Pershing Missiles

Pershing 2 is the main reason for the INF. Consider all that the USSR gave up to get rid of them. (Yes, I know there were 464 Gryphons as well.) It's short time of flight, range, and accuracy could launch a decapitating strike. (Yet, for some reason, we've never worried about a Russian SSGN sitting off Virgina and doing the same with nuclear-armed, supersonic cruise missiles. No, the recent news doesn't count.)
Pershing 2 is the main reason for the INF. Consider all that the USSR gave up to get rid of them. (Yes, I know there were 464 Gryphons as well.) It's short time of flight, range, and accuracy could launch a decapitating strike. (Yet, for some reason, we've never worried about a Russian SSGN sitting off Virgina and doing the same with nuclear-armed, supersonic cruise missiles. No, the recent news doesn't count.)
Why does cruise missile air defence consist of around silos and important sites?

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