Post deletion process and appeals (was: Post deleted)

Foo Fighter

Cum adolescunt hominem verum esse volo.
Senior Member
19 July 2016
Reaction score
I had a post deleted recently, is there a reason I would not be informed who by and what was so offensive it had to be remove please.

Not angry, I would just like to know please.
Do moderators, staff members, etc. with full access to the msgboard's functionality have full visibility into each others' actions?

I'm interested whether, once deleted, the "offending" messages - and thus the basis of decisions - remain somehow attainable to you all or is it more of a trust based system? Do you get a full accounting, even, of what has happened or have some of the discarded messages, for all intents and purposes, never occurred and are wholly unrecoverable to you as well unless someone had the good sense to inquire about it? If you are disagreed, how is that adjudicated? Note that I don't intend to pry into processes that you for some reason have deemed better to be kept private, but these questions do crop up sometimes.

It seems, at least, that posts - or even whole discussions - can disappear without so much as an attribution. Sometimes, sometimes it would perhaps benefit the exchanges if an option to edit posts existed; I don't mean vacuous throwaway lines (which fairly commonly litter the most surprising subjects and rarely seem to prompt action - just recently a 6th gen fighter development discussion somehow featured multiple general recollections about fmr. president Carter and I had half a mind to propose that the "Habitat for Humanity" housing project is in fact a black program cover for said fighter) but posts that do contain resources perhaps should have some recourse.

If this is unrealistic in terms of attention and resources, that is of course understandable. It just goes into what kinds of precautions, for instance, members should take with local storage etc.

Thank you.
Containt of post deleted could also be sent back to the user within the moderator notification. There is no legal matter into that but a bit of gentle attitude to handle back what is not deemed suitable could be another point to distinguish this website on top of others.
Only I (as forum admin) can permanently delete messages and topics, so they are always recoverable in principle and can still be seen by all members of the moderation team - they are simply hidden from normal users. This was done because of occasional mistakes by moderators accidentally deleting messages or topics. I only permanently delete spam and severely offensive messages or those whose removal was requested by a third party for security reasons or copyright violation.

There are logs of reported posts, and of actions taken by moderators, so any actions taken can be reviewed if requested. I would be the best person to arbitrate in the first instance, unless I was the moderator in question.

We should in general be informing people of reasons for post deletions. Its not always practical when cleaning up lengthy offtopic deviations by multiple users, so in those circumstances I either move them to a new topic (if the off-topic discussion is worth preserving) or delete them and then post in the topic to that effect.

Sometimes I might delete a message I think needs to be removed immediately during a tea break at work with the intention of sorting it out properly and communicating to the user when I have time. Sometimes I forget.

If you feel your posts were removed for no good reason, let me know. I don't review moderator actions unless asked to - nobody has that much free time.
In this case the message referred to by Foo Fighter was not the 'offending' post. It was however an innocuous response to a couple that were off topic. The clean up of those necessitated his being removed as well otherwise things would have not made sense. I should have informed him at the time as normal course of action. I simply forgot this time though. I have been in contact since.
Yes, that's a good point GTX. Sometimes replies to deleted messages have to be removed, even when the replies themselves are fine, or the topic doesn't make sense.
Only I (as forum admin) can permanently delete messages and topics, so they are always recoverable in principle and can still be seen by all members of the moderation team - they are simply hidden from normal users. ...

There are logs of reported posts, and of actions taken by moderators, so any actions taken can be reviewed if requested. I would be the best person to arbitrate in the first instance, unless I was the moderator in question.

We should in general be informing people of reasons for post deletions. ...

If you feel your posts were removed for no good reason, let me know. I don't review moderator actions unless asked to - nobody has that much free time.

Clarifying, food for thought and increases our situational awareness. Appreciated.
A suggestion for improvement in the deletion process: When we get a message warning us that "your post in the thread ABC has been deleted, reason XYZ", it would be nice if it also quoted the deleted post.

Case in point: When Jemiba cleaned up the thread "Ukrainian Conflict", he deleted 2 of my posts. One post I know what it was (Please don't feed the troll), but the other post I have no idea which it was.

To clarify, I am not objecting to the deletion, I am asking for more info if the forum software can do it without too much work on the moderators.

I take the opportunity to tip my hat to the moderation team, which surely has a lot on its hands with this Ukraine invasion, and which is nevertheless doing a very good job while staying patient and gentle.
Thank you guys!
Its not set up to do that unfortunately, There's only a tick box to notify the original poster and a box to enter the reason. There's more emphasis on communication with the person reporting the issue really.
I was going to ask the same thing as Dan. Like him, I trust the judgement of the moderation team (which has a demonstrable record of excellence in this regard), but it would help to know which post is affected. That way the poster gets a clearer picture of where the line is drawn.

