Pluto flyby: New Horizons

the wording's a bit ambiguous. Those KBOs were discovered from Earth: the Subaru telescope is doing a survey of possible targets for another New Horizons flyby. NH is doing followup observations.

I did not know that the Subaru telescope was doing a survey for New Horizons to aid a possible future flyby, thanks Hobbes.

#PI_Daily Did you know? @NewHorizons2015 is moving faster than both Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 and will overtake them in about 2217 (at ~640 AU) and 2118 (at ~340 AU), respectively! (1 AU=The distance from the Earth to the Sun, 93 million miles) #NASA #Science #Space

Interesting, so in 2217 NewHorizons will become the new most distant man made object launched from Earth. :cool:
no. Voyager 1 and 2 are faster than New Horizons, Voyager 1 will remain the most distant man made object launched from Earth. There are some 'interstellar probe' studies which could result in a spacecraft that's much faster than the Voyagers (IIRC 2-4 times the speed was the goal).
no. Voyager 1 and 2 are faster than New Horizons, Voyager 1 will remain the most distant man made object launched from Earth. There are some 'interstellar probe' studies which could result in a spacecraft that's much faster than the Voyagers (IIRC 2-4 times the speed was the goal).

Oops, forgot about Voyager's 1 & 2 being faster, of course Voyager 1 had that massive kick out of the Solar System when it tried to get pictures of Titan. :oops:
From December 2019:
Uranus and neptune orbiters should have far higher priority, as should a Chiron flyby to study the transition between KBO and short period comet, but one can always hope for all three.
The problem for the Pluto orbiter is it is really only possible with something like nuclear electric propulsion.
The problem for the Pluto orbiter is it is really only possible with something like nuclear electric propulsion.
You think that a nuclear electric propulsion option will not be approved in the current political climate?
Last edited:

Nature also produced a video on this as well:


From what I have seen online, Pluto may have a subsurface ocean that may rival that of Enceladus.
In which Pluto becomes even more Lovecraftian.

Images of Pluto captured by NASA's New Horizons mission have revealed a new surprise: ice volcanoes.

A new photo analysis showed a bumpy region on Pluto that doesn't look like any other part of the small world -- or the rest of our cosmic neighborhood.
"We found a field of very large icy volcanoes that look nothing like anything else we have seen in the solar system," said study author Kelsi Singer, senior research scientist at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.

The ice volcanoes probably formed "in multiple episodes" and were likely active as recently as 100 million to 200 million years ago, which is young geologically speaking, Singer added.

Pluto may have started hot and contained an ocean, according to new discovery
Pluto once had a subsurface ocean, and finding these ice volcanoes could suggest that the subsurface ocean is still present -- and that liquid water could be close to the surface. Combined with the idea that Pluto has a warmer interior than previously believed, the findings raise intriguing questions about the dwarf planet's potential habitability.
"There are still a lot of challenges for any organisms trying to survive there," Singer said. "They would still need some source of continual nutrients, and if the volcanism is episodic and thus the heat and water availability is variable, that is sometimes tough for organisms as well."
Investigating Pluto's intriguing subsurface would require sending an orbiter to the distant world.
"If we did send a future mission, we could use ice-penetrating radar to peer directly into Pluto and possibly even see what the volcanic plumbing looks like," Singer said.

Here’s the related paper:

The PI’s Perspective: Extending Exploration and Making Distant Discoveries

New Horizons remains healthy from its position deep in the Kuiper Belt, even as it speeds farther and farther from the Earth and Sun by about 300 million miles per year. The spacecraft is about 54 times farther from the Sun than Earth, which is about two billion miles farther out than our first science flyby target, Pluto, and about a billion miles farther out than Arrokoth, the Kuiper Belt object (KBO) New Horizons explored in 2019.

