Ongoing projects that will fail


ACCESS: Confidential
28 October 2023
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Looking back on the 4th generation of fighters, many have failed such as the Israeli Lavi, the Yugoslavian Novi Avion and the Swiss Piranha, what are some ongoing projects that will go the way of these?

Personally, as much as I love saab aircraft, I doubt the Saab 2027 will ever make it off the drawing board. The Texatron Airland scorpion might end up like the alr piranha, eding up as a private concept. What are some others?
what are some ongoing projects that will go the way of these?
It's a hard question in part because politics trumps all other factors and can result in surprising changes.

Probably SCAF/FCAS as I keep reading of troubles between France and Germany.

I might suggest MCGS is another likely doomed project.

As is the dubious attempt to get Leo2 chassis with a Challenger 3-like turret built in the UK.

I have suspicions over the attempt to re-role the Zumwalts as well.
True, the wooden spoon award for stirring it up is definitely Orionblamblam's....

But I did laugh ;)

Politics really does dictate the outcomes here and worse it can at times be down to personalities.

For example Heseltine was (still is) very pro-EEC (now EU) and this influenced his decisions in defence.
A more pro-American or more EEC Skeptical minister might skew decisions another way.

Another might question why GDLS's ASCOD version for the UK 'Ajax' had to be built in a certain Spanish factory with long well known quality issues.
Or why we were part of Boxer, withdrew and yet now are buying Boxer....
Anything by Boeing ??

( Unless their engineers can do a 'reverse take-over', dump the Board and close the new DC office ?? )
Ariane 6.
Fail commercially (beyond its current, substantial backlog) , yes, and also increasingly start to be inadequate for sovereign access to space as RLV change the requirement for sovereign access to space, but it’s definitely gonna fly, components of the first flight model are at or on their ways to Kourou.
Anything by Boeing ??
That's tricky. For a project to fail, that would indicate that you know what it's goals are and that it didn't meet them. Most people would think that that would mean something like "airplane/rocket/spacecraft gets designed, built, flies, put into series production and stays in service for a while." But *some* companies... the goal is something like "airplane gets designed, paid for by Congress, redesigned, paid for some more, redesigned again, paid for some more, cancelled to pave the way for layoffs to clear out those who draw salaries/pensions."

Its a fabulous way to make money while not actually getting much actually done. Looks like failure, makes the suits rich as hell. You can fail upwards for decades that way.
That's tricky. For a project to fail, that would indicate that you know what it's goals are and that it didn't meet them. Most people would think that that would mean something like "airplane/rocket/spacecraft gets designed, built, flies, put into series production and stays in service for a while." But *some* companies... the goal is something like "airplane gets designed, paid for by Congress, redesigned, paid for some more, redesigned again, paid for some more, cancelled to pave the way for layoffs to clear out those who draw salaries/pensions."

Its a fabulous way to make money while not actually getting much actually done. Looks like failure, makes the suits rich as hell. You can fail upwards for decades that way.
Starliner comes to mind. I don't know how much Boeing is making off it though. Then there's SLS. (Though, in the case of the Senate Launch System, I suppose it depends on how you define "success".)
It's a hard question in part because politics trumps all other factors and can result in surprising changes.

Probably SCAF/FCAS as I keep reading of troubles between France and Germany.
French as usual will do it alone, and again as usual the result will be working.
Anything by Boeing ??

( Unless their engineers can do a 'reverse take-over', dump the Board and close the new DC office ?? )
Just military and rockets or airliners as well? The 737 Max might still count as a success despite two crashes.
Pains me to say this but probably all USA hypersonic would fail
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Why? I haven't read a lot about hypersonic weapons but is it because it's a flawed concept?
No, I think it is a great concept, but USA just has the history of testing/developing supersonic or hypersonic weapon then cancel it mid way due to difficulty/cost overrun ...etc, then a few years later, they repeat the same process . Like they did with Hyfly ,RATTLRS, ASALM, LRASM-B, ArcLight
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