Der Jens wieder!!! Lieben Dank für die tolle Zeichnung.
Jemiba: I was so excited to get your drawings that I did not read your explanation closely enough. Am I to understand that you created these yourself? They look great and accurate. Thank you for so generously sharing the results of you efforts with me. Nick
Was looking, too, about 5 years ago, and I'm pretty sure, there is one ... somewhere, but I couldn't find
any back then, why I had to try it on my own, using the photos from Putnam (the same photos are floating around
on several sites, I think). So it's just source grade 2, that means rather speculative, not to mention the colour profile. When you want a better resolution, or the vector file, just give a shout.
Wow, Jemiba, surely your finest work thus far. It is outstanding.

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