Phazotron NIIR Zhuk radar family

Phazotron NIIR Zhuk MSFE

Ground Tests of "Zhuk-MSFEh” Aircraft Radar Completed

The Fazotron-NIIR corporation has completed laboratory and bench tests and also revision of the new “Zhuk-MSFEh” aircraft radar (BRLS).

“The Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS has passed bench tests, having confirmed all estimated data and characteristics. During the tests, the software was fully debugged, and environmental tests of the blocks were performed,” an informed source in the defense industrial complex reported to Interfax-AVN on Wednesday.

The next BRLS set being built will have even better characteristics, he declared.

According to the agency source, the "Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS is “the most perfect of the whole family of this type radar."

“The next stage is the construction of a BRLS for the future Russian fifth generation fighter,” the source said.

According to the estimated data, the “Zhuk-MSFEh” should detect and simultaneously track over 24 airborne targets and provide simultaneous firing at up to 8 of them. The new radar has a completely new configuration and architecture for building the passive antenna array.

Having passed the ground tests, the “Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS, earlier designated as “Sokol,” is intended for installation on fighters of the Sukhoy firm, has a phased antenna array and has been developed for export (MSFEh is Modified, Sukhoy, Phased, Export). The IF-AVN source explained.

He reported that at the present time, three new BRLS are installed on Su-30MKK, Su-27IB and Su-25 airplanes.

In the opinion of specialists, today more than 30 percent of the worldwide fleet and over 80 percent of the Russian fleet of combat airplanes have BRLS and weapons control systems developed by Fazotron.

In the last several years at Fazotron-NIIR, approximately one and a half times a growth rate in volumes of production and sales have been recorded annually. At the present time, the volume of work being executed by the corporation is nearly two billion rubles per year.

Up to 80 percent of the volume of the corporation’s production is export product, which is today the main source of Fazotron-NIIR growth.

Last year the corporation invested more than 100 million rubles in technical reequipping with high-performance equipment produced by the U.S.A. and leading European countries.

  • 29.05.03, Interfax-Avn translated by Roy Cochrun,
Re: Phazotron NIIR Zhuk MSFE

New Aircraft Radar Installed on Su-27KUB Fighter

The newest “Zhuk-MSFEh” aircraft radar (BRLS) developed by the Fazotron-NIIR corporation has been installed on the first carrier-based Su-27KUB experimental combat training fighter, the general director and general designer of the Fazotron-NIIR corporation, Anatoliy Kanashchenkov, reported to Interfax-AVN on Wednesday.

“The new “Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS with a phased array has undergone fully a whole complex of laboratory and bench tests and revision. Recently the radar was mounted on the Su-27KUB fighter,” A. Kanashchenkov said.

He noted that the Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS has passed bench tests, having confirmed all estimated data and characteristics. The software was debugged in the bench tests and climatic tests have been performed, A. Kanashchenkov said.

According to him, the “Zhuk-MSFEh” BRLS, earlier designated as “Sokol,” which has passed the ground tests and is installed on the Su-27KUB, is intended for installation on fighters developed by the Sukhoy OKB, has a phased antenna array and has been developed for export deliveries (MSFEh is Modified, Sukhoy, Phased, Export).

According to A. Kanashchenkov, the Su-27KUB flight test program with the "Zhuk-MSFEh” still is being coordinated.

“Such a situation is governed by reasons of an organizational nature and are not connected with the need for the resolution of any kind of technical questions,” the manager of the Fazotron-NIIR corporation said.

The “Zhuk-MSFEh” radar has a principally new configuration and architecture of building the antenna array. The radar scan angle is plus or minus 70 degrees (the azimuth coverage is 140 degrees), the agency source reported. According to the estimated data, the new BRLS should detect and simultaneously track over 24 airborne targets and shoot simultaneously at up to 8 targets.

More than 25 enterprises are included in the Fazotron-NIIR corporation. Recently, the annual rates of growth of the production volumes and sales at the corporation have been approximately 50 percent. Delivery of export product is today the main source of funds for the corporation’s development.
  • 23.07.03, Interfax-AVN, translated by Roy Cochrun
Somethings I have learned:

From what I have heard works on Zhuk-MSFE (N-031, former Sokol) was suspended back in December 2004 (maybe early?) (source: Pyotr Butowski Janes IDR Dec 04), while this was a catalyzer to OAO NIIR-Phazotron to acelerate the development of the MiG-29 variant, Zhuk-MFE. Interestengly on MAKS-2005 appeared a NEW radar for MiG-29 from Phazotron, it's called "FMG-29", for "Fazotron" "Modernized" "Zhuk" for MiG-29. The radar appeared side by side to Zhuk-MFE Tip-01-01M intended for MiG-29. The borchure showed some very interesting performance capabilities...and a MTBF of 900 (yes, NINE HOUNDRED) hours (!)...