The distant position of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is shown here as of Aug. 22, 2022. Only NASA’s Voyager spacecraft are operating farther out from the Sun. The most distant operating spacecraft behind New Horizons is NASA’s Juno mission, which is orbiting Jupiter, more than 10 times closer to the Sun! (Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Southwest Research Institute/Yanping Guo)

As planned, the spacecraft was put into hibernation mode on June 1, and will remain so until March 1, 2023. Hibernation saves fuel, wear and tear on spacecraft electronics; it also saves money, because less mission control and planning effort is needed to operate the spacecraft. But hibernation doesn’t mean a pause in science data collection. In fact, our Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter (called SDC) and both the PEPSSI and SWAP charged-particle plasma spectrometers are measuring the distant environment around the clock. This is truly unique and highly valuable data for understanding the space weathering environment of KBOs and Kuiper Belt dwarf planets, and also for understanding how the far reaches of the Sun’s heliosphere interface to the interstellar medium, or the environment beyond the Sun’s cocoon of space.

As a result of our successful proposal to NASA at the start of this year, on Oct. 1, New Horizons begins its second extended mission. This mission has two major components, namely:

Transmitting the remaining data from the Arrokoth encounter back to Earth, and;
Collecting, studying and archiving unique planetary science, astrophysical and heliospheric data.

This is the cover of the proposal the New Horizons project turned in to NASA in January to continue our scientific exploration. Work to carry out the goals of this effort starts in October. (Credit: Johns Hopkins APL/Southwest Research Institute)

In addition, we’ll be searching for new KBOs to study, or even to fly by if we can reach a target with our remaining fuel supply of about 11 kilograms (24 pounds). Those searches are continuing on two of the world’s largest telescopes – the Japanese Subaru telescope in Hawaii and the U.S. Gemini South telescope in Chile – and have collected exquisite data that our team is analyzing. The searches have been enhanced by some new machine learning data analysis tools, developed last year and refined this year, that increase the KBO detection rates considerably over what human scouring of the data has yielded in the past. Further boosting the Subaru effort is a more efficient sky filter that we provided for the telescope and will be pressed into service next year.

And by the time New Horizons emerges from hibernation at the beginning of March, we’ll be deep into planning observations of new, much more distant KBOs, as well as a look back at distant Uranus and Neptune to observe how these two “ice giant” planets reflect sunlight – which will tell us more about what drives their internal energy balance. We also plan to make the most extensive and sensitive studies of the cosmological visible light and ultraviolet light backgrounds ever made; such measurements constrain origin theories of the universe while shedding new light on the total number of galaxies in the universe.

Still next year, New Horizons will continue to make round-the-clock distant Kuiper Belt and heliosphere dust and charged particle and plasma spectrometer measurements, and will be creating the first all-sky ultraviolet maps of the heliosphere from distances where the obscuring fog of light from the solar system is largely behind us. And if that weren’t enough, those and other ultraviolet maps New Horizons will collect will also be used to study clouds and other structures in the gas of the very local interstellar medium – that is, the space between the nearest stars to the Sun.

The unique aspect and common thread to all of these scientific observations is they can only be made by a spacecraft many billions of miles from the Sun, like New Horizons. The legendary Voyager spacecraft, though farther out than New Horizons, don’t have the capabilities to conduct these observations. So among all the operating space missions, only New Horizons can collect this kind of data and yield these kinds of insights into our solar system, its distant environment, our part of the Milky Way galaxy and the universe beyond. The entire New Horizons team is very proud of that!

Before I close out this update, I want to say a special goodbye to Dr. Cathy Olkin, an incredibly valuable, hard-working and longtime member of the New Horizons team who has transitioned her career from planetary science to Earth studies, and to welcome to Dr. Pontus Brandt to our team. Over the next year, Pontus will be in training to take over the role of lead project scientist from our retiring project scientist, Dr. Hal Weaver.

While Pontus trains, Dr. Kelsi Singer, formerly one of our deputy project scientists, will serve as interim project scientist. Once Pontus assumes that role late in 2023, Kelsi will step up to become my deputy – the first New Horizons deputy principal investigator. A big salute and thanks from me to all five of these incredible scientists who have played such key roles in making New Horizons so successful!

Finally, I just want to thank the entire New Horizons science team for its incredible work over the past 18 months to step up our scientific data analysis and publication rate. The team’s efforts led to a steep increase in scientific research results publications, from a recent average of about 25 per year, to more than 65 publications in 2021 alone!

