Old Vision to the Future of Aviation

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Senior Member
26 May 2006
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after we closed the topic; imagination of the future from the past;

We can talk here about old new idea for future of the aviation,which never saw
the light.

Here is a two concepts,a flying aircraft carrier and extra folding wings airplane,the
later design looks like Russian Nikitin-Schevchenco concept.


Edit : The latter one can now be found here http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,22720.msg230225.html#new


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hesham said:
after we closed the topic; imagination of the future from the past;
We can talk here about old new idea for future of the aviation,which never saw the light.

I believe the old topic was closed for a reason... because it was full of everything and nothing, a collection of real projects, fake projects by magazine illustrators, real projects interpreted by propaganda and artists, etc.

I'm not a moderator, but I'm pretty certain that recreating the same topic is bound to lead to the same result: it will get locked!

Why not stick to the simple and coherent procedure that was exposed previously?
  • If no company or inventor is identified, and it's far-fetched, fanciful, unrealistic --> leave it here
  • If the inventor is identified but not an engineer/aviator linked to a known company/project, and it's fanciful --> leave it here
  • If the inventor is identified but not an engineer/aviator linked to a known company/project, but it looks serious --> post it in the "Theoretical..." section
  • If no company or inventor is identified, but it's plausible, realistic --> post it in the "Theoretical..." section
  • If an aviation company is clearly identified as the source of the concept (however crazy or fanciful)--> post it in the "Early projects..." or "Postwar..." sections
Of course, that's only my understanding of this forum's logic. If any mod thinks it should be done otherwise, feel free to edit or delete my post.
I agree with Skyblazer, please hold yourself in from creating such run-of-the-mill-topics, as
they become uncontrollable very fast and interesting information probably is lost then, because
it's more or less impossible to find it again.
And it's not even necessary, I think. If you read those articles, the inventor of that hybrid
airship is mentioned (Horace chapman young and Eric Langlands), as well as that of the convertible
mono/biplane (Byron T.Wall). And of the latter one, you can even find the patent (http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2288501.pdf )!
So, I would ask for more quality, instead of quantity, please.

Nevertheless, thank you for pointing me to those old mags, again, besides many interesting
articles with regards to aviation, or naval and army themes, there are a lot of clues for DIY'ers,
that are still worthwhile today ! ;)
And also I agree with you my dears Skyblazer and Jemiba,

and I will be specific and brief,also not all drawings or paint will send,and I will do
as Skyblazer explanaions.
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