Is this the prototype of Zhuk-A, the AESA verssion offered to India along the MiG-35 for the M-MRCA?...I don't know.

Zhuk-MSE was test flew at least 13 times was abandoned or slowed down?...

Anyway on MAKS-2005 they showed their "whole kit" of radars.

Here they're, source of the pics webpage, highly recomended, copyright Evgenniy Erokhin:
Zhuk-MFE Tip-01-01M, supposedly to first test flown on MiG-29SMT prototype last December.
Enigmatic FMG-29 radar first showed at MAKS-2005.
Chart of the FMG-29. Look at the MTBF note :)
N-031 Zhuk-MSFE.
N-010MSE Zhuk-MSE
RP-35 is a member of the Zhuk radar family,it is designed for Mig-35.But since Mig-35 has a new AESA rsdar,does somebody knows that what is the present status of this radar?Is it freezed?
It was probably intended for the original, extensively modified MiG-35 airframe (canards), not the current glorified MiG-29M2. As such, it probably faded away along with the former project, newer PESA developments of the Zhuk and the well known Zhuk-MAE seem to have taken its place.
Zhuk-AE AESA radar at MAKS 2007. Under is bunch of Fazotron brochures, one of which that Flateric desperately wanted to steal for Overscan, but was stopped by conscience.


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From the right to left: Zhuk-MFE, Zhuk-MSFE


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I have got there a bag of leaflets among which I found the "FAZOTRON" journal. Except many articles about AFAR and FAR the journal includes a 5 page long article about the Sapfir-23 ;) . I can scan the entire journal if anyone is interested.


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Welcome home boy!!! :D :D :D :D

Let open your bag and show us the treasure hehe.

BTW Mr Detonator, have you ask Fazotron guys if Zhuk-MSFE development is still vigent?, an article I read years ago said it was discontinued.
Pit said:
Welcome home boy!!! :D :D :D :D

Let open your bag and show us the treasure hehe.

BTW Mr Detonator, have you ask Fazotron guys if Zhuk-MSFE development is still vigent?, an article I read years ago said it was discontinued.

Sorry pal, I didn't ask this question because we do not have the Mig-31 :D , but they do still offer the radar though. Maybe there is something mentioned in the Fazotron journal.


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Holy Cow, that pic means Russians are offering Zhuk-MSFE for a MiG-31 upgrade?, that sounds interesting to say at least!.

This is not Zaslon topic, but last interesting thing I read was on the new upgraded Argon-15Ar computer by NII Argon, using MIPS chips and Baget elements.

Mrdetonator if you can scan the Sapfir-23 article would be most cool!, is that Phazotron journal only delivered at airshows?, no way to suscribe?

Did you hear about any new thing for MiG-29?, specially new progress or changes on Zhuk-ME radar?, Russians have been talking since years to improve the SAR resolution of Zhuk-ME, althrough their brochures are not very clear what kind of resolution they're talking about (strip SAR, spotlight SAR?)
Pit said:
Did you hear about any new thing for MiG-29?, specially new progress or changes on Zhuk-ME radar?, Russians have been talking since years to improve the SAR resolution of Zhuk-ME, althrough their brochures are not very clear what kind of resolution they're talking about (strip SAR, spotlight SAR?)

They say about "focused synthetic aperture" and highest resolution in azimuth and range "up to 20km... 3x3m"


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Old, old topic.

Latest Zhuk Family info.

Confusingly, FGM-29 is now used for Zhuk-M, previously being the prototype of Zhuk-A, now designated FGA-29.