Perhaps quote the first 5-6 words of the deleted message in the statement about the reason for deleting it? I realize that entering the whole thing (which might be very long) without formatting is a complete non-starter.
Ok, I see the problem, sorry.
I'll add the link in the future, if only one post was deleted. But when several posts are affected, because
of quotes, with arguments and counterarguments, you'll get this tick box just once.
Will try to get that info through, nevertheless.
@Mods: why not create a locked thread where deleted content would be piled up?
- posters could find back their posts and retrieve what they need (reposting deleted post is already an infraction to the rules).
- others users could have an awareness of what was posted by who and appreciate moderators activity
- periodic flush, daily or weekly, would clear all contents and refrain discussions that you have acted to ban from the site.
Three of my posts in the Ukrainian Conflict thread were just deleted, and I have no idea why or by whom.
Just read it thanks, but I am still not sure why the posts in question were deleted.
I will have to dig back through them all and will respond to you via message. It may take some time though as there were a lot of messages (not just yours) plus I have to go offline now. I will respond to you and anyone else who wants specifics via personal messages.
If I may, if you're going to delete posts in future can you leave a marker: "This post deleted" and the reasons why, in it's place?
Would be a lot less confusing that way.
If I may, if you're going to delete posts in future can you leave a marker: "This post deleted" and the reasons why, in it's place?
Would be a lot less confusing that way.
Yeah, it would be nice to have something better than, "did not like, bye" or dropping an insult to go with the deletion.
If I may, if you're going to delete posts in future can you leave a marker: "This post deleted" and the reasons why, in it's place?
Would be a lot less confusing that way.
Yeah, it would be nice to have something better than, "did not like, bye" or dropping an insult to go with the deletion.
Dropping an insult probably not the best... :D
If I may, if you're going to delete posts in future can you leave a marker: "This post deleted" and the reasons why, in it's place?
Would be a lot less confusing that way.
Yeah, it would be nice to have something better than, "did not like, bye" or dropping an insult to go with the deletion.
Dropping an insult probably not the best... :D
Yeah, doesn't speak very highly of professionalism.
I'm just annoyed thsat the post with the detailed diagrams of the Orion battleship armed with neutral particle beam weapons was deleted without explanation. That was a one-time thing, never to be shown again.

I might have a copy of that somewhere, Scott. I'll have a look around.
There are limited options for dealing with the problematic posts. When you have dozens or hundreds of posts to remove, its simply impractical to give personalised feedback per post on why it was removed. None of the moderators get paid, and I don't get paid for moderating or server and website maintenance - this is a hobby, not a job, and right now it feels like a chore.

The alternative is to simply lock the topic and ban discussion on the subject. Lines are fairly well-drawn by now.
My post in M1 tank thread was deleted in seconds. Yet the long and rambling posts above it about nuclear war/victory/end of USA remain?

Just asking for company in the sin-bin.
There have been a lot of off topic posts in that thread and it is being worked on. The long ones take more time because we try to read through and determine if something needs just some minor editing (e.g maybe just a small off topic part) or if fully deleted. the preference is not to delete where possible. Because of this, it does take time sometimes. There is no favouritism being applied.
There have been a lot of off topic posts int hat thread and it is being worked on. The long ones take more time because we try to read through and determine if something needs just some minor editing (e.g maybe just a small off topic part) or if fully deleted. the preference is not to delete where possible. Because of this, it does take time sometimes. There is no favouritism being applied.
Thanks for the reply. Best of luck with some of those posts!
I’ve just been notified that I’ve had a post deleted in the Lockheed Martin F-22A Raptor thread.

The reason given was “Ridiculous comment deleted from F-22 thread”

Now it’s possible I might agree with the deletion - but I cannot see the post now, so I’ve at least lost a learning opportunity.

I’m also of the opinion that using the word “ridiculous” is a bit rough.
Saying US Congress is equivalent to Putin was uncalled for and a ridiculous comment.
Saying US Congress is equivalent to Putin was uncalled for and a ridiculous comment.
I have an abbreviated form of comment sometimes, so background information may be needed to interpret my posts sometimes. However, I thought it was common knowledge that Putin was interfering with Russian military matters with regard to Ukraine, just like the US Congress interferes with US military matters with regard to procurement, sustainment, etc.

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