P-51B Mustang: North American’s Bastard Stepchild that Saved the Eighth Air Force

Hi Bill,

Suggestion - note that the 'point of origin is ~ 52degrees for East Anglia. The CR would originate 2degrees above Schweinfurt.

Hm, I've got to admit that I have no idea what you mean, perhaps because I don't recognize the abbreviation "CR".

Second note - plots before D-Day when P-47 operating on 305gal internal fuel, or before mid March when 2x108gal capability arrived could be revealing.

Third note - D-Day screws context up when 9th AF P-47s arrive on the continent and continuously east.

Excellent input, I've eliminated the post-D-Day claims and split up the 1944 data at the mid-March point:

Luftwaffe claims against P-47s V3.png


Henning (HohUn)

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