Peyret-Mauboussin, Mauboussin, Castel-Mauboussin

What does your link refer to? That thread doesn't make any connection between the Projet Centaur and 'CM.140' ...

In this book,the Centaure was taken a CM.1xx series,and that's a logical
suggesting,it was came before CM.160.


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C.M. 174 (1957)

Le C.M. 174 est un avion dérivé directement du C.M. 170. en remplaçant les réacteurs "Marbore II" par des réacteurs "Gourdon III" de 640 kg de poussée et en installant des sièges éjectables. Les performances de l'avion sont sensiblement supérieures à celles du C.M. 170 mais elles sont limitées par les phénomènes de compressibilités qui apparaissent vers mobre de Mach de 0,65 (65% de la vitesse du son).

Pour réduire l'importance de ces phenomenes et amener l'avion plus pres de Mach 1 on modifie le forme primitive de l'avion en appliquant la "Loi des Aires".

Un avion entièrement nouveau est tracé en gardant les principes de construction du C.M. 170. Une nouvelle voilure est définie avec la même surface et un profil d'emplanture permettant de conserver les attaches et le logement des roues. Une étude poussée dans la soufflerie de St Cyr avec une maquette métallique a permis d'observer que le phénomène de compressibilitié apparaissait vers Mach 0,85.

C.M. 174 (1957)

The C.M. 174 was an aircraft derived directly from the C.M. 170 by replacing the "Marbore II" reactors with [Turbomeca] "Gourdon III" reactors of 640 kg thrust and installing ejection seats. The performance of the [C.M. 174] aircraft was significantly higher than those of the C.M. 170 but are also limited by compressibility phenomena which appear around Mach 0.65 (65% of the speed of sound).

To reduce the effects of the compressibility phenomena and to bring the aircraft closer to Mach 1, the primitive shape of the aircraft was modified to incorporate "Area Rule" forms.

An entirely new airframe was designed while keeping the construction principles of the C.M. 170. A new wing of the same surface area with a refined root profile allowed the original undercarriage attachments and wheel housings to be retained. Extensive study of a metal model in the St Cyr wind tunnel made it possible to observe that the compressibility phenomenon was delayed until about Mach 0.85.
C.M. 174 (1957)

The C.M. 174 was an aircraft derived directly from the C.M. 170 by replacing the "Marbore II" reactors with [Turbomeca] "Gourdon III" reactors of 640 kg thrust and installing ejection seats. The performance of the [C.M. 174] aircraft was significantly higher than those of the C.M. 170 but are also limited by compressibility phenomena which appear around Mach 0.65 (65% of the speed of sound).

To reduce the effects of the compressibility phenomena and to bring the aircraft closer to Mach 1, the primitive shape of the aircraft was modified to incorporate "Area Rule" forms.

An entirely new airframe was designed while keeping the construction principles of the C.M. 170. A new wing of the same surface area with a refined root profile allowed the original undercarriage attachments and wheel housings to be retained. Extensive study of a metal model in the St Cyr wind tunnel made it possible to observe that the compressibility phenomenon was delayed until about Mach 0.85.

By the way,there are twice CM.174,CM.176 & CM.190,as all were in re-allocation
Can you expand on this? What were those reallocated CM.174, CM.176, and CM.190s?

All of them,even CM.175,I can talk about the years only,

CM.174 1957
CM.174 1958
CM.175 1951 project
CM.175 1956 (Zéphyr)
CM.176 1951
CM.176 1958
CM.190 1951
CM.190 1953
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The Aeromed 76.

(free magazine, containing an article "The avions Pierre Mauboussin"


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PM XII - 1931 low-winged sports a/c, same as M 112 (qv)
- PM XII: Tandem 2-seater using PM XI cantilever wing
- PM XII: 1 x 45 hp Salmson 9Adb 9-cyl, span 11.75 m
-- aka Mauboussin Zodiac XII (after the Puteaux builder)

What about Mauboussin Zodiac XVII (17) ?.
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Okay, so, as Stargazer notes, there was no "Mauboussin Zodiac XVII". The Wiki page on the M120 claims (without giving a source) that the "Mauboussin-Zodiac 17 [was the] Designation for Zodiac produced M.120 aircraft". (Actually, Flight used the simpler 'Zodiac 17'.)


In any case, whether "Mauboussin-Zodiac 17" or just "Zodiac 17", this was addressed directly above my M120 listing. So what, exactly, was the nature of your original question, hesham?

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