??? Even the Tsar bomb is *many* orders of magnitude too weak to damage the planet in any material fashion.
You are right, we don’t have (yet?) Death Star; but here the problem was the level of atmosphérique radioactivity at the beginning of 60s; hence the treaty of interdiction of nuclear explosions in the atmosphere. Ok after 10-20 years that level decreased to small (normal ?) levels.
And , for an Orion, functionning in the upper level of the atmosphere (above 60-80 km if launched by a S1C) what about electromagnetic pulse effects?
Pure fusion devices may need to come along.

Medusa/sail designs might allow a two-fer...expel tiny targets a laser detonates...detach the spacecraft "clip" with probe---sail unfolds more and the laser accelerates if fast after the bus is staged.

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Pure fusion devices may need to come along.
You could certainly generate pretty ludicrous thrust that way, one interpretation of the Epstein Drive from the Expanse is as a pure-fusion magnetic sail Orion/Daedalus drive.
Folks, after watching Hazegrayart video too many times (Orion interstellar ark) I think the solution to lift Orion away from Earth is... a big cluster of Aerojet 260 inch SRBs. A four stages, all solid monster rocket. In the early days of Apollo was a concept for an all-solid Nova; imagine that with only 260 inch SRBs.
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