Planar array versions
Zhuk-ME FGM-29 (MiG-29SMT)
Zhuk-ME FGM-129 (MiG-29K India)Zhuk-ME FGM-229 (MiG-29UPG, India)
Zhuk-M FGM-229 variant (new MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29SMT, Russia)

Zhuk-AE FGA-29 (500mm diameter antenna, 680 T/R modules)
Zhuk-AE FGA-35 (625mm diameter antenna, 1000+ T/R modules)
FGA-35 (3D) - FGA-35 upgraded with new NIPPP developed LTCC 3D monolith T/R modules
One curious question.. Looking at specifications of the Zhuk MSFE, it seems to be outstanding and comparable to Bars radar while somewhat being lighter. But i wonder why there are no export or upgrade requests from flanker users worldwide ?

Another thing is, how difficult it is to fit Zhuk MSFE in a flanker as a replacement for older radar like say N001 family ?
Anyone know what timeframe “Zhuk-F” the first Pesa version was built and tested?
No sense in losing these to the sands of time


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Zhuk on J-8
First of all, the radar of the J-8IIM aircraft has been significantly improved. Radar is the brain of a fighter. For a modern fighter, the radar fire control system is no less important than the flight performance of the aircraft itself. It determines whether an aircraft can discover the enemy first, fire first, and complete a variety of tasks. WHEN THE J-8IM FIGHTER WAS FIRLY LAUNCHED, IT USED THE RUSSIAN "BEATLE" ZHUK-8II RADAR, WHICH IS A PULSE DOPPLER RADAR SPECIALLY DEVELOPED BY THE RUSSIAN PHAZOTRON UNITED GROUP FOR THE J-8IIM. ITS DETECTION RANGE IS: 70 KILOMETERS IN THE FORER HEMIsphere, AFTER 40 kilometers in the hemisphere, with upper/lower vision ability. ZHUK-8II radar can achieve the ability to track 10 targets at the same time and hit the two most threatening targets, and has a vertical search mode in air combat. The radar can guide a variety of air-to-air missiles and air-to-ground weapons. The J-8IIM can carry Russian R-27 semi-active guided air-to-air missiles after being equipped with ZHUK-8II radar.

The publicity materials show that the J-8IIM fighter has been replaced with a new domestic radar. According to the data, the detection range of this radar is greater than 75km above and 45km (for 3 square meters of targets), and its detection range is larger than that of ZHUK-8II radar. More importantly, this radar emphasizes the ground function and the sea function, which does not have in the ZHUK-8II radar. Prepared. From the perspective of technical parameters and working modes, the new radar of the J-8IIM is closer to the Western radar, and it highlights the multi-purpose ability of the fighter. After installing the corresponding fire control equipment, the J-8IIM fighter will be able to perform ground attack capabilities and strong anti-ship capabilities under a variety of climatic conditions. ( For specific parameters, please refer to the relevant information)

The F-8IIM aircraft is equipped with advanced multi-functional X-band, full-waveform airborne pulse Doppler fire control radar. The radar air-to-air detection distance (б=3m2) is greater than 75km from the top view and more than 45km below; the air-sea detection distance (б=50m2) is: sea 1 mode is greater than 100km, sea 2 mode is greater than 80km; single target tracking distance is not less than 80% of the detection distance; track while searching The function can detect and track no less than 10 targets at the same time, and cooperate with the fire control system to complete multi-target attacks. The radar can guide a variety of missiles and other precision-guided weapons. The design of radar can meet the needs of future development.

Empty/empty state

1) Speed Search (VS)

2) Range measurement while searching (RWS)

3) Search while tracking (TWS)

4) Single target tracking (STT)

5) Air Fighting (ACM)

i) Flat field of view (HA)

ii) Vertical search (VA)

iii) Line of sight (BS)

iV) offset search (SA)

Empty/ground status

1) True Beam Map Mapping (RBM)

2) Map Extension (EXP)

3) Map freezing (FRZ)

4) Doppler beam sharpening (DBS)

5) Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI)

6) Airspace Ranging (AGR)

Empty/sea status

1) Sea 1 (SEA1)

2) Sea 2 (SEA2)

3) Sea surface single target tracking (SSTT)

Auxiliary navigation

1) Becacon (BCN)

2) Meteorology (WX)

It has a simple meteorological function and is displayed to the pilot in the form of video.

Self-testing in the machine

1) Power-in BIT

2) Cycle BIT

3) Start BIT

Enemy and enemy identification function

Radar is compatible with enemy-self identification inquiry answering machines, and can burst out enemy-self-identification in the empty and empty search and tracking status.

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