Postwar CASA transport projects


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22 January 2006
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CASA C-401

From Spanish aerospace magazine FLAPS. A very nice publication now desapeared. Today we have no publications interested in the preservation of our Aerospace Design History in Spain.

This aircraft was intended for series production by 1976 but for reasons I don't know was cancelled. According to information in Flaps conversations with French AMD were advanced for a possible collaborative project.


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Firstly I would like to say hello to everyone on the site, as I have just joined and this is my maiden post.

I am particularly interested in finding out more about the CASA transport aircraft projects from the late 1940's and 1950's.

Any details and or drawings of the C.203, C.204, C.208 and C.210 would be greatly appreciated.

By way of paymentfor any help, can I offer the following link for those who are interested in Spanish aviation history.

This takes you to PDF downloads of the Spanish Aeroplano magazine which provides info on many interesting subjects.
Thanks for the link.

You can find the C-401 military transport here:,171.0.html


but I have nothing more


I'm not sure if this helps but José Antonio Martínez from EADS CASA delivered a lecture on the Oficina de Proyectos that included the CASA C-208 project. This was in May 2008 to FACV (Fundacion Aerea de la Comunidad Valenciana)

Finding Martínez's email address would probably be a nightmare but you could try FACV:
From "Der Flieger", .12.1952, the CASA 208.
Looks like a Nord Noratlas clone ...


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Firstly, just to say thanks for the comments posted so far. The drawings of the C.208 and C.401 are both very interesting and I'm still following up on Apophenia's suggestion.

For my part, this is information that I've managed to glean from various sources.

CASA Project update:

INTA-20 A twin engine transport Design by Pedro Huarte-Mendicoa for the Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronáutica, which provided the basis for the CASA projects.

C.201 Alcotan.

C.202 Halcon.

C.203 Proposal for a twin engined transport, powered by 1,300 Hp Hispano-Suiza motors, with a range of 1,700 Km.

C.204 Projected twin engined air taxi powered by 145 Hp Elizalde Tigre motors.

C.205 Unknown.

C.206 Unknown. Possibly this or C.205 referred to a proposed fast aerobatic twin for multi-engine training.

C.207 Azor.

C.208 Proposed twin engine freighter, similar to the Noratlas, powered by 1,800 Hp Pratt & Whitneys or Hercules 738's.

C.209 Proposed Super Azor with pressurized cabin and Napier Eland turboprops. See also HFB 209.

C.210 Projected business jet with two rear mounted Bristol Siddeley Viper ASV.11's.

C.401 Four engined heavy transport originally proposed with 1,300 Hp Hispano-Suiza's or 1,600 Hp Pratt & Whitneys.

Regards Bailey.
Some information on the CASA 3000

Quote from Gorka L Martinez Mezo
CASA at the time was working in a civilian short haul turboprop named CASA 3000 which was also axed not long after due to the fact the market was nil.

Regards Bailey.


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I have an original brochure received directly from CASA about the 3000, I'll post it later from the deeps of my basement archive.
As promised:

CASA 3000 brochure post 1


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CASA 3000 brochure post 2


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Very many thanks for posting these, it's always good to see some original documentation.

Regards Bailey.
pometablava said:
CASA C-401

From Spanish aerospace magazine FLAPS. A very nice publication now desapeared. Today we have no publications interested in the preservation of our Aerospace Design History in Spain.

This aircraft was intended for series production by 1976 but for reasons I don't know was cancelled. According to information in Flaps conversations with French AMD were advanced for a possible collaborative project.

At there is a document titled "LA INNOVACIÓN COMO MOTOR DE LA INGENIERÍA AERONÁUTICA EN ESPAÑA", which contains a section on the CASA C-401 project (page 15). You may find there some information (in Spanish, obviously) as well as drawings and a photo of a C-401 model.

Unfortunately, the document says nothing about the dimensions of the airplane. Does anybody know more about this?

