OSKBES MAI I-90 scale testbed (1982)


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1 April 2006
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In the begining of 1980s, when I-90 program was given to MiG without any sign of contest, OSKBES MAI headed by Kazimir Zhidovetzky have to choose if to continue works mainly related to ESUPS (Trust Augmented Wing Concept) , in interests of Sukhoi OKB with their Sh-90 program, or for MiG with I-90 program. I-90 testbed was a canard, engines were RU19A-300 with 2D nozzles designed by LII design department. Testbed widely used off-shelf parts from L-39 Albatros (nosecone, crew compartment, wing box-beams, vertical tail, landing gears, etc). Wings were interchangable, that allowed to fly aircraft in FSW configuration.

Students built a small scale model of testbed and asked (through MAI prorector Yuri Ryzhov) MiG General Designer Rostislav Belyakov for plans to coordinate activities in future work. Ocassionally, Belyakov invited Ryzhov and Zhidovetzky attend him - MiG buildings and MAI buildings are just on the other sides of Leningradsky prospect. MAI emissars took a large cartoon box with a model and crossed a street in Ryzhov's 'Volga' while Zhidovetzky played a role of his driver as he has not access pass to MiG territory.

Belyakov's first reaction was to know where student's got an information regarding I-90 overall shape, and only he calmed down when saw one tail on a model while proposed MiGs I-90 has two.

As students could not work on classified government program, there were just two ways of follow-on: either MAI OKB would change its status and became truly experimental - without any students, of course, or stop I-90 works and continue works in interests of Sh-90 theme, which was not so classified. Zhidovetzky has choosen second variant. This theme got 'FOTON' designation.


  • OSKBESMAI_I-90testbed.jpg
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I like very much this little aircraft

they never made a real size mock up?...

You mention they choose to work on Sukhoi Sh-90....

Do you have any sketch of this Sh-90?

greetings amigo

Sh-90 program I believe included T-12

Thread here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=132.0

and Su-37 (the early canard delta design)


Thread here: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=94.0
As always hard to add something to Overscan:))) As I mentioned before, all was done is small-scale model that fitted cartoon box.

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