Recently published discoveries from New Horizons have run the gamut across astrophysics, heliophysics and planetary science. This image is one of many geophysical data products resulting from New Horizons’ 2019 flight past Arrokoth, the first and (so far) only Kuiper Belt object explored by spacecraft, It shows surface slopes on Arrokoth derived from New Horizons stereo imagery, and illustrates one important aspect to understanding both the origin and the geological evolution of Arrokoth. The image is from a paper led by James Tuttle Keane in the June 2022 issue of Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) Planets.

As you can see, the New Horizons team has been hard at work making and planning for discoveries, with NASA’s only spacecraft in both the Kuiper Belt and the outer heliosphere.

And that’s my latest report to you. I’ll write again once later this year. In the meantime, I hope you’ll always keep exploring – just as we do!

–Alan Stern

The Pioneers are farther out, though dead I would think. If this has 10 kg of fuel left...and did a burn, could Webb see that as part of calibration?
The Pioneers are farther out, though dead I would think. If this has 10 kg of fuel left...and did a burn, could Webb see that as part of calibration?

The Pioneer probes will be long dead by now I would think publiusr.
Yes, Pioneer 10 died in 2002-2003, Pioneer 11 died in 1995.

I don't think JWST can see New Horizons' thrusters (they are tiny). It might be able to see the RTG (which produces on the order of 2 kW of heat), but I suspect JWST's resolution is not high enough to do that. The radio signals are visible via radio telescopes, but those have much larger collecting areas than JWST.
Did New Horizins Detect Dark Matter:


It would be interesting to see if New Horizons did detect Dark Matter, let's wait and see though I am not getting excited about it just yet as it could easily be something else as there have been many experiments through the years to try and find Dark Matter and not one of those experiments have found it.
Astrum has a new video out about Pluto is hotter than it should be:

Another reason why an orbiter needs to be sent to Pluto.

That I would like to see, a follow up orbiter for Pluto. I would not hold my breath for long though as to when such orbiter is ready though as it will take years for the mission to get organised then launched.


NASA Plans Threaten the Future of New Horizons

The New Horizons mission currently flying through the Kuiper Belt could be facing an unexpected change of plans. NASA’s Science Mission Directorate is soliciting input on turning the spacecraft into a heliospheric science probe. The agency wants to do it much sooner than mission planners intended. If that happens, it will stop further planned planetary exploration of objects in that distant regime of the Solar System.
Got to wonder if it will end up in a position of no one finding it with this curious back on forth on what kind of mission it should be going forward.


Alan Stern says search efforts are continuing to find another potential Kuiper Belt Object that New Horizons can flyby, using searches with Subaru Telescope. But, "the odds are against us."


Stern: plenty of other good planetary science New Horizons can so. But concerned NASA is funding extended mission for only two years and proposing to transfer to heliophysics. Wants OPAG to "consider the gravity" of this situation.


NASA's Curt Niebur weighs in on New Horizons: the division that has most to gain from New Horizons extended mission is heliophysics. But a miscommunication on NASA's part that it means no more planetary science; would consider a KBO flyby if one is found.
What NASA is proposing is short-sighted, this should only be done after the probe has expended themaining propellant available for altering its' trajectory.
What NASA is proposing is short-sighted, this should only be done after the probe has expended themaining propellant available for altering its' trajectory.
I am guessing the issue is it’s not perceived as having any targets to flyby.
I am guessing the issue is it’s not perceived as having any targets to flyby.

That's why astronomers need to keep observing along and close to its' trajectory for KBOs that it can approach.
I am guessing the issue is it’s not perceived as having any targets to flyby.

That's why astronomers need to keep observing along and close to its' trajectory for KBOs that it can approach.
I think it’s a kind of catch-22 as astronomers might not be looking as they perceive NH as ending anyway next year and/or now just a heliophysics mission.
I think it’s a kind of catch-22
The reason is New Horizons hardware
There is not enough propellant for large orbital manoeuvres to reach KBO for close Fly-by
Another issue is the power supply of probe, it got only one RTG and that will be "empty" in 2030s
already in end of 2020s they need shut down experiments because RTG can't give the sufficient electrical power.

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