OMNI Magazine


ACCESS: Top Secret
26 September 2006
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Does anyone remember Omni magazine? It was a great influence on me. I saw the first edition in a newsagents and I was amazed, begging my parents to buy it for me (they did). I'd never seen anything like it. I suppose it might have been like The Whole Earth Catalogue had seemed a decade or so earlier, or Mondo 2000 later (Wired is just a poor wannabe). Just look at the names of the contributors for issue No, 1. It later saw the first publication of William Gibson, with 'Johnny Mnemonic' in 1981.

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All available here:

The scans are pretty awful, unfortunately. The text is legible at least, but a major selling point of Omni was the artwork and that's ruined.

There is this, though content is limited due to availability and legal issues. There was an attempt to revive the magazine a couple of years ago, but there was only one issue and it was... not very good.

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Wrestling magazines propped up Starlog---PENTHOUSE wasn't enough to same OMNI.
Interesting that OMNI popped up for sale in USSR press stands in 1990. And it was an official venture as inside plastic pocket there was also a short several pages summary in Russian.

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