I thought I saw a graph one time of an accelerometer which was a rather noisy signal around a mean almost zero which they had to average to find any evidence of net thrust.shockonlip said:Evidently the 2nd X-43A flight did some acceleration.
I thought I saw a graph one time of an accelerometer which was a rather noisy signal around a mean almost zero which they had to average to find any evidence of net thrust.shockonlip said:Evidently the 2nd X-43A flight did some acceleration.
'Yes, of course you do. I am just talking about keeping the Mach 4 conditions over Mach 6. That means speed of airflow and temperature. Current methods of slowing down incoming air actually put more energy into it. You get to a point where incoming air temperature does not allow you to achieve the needed compression ration ( hot air = low pressure air). Probably other complications arise too.You mean you don't use the inlet to slow the flow down to subsonic speeds before running it through the PDE?
Simon666 said:I thought I saw a graph one time of an accelerometer which was a rather noisy signal around a mean almost zero which they had to average to find any evidence of net thrust.shockonlip said:Evidently the 2nd X-43A flight did some acceleration.
quellish said:
For a hypersonic aircraft the inlet is where it all comes together, which is why on designs like the X-30 it's so dominant, yet fully integrated with the rest of the aircraft, unlike subsonic or supersonic aircraft.
George Allegrezza said:Aerojet Rocketdyne rotating detonation engine re-purposed for natural gas power plants:
George Allegrezza said:A parallel RDE effort for DOD aerospace applications is mentioned in the AR release.
For over 70 years, jet engines have powered airplanes ever more safely and efficiently. But, despite higher core temperatures and pressures, and the introduction of efficient propulsion concepts like the geared fan, conventional gas turbines may be running out of runway. A fundamental change in the way a gas turbine combusts air and fuel in its core could open a path to a new era of jet engine development, however. Long pursued by propulsion researchers as a potential game-changing ...
Pudsey said a major challenge to overcome was keeping the engine from overheating, while the next step of the project involved looking at a fully 3-D-printed, actively cooled version of the successful prototype.
Other challenges, including advanced modeling of the engine's behavior and integration of the engine into a functioning flight vehicle, remain to be overcome before proceeding to test flights.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwWIb3a4sSA
Tech Planet
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There are tons of weird and unconventional designs coming out. So let's look at some of the newest aerospace engines! Sources & Credits: 7. Jetopetra http://www.jetoptera.com/products/ 6. Electric Jet Engine https://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/... https://asiatimes.com/2020/05/chinese... 5, Monarch 5 https://www.aerospacemanufacturingand... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anmcH... 4. Tempest Engine https://www.rolls-royce.com/products-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xi8YV... 3. Fenris Air Rocket Engine https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/... https://www.facebook.com/MountainAero... 2. Pulse Detonation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1xVz1... (UC Detlab) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joh3M... https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jc/2... https://www.ruaviation.com/news/2016/... 1. Rotating Detonation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0yS-... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRXVk... https://www.intechopen.com/online-fir... https://newatlas.com/space/rotating-d...
NASA's Advanced Rotating Detonation Variant Additive Rocket Chamber (ARDVARC-ACO) program is edging up to TRL 4
There is a short clip of it running in this video at about 1:47
That's the explanation I was looking for.In any heat machine, the efficiency is determined by delta temperature and delta pressure. The higher temperature and pressure that can be achieved in the working fluid when heat is added, the higher the efficiency. In air breathing engines, the pressure is limited by the capability of the fan and compressor. With a rotating detonation combustor, the supersonic detonation wave raises the pressure and temperature significantly higher than than the inlet pressure while shielding the compressor from that elevated pressure, greatly increasing the efficiency of the thermal cycle.
For a liquid fueled rocket engine, the fuel and oxidizer pumps have to deliver their liquids to the combustion chamber at higher pressures than the chamber pressure. Pressurizing liquid flow is much easier than than compressing air, but it is still a challenge. Rotating detonation combustion can once again raise the combustion pressure higher than the pump pressure, but it would not seem to be as much of an ISP advantage as for an air breathing engine.
Plug nozzles have been around forever but the problem has always been keeping them cool. Non-afterburning turbojets tend to have them (the core section of high bypass engines, and older turbojets) but rockets have been rare.With the Space Shuttle engines, they ran very high chamber pressures for high ISP. Their high pressure LH and LOX pumps were very troublesome over the years until NASA went to P&W for their expertise and replaced the original Rocketdyne pumps.
RDE may be a big advantage for smaller rocket engines that can't afford the weight and complication of high pressure turbopumps.
The other thing I noted was the use of a plug nozzle on the RDE rocket demonstrator. Plug nozzles have virtually unlimited variation in expansion ratios with no moving parts, while the conventional bell shaped convergent / divergent nozzle is either optimized for low altitude expansion into atmospheric pressure (i.e. a short divergent section), or into vacuum (a long divergent section). Some RL10 engines had an outer carbon fiber skirt that could be translated aft to make the divergent bell longer as the rocket extended. The plug nozzle, with the inner flow path defined by the plug, can readily adjust its supersonic expansion using the surrounding decreasing pressure ambient air to passively control the expansion ratio.
The detonation shock wave compresses the gas in front of it, so the gas being fed in by the pump (liquid) or compressor (air) behind the supersonic shock wave doesn’t feel that pressure increase.That's the explanation I was looking for.In any heat machine, the efficiency is determined by delta temperature and delta pressure. The higher temperature and pressure that can be achieved in the working fluid when heat is added, the higher the efficiency. In air breathing engines, the pressure is limited by the capability of the fan and compressor. With a rotating detonation combustor, the supersonic detonation wave raises the pressure and temperature significantly higher than than the inlet pressure while shielding the compressor from that elevated pressure, greatly increasing the efficiency of the thermal cycle.
For a liquid fueled rocket engine, the fuel and oxidizer pumps have to deliver their liquids to the combustion chamber at higher pressures than the chamber pressure. Pressurizing liquid flow is much easier than than compressing air, but it is still a challenge. Rotating detonation combustion can once again raise the combustion pressure higher than the pump pressure, but it would not seem to be as much of an ISP advantage as for an air breathing engine.
One question though. "significantly higher than than the inlet pressure while shielding the compressor from that elevated pressure" How does it do that? Shield the compressor that is?