.

When attacking a target flying against the background of the ground ("MV" mode), in the process of searching for a target on the SEI screen, false marks can be observed, as well as the disappearance of a target mark, therefore, to perform a lock, the pilot must follow the recommendations set forth for the "SMV" mode. In addition, if there are several target marks on the SEI screen or are not aligned for the purpose of interference, the pilot must turn on the strobing with the STROBE switch - OFF on the left panel. STROBE, (with eye guidance) or aircraft maneuver (with instrument guidance), the pilot must place the selected target mark between the strobes and perform a lock.

Aiming and launching guided missiles
Exiting an attack

After capturing the target, the aiming system switches to solving the aiming problem. On the SEI screen, an aiming mark is indicated in the form of a ring of large or small diameter, depending on the control mode, an antenna position mark in the form of a dot, a mark of the maximum and minimum allowed launch ranges. In addition, with eye guidance after locking the target, an electronic cross appears on the screen (with instrument guidance, the electronic cross is constantly displayed).

In the process of aiming, the pilot must keep the sighting ring on the electronic crosshair, while the fighter, prior to the command "Gorka", is flying at the excess (lowering) set relative to the target. After issuing the "Gorka" command, the pilot must align the sighting ring with the crosshair, after which the fighter flies to the anticipated meeting point with the target. The azimuth and elevation position of the target relative to the fighter is determined by the position of the point on the SEI screen.

If the enemy, having fixed the start of aiming, applies a maneuver to disrupt the attack with a loss of altitude, then in the process of tracking the target and lowering the fighter to the appropriate altitude, the automation of the Sapfir-25MLAE equipment ensures switching of the BSV, BSV-N, SMV operating modes "and" MV ". After switching on the "MV" mode, the minimum flight altitude of the fighter is limited to 500 m from the safety conditions.

After issuing the command "Prepare" (the green lamp on the weapon console lights up) and checking the operability of the RGS of the R-24R missiles (after the target is captured by the TGS of the R-24T missile), indices 5 and 4 are displayed on the SEI screen. At a distance to the target equal to the missile launch range, the PR index is displayed on the SEI screen, signaling the entry of the fighter into the zone of possible launches of the R-24 missile.

After the PR index is highlighted, the pilot, holding the sighting ring on the crosshair, by pressing the combat button, launches the rocket. If the first missile does not move (the missile presence lamp is on, but instead of the missile index a "zebra" will appear), if the combat button remains pressed for at least 5 s, the unfired missile is automatically de-energized, and if there is a PR signal on the SEI screen, the second missile descends.

The exit from the attack after the launch of the R-24T missiles, if in the future it is not provided for the continuation of the attack with the use of other missiles or firing from a cannon, can be performed immediately after the missiles descend; after launching the R-24R missiles, the pilot should, without allowing the antenna position mark (point) to exit outside the screen, perform a smooth lapel; after hitting a target or flashing the OTV index. on the SEI screen, exit the attack with an energetic lapel. After highlighting the OTV index. the sighting ring indicates the direction of the lapel. To remove the "Lapel" command, press the PREPARATION - RESET switch briefly to the RESET position. After completing the task, turn off the radar radiation and the MAIN switch.
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In the course of hostilities in conditions of radio countermeasures from the enemy, it is advisable to attack the target when the sighting system is operating in the "T" mode.

The launch of a fighter to the range of probable target detection using a heat direction finder is performed by eye or instrument guidance.

To use the heat direction finder in the "T" mode ("T1", "T11", "TSh") the SIST switch. must be set to position T1. After detecting the target mark on the SEI screen using the UPR handle. STROBE. - RESET place the strobe of the heat direction finder on the target mark and capture it (press the CAPTURE button). After acquiring a target, the SEI screen will display the TI index, an electronic crosshair and a ring showing the position of the target relative to the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.

In conditions of limited use of radio countermeasures to obtain the range to the target, it is advisable to use the radar quasi-survey mode with constant or periodic switching on of radiation.

After capturing a target, when moving its mark across the SEI screen, the strobes of the heat direction finder automatically follow the tracked target. In the presence of a stable target lock at a distance determined by the tactical situation, turn on the radar radiation and make sure that a quasi-vision mark of the target range appears.

Perform target identification, for which press the REQUEST PZ button. In this case, an identification mark will appear above the quasi-vision mark of the range from its target.

In the process of rendezvous with the target, to switch to automatic tracking of the radar target, it is necessary to combine the center of the radar rangefinder zone with the quasi-viewing range marker and press the CAPTURE button again.

Aiming and launching of R-24R (R-24T) missiles after switching to automatic tracking of a radar target should be performed in the same way as aiming and launching missiles using the Sapfir-23MLAE equipment.