Browsing through the Flight magazine archives ( I have found information on the C-401's engines. The aircraft was to have Lycoming T53-21A engines 1,868 e.h.p. each.

Best regards,
Span: 28.16m Length : 24.76m Empty 13,0 t Loaded 24.5 t ; 470km/h cruising speed .Cabine 11x3.5x2.4m .55 passengers (civil)
richard said:
Span: 28.16m Length : 24.76m Empty 13,0 t Loaded 24.5 t ; 470km/h cruising speed .Cabine 11x3.5x2.4m .55 passengers (civil)

Thank you, Richard.

A three-view arrangement of the INTA-20 project, which eventually spawned the CASA C.201 Alcotán and C.202 Halcón.


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CASA 401 passenger and cargo arrangements:


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the CASA C.213 and C.214 was a pressurized cabin turboprop engined projects,
developed from C.212 in 1971,but I have no drawings to them.
The Casa C.207 (later known as Azor) in plan and wind-tunnel model form (from Aeroplano #23):


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Topic augmented with various posts from the old "Postwar Spanish projects" thread.
C.212-300P with PT6A-65B engines was apparently certificated in Spain in early 1989; presumably converted back to TPE331? Seems to be entirely missing from the Web other than oblique references to the fact that it existed.
In the "Boletín del Museo de Aeronáutica y Astronáutica" No. 75 (you may download it for free from EdA website: there is an article on the CASA C-208 project.

Below you'll find drawings of the airplane as well as of variant of how it may have been loaded.

Wingspan 31 m
Length 21.16 m
Lenght of fuselage 16.60 m
Height 6.985 m
Width of cabin 3 m
Height of cabin 1.85 m
2 x 2435 hp P&W R-2800 CB-16 engines
Take-off weight 19995 kg
Cargo weight (military version) 8355 kg
Take-off distance 875 m
Landing distance 925 m



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From L+K 1974/23,

so weird,the engines for CASA-401 was from Lycoming ?.


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Does anyone have photos or drawings of the Dornier 25 and 27 prototypes built in Spain by CASA? They led to the successful CASA 127 and Dornier 27 production for the Portugese, Spanish, West German, etc. militaries.
Dornier 27 was an all-metal, cantilever, high-wing, tail-dragger, light STOL liasion airplane powered by a single Lycoming flat 6 engine..
I have jumped from Dornier 27s in Portugal, France and West Germany.
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Dear Richard B
I have a question on the fuel tanks of the Do-25 prototypes. Did the prototypes initially only have the under wing tanks or were these so-called auxiliary tanks,
in addition to tanks integrated in the wings?
So far I know , the underwings tanks were the only tanks .

P1 & P2 Tigre :

It seems than the P1 was converted to the Continental too : here , the P1 with Continental (Identical to the P2 Continental) :

The Do 25 P2c and an very early Do 27 A1: note the modification the U.C :

Hi Richard B
Thank you for the clarification on the tanks and the re-engining of the 2 protoypes!
Interesting photo of the Do-25 and Do-27. Never knew about that difference in u/c.
Thanks for posting those photos of Do-25 and Do-27 prototypes.
The original Tigre engine explains the bulbous nature of the lower cockpit.
The Do-25 main landing gear makes sense from a structural perspective - routing loads straight up to the main spar - but was too far aft for ground-handling.
Also not that Do-27 has a constant cross-section, deeper aft cabin. This makes for a deeper door and more room for passengers in the rear row.
I did my 500th skydive from a Dornier 27 in Portugal. I later jumped Do.27 in France and Germany.
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In my collection, the second edition of Stephen Harding's US Army Aviation


There is mention of the army experimented with an aermoedical C212 (the USAF AFSOC used one at Pope Field to support JFK Warfare Center). The medevac C212 proposed to complement the armey emdevac Dustoff UH-1D/V Hueys and Uh-60A Blackhawks and was known as High Capacity Air Ambulance.

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CASA 3000 brochure post 2

casa 3000 original model from "Armac Maquetas"

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