Proposal for Forum board merger and minor changes

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Shipbucket is limited by its style. Its intended as an easily accessible way for people to draw ships who haven't the skills with vector graphics and provides a uniform style. Its proved very popular - so much so that magazines have often used them without proper attribution and they have appeared in books, even in the Warship journal, although they are not really suited to printing. A lot of research goes into the drawings (accurate paint colours, as accurate parts as can be done at that scale). But it is accessible, in essence its like a fan of architecture who wants to build a scale model of the Notre Dame out of Lego.

The thing is, its probably more effort than using a vector graphics program and the results are useful for on-screen only.
"Better" in what way? You can't use a modern reproduction as a primary source. If done well, it can help with visualisation, sure, but you can always link to the Art topic from the Main topic.

We have always put user-created profiles in User Artwork for example since the beginning of the forum. I'm simply suggesting that we stick more closely to the rules.
What about stuff posted with the intent to aid in visualization but marked as "User Generated" or some such? For instance sometimes I'll post stuff like this:

View attachment 645126

With the intent to aid in visualization, not to deceive. Putting it in a separate section would seem to defeat the purpose. What if it was clearly marked, "User Generated"?
Clear attribution of sources in all messages certainly would mitigate any confusion, for sure. I'm not instituting a hard and fast rule, but the forum is used as a source by authors and researchers, and the better labelled the content, the less room for mistakes and confusion.
How about something marked like this being allowed in sections other than User Artwork when used for the purpose of visualization? Maybe even add some description on the graphic to differentiate between completely made up versus something that used official drawings as a source?


Last edited:
My dear PaulMM,

anther Suggesting to you,please can you open a new section for "Aircraft
Components",we find a topics speak about cockpit,armament,turret,wing,
airfoil and many other thing,it doesn't belong to sections of Secret Unbuilt Projects,or we can transfer it to Aviation & Space section ?,and thanks.

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