With credit to Valerie Neal, here is the list per a May 26, 1978 memo from the Associate Administrator for Space Transportation Systems (John Yardley) to the Director, Public Affairs on the subject: Recommended Orbiter Names.
Recommendations by an ad hoc committee on names for Space Shuttle Orbiters; chose "names having significant relationship to the heritage of the United States or to the Shuttle's mission of exploration."
Recommended List of Orbiter Names
(In descending order of preference)
Enterprise [reserved for possible 5th orbiter, to carry on OV-101's name]
Kitty Hawk
must be this RV-Atlantis
R/V Atlantis, 1931-1964
Atlantis was the first Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution research vessel and the first ship built specifically for interdisciplinary research in marine biology, marine geology and physical oceanography. The "A-boat" made 299 cruises and covered 700,000 miles during its 33-year career. In...www.whoi.edu
Or Spacey McSpace FaceAt least noone suggested Boaty McBoatface.
The use of the dog was also appropriate since, in the comic strip, Snoopy had journeyed to the Moon the year before, thus defeating, according to [Charles] Schulz, "the Americans, the Russians, and that stupid cat next door"
Chicken(s)...In the beginning the astronauts were the ones who named their spacecraft, until Gus Grisson named his Gemini capsule, the Molly Brown. NASA did not like the name and when they asked him to change it, he said 'would the Titanic be better.' Since then NASA has been responsible for naming their manned spacecraft.
the contextIn the beginning the astronauts were the ones who named their spacecraft, until Gus Grisson named his Gemini capsule, the Molly Brown. NASA did not like the name and when they asked him to change it, he said 'would the Titanic be better.' Since then NASA has been responsible for naming their manned spacecraft.