In conditions of intensive use of radio countermeasures to ensure the concealment of an attack, it is advisable to obtain the range to the target from the command post or evaluate it visually after visual detection of the target.

If there is a stable target lock by the heat direction finder at a range close to the permitted launch range of R-24T missiles, set the SIST., PREPARATION - RESET switches to the TSh, PREPARATION position and turn on the MAIN switch, respectively.

Aim while piloting the aircraft so that the sighting ring is aligned with the crosshair.

R-24T missiles should be launched in the recommended ranges if the SEI displays 5, 4 and PR.

If the radar refuses to intercept the target in the "Tso" mode ("Tso1" - at the initial stage of the attack during the search and approach, "Tc IIy - at the final stage of the attack when aiming and launching R-24T missiles).

To use the heat direction finder in the "Tf" mode, the SIST switch. must first be set to the "Tco1" position. After detecting the target mark on the SEI screen, approach the target to a range close to the range of the permitted launch of R-24T missiles (according to data transmitted from the command post or by eye estimate of the range to the target). Maneuver the aircraft to align the gates of the heat direction finder with the target mark. Switches SIST., S ... PREPARATION - RESET ... and PREPARATION, will turn on....
By piloting the aircraft, enter the target mark on the SEI screen into the zone bounded by gates 2x3 °, to ensure the target is captured by missiles.

R-24T missiles should be launched in the recommended ranges if the SEI displays 5, 4 and PR.
If there is interference from natural backgrounds on the screen, set the АPХ - PPХ switch to the PPХ position and rotate the AMPLIFIER knob. T. adjust the level of interfering signals.


In conditions of visual detection of an air target, aiming during the launch of R-24T guided missiles can be performed along a fixed reticle of the optical sight. For aiming, you can also use the center of the movable mark when the optical sight is in the "MANUAL" mode.

After visual detection and identification of the target, it is necessary “FRS, PREPARATION -, PREPARATION and turn on aircraft superimpose it is necessary to set the switches a O RESET, respectively, in the position w 4 o switch MAIN. Piloting
center of the fixed reticle (center point of the movable mark) on the target.

R-24T missiles should be launched at the permitted range with highlighted on the sighting head of the sight of signal lamps ZAKHV. and PR.
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Does anyone know the composition of the seeker. I.e. is it PbS (unlikely) PbSe (like the R60 series) or InSb (like the R73) for the r23 or r24.
What's your source for R-60 being PbSe? R-60 was uncooled PbS I believe, and R-60M cooled.

My guess is nitrogen-cooled PbS for R-23T and probably R-24T too. The head-on capability of R-24T is very limited in range except against Mach 2+ targets in full afterburner.
What's your source for R-60 being PbSe? R-60 was uncooled PbS I believe, and R-60M cooled.

My guess is nitrogen-cooled PbS for R-23T and probably R-24T too. The head-on capability of R-24T is very limited in range except against Mach 2+ targets in full afterburner.

The Polish R-23 manual claims that the seeker lock range from the front was around 3 km (conditions unspecified though), and the R-24 employment manual claims even higher depending on the conditions. An F-15 on mil power at mach 1 for example may be locked from 6 km, that's not too limited.
Polish R-23 manual claims that the seeker lock range from the front was around 3 km
With the target in full afterburner, going fast and hot. The cooled PbS seeker is still reliant on detecting hotter elements. If it was an InSb seeker like R-73, with much better range against cooler elements, it wouldn't be so variable in range over different angles.
What's your source for R-60 being PbSe? R-60 was uncooled PbS I believe, and R-60M cooled.

My guess is nitrogen-cooled PbS for R-23T and probably R-24T too. The head-on capability of R-24T is very limited in range except against Mach 2+ targets in full afterburner.
R60/60M maintenance manual. It also jives with the Peltier cooling, and the relatively low cooling temp that it provides in this case since PbSe doesn't need to be cooled down much for improved performance. The Russians used PbSe far more extensively for IR purposes than the west that favored InSb for those use cases.


At any rate I suspect quite a few soviet seekers could have been using PbSe elements instead of PbS elements like in the west. Hence the question about 23T/24T which I suspect did as well. But I only have hard proof for the R60/M case. Which gave the soviets a significantly better limited all aspect capability for some missiles in the 70's when compared to nitrogen cooled PbS that the west was using.

PbSe was also used in the mig29's relatively short range IRST as well.
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I have definitely read in Russian sources that R-60 was uncooled and rear aspect only. PbSe and Peltier cooling would be a simpler solution than nitrogen cooled PbS. We know that R-23/24 use coolant. An early Red Top seeker used cooled PbSe. Sadly none of the R-23/24 docs l have specifically mentions the seeker material.

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