Pentagon Running Out of U.S. Suppliers of Energetic Materials

Have actually written for a decade plus about the importance of energetics for national defense other than probably getting on DHS watchlists don’t think I’ve accomplished much ;)
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N-20 at last?
N-20 at last?
Isn't cubic gauche supposed to be about 5-8x more powerful than TNT depending where you read?

The energy content of this material (33 KJ/g) is expected to be at least three times of that of HMX (10 KJ/g).
Isn't cubic gauche supposed to be about 5-8x more powerful than TNT depending where you read?

I couldn't say... maybe this can be mixed with other substances such that small internal carry missiles for stealth planes can match the performance of large, external carry ordnance.... the missile propellant merges with the warhead allowing a final burst of speed and detonation without needing a more sidewinders stuck in a tailpipe to be back-engineered.
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I couldn't say... maybe this can be mixed with other substances such that small internal carry missiles for stealth planes can match the performance of large, external carry ordnance.... the missile propellant merges with the warhead allowing a final burst of speed and detonation without needing a stuck sidewinder stuck in a tailpipe to be backengineered.
propellant merges with the warhead
why isnt this the standard for a 'all US & eventually NATO' 'family of modular missiles' from 40mm to AMRAAM & Hellfire/Brimstone/SPEAR size at least if not up to Patriot, THAAD, SM size. Each can be bult by various venders but maximizing commonality & overall capability for the length & width? rocket assisted artillery (RAP) should be included.
The US has a contract to supply 50,000 GP bombs to a customer. How does it do that? Put them fully assembled and full on a ship/plane? Or deliver only the metal cases and fill them at the destination?
AFAIK all USAF/USN bomb units travel by ship (unless it’s an emergency - by plane) fully built, though obviously not fused and finned. Pretty much any filler is very insensitive - TNT/RDX with an aluminum binder/inhibitor, sometimes polymers instead/as well depending on the munition. It is hard to make military grade explosives detonate unintentionally; sans fuse/initiator or they tend to deflagrate in fire.

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