NTRS troubles?

DSE said:
Orionblamblam said:

NASA should immediately take down all publicly available data sources until all documents that have not been subjected to export control review have received such a review and all controlled documents are removed from the system.

That could mean that NTRS might be offline for a *long* time...

Except by definition everything on NTRS should have been reviewed before being posted. Hopefully, this is just a short livedkneejerk reaction to Wolf.

Last time I visited the NTRS there was a note stating that they were going to update the site in some way.

Lets hope that someone realises that 30+ year old plans for Solar Hot Water heaters created by IBM are not a threat to National Security...

P.S. If anyone wants to try and build one of these, I have the full documentation downloaded, so feel free to send me a PM and I'll see what I can do... ;)


    356.1 KB · Views: 87
no no no noooooooooooooo

Until further notice,
the NTRS system will be unavailable for public access.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and anticipate
that this site will return to service in the near future.


the reason why

Washington, D.C. (March 18, 2013) – Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA), chairman of the House Appropriations subcommittee that funds NASA, today held a press conference revealing a significant new development concerning a Chinese national allegedly involved in security violations at several NASA centers…

NASA should immediately take down all publicly available technical data sources until all documents that have not been subjected to export control review have received such a review and all controlled documents are removed from the system.

Michel Van said:
no no no noooooooooooooo

Until further notice,
the NTRS system will be unavailable for public access.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and anticipate
that this site will return to service in the near future.




D'OOOOOOH !!!!!!
Graham1973 said:
Last time I visited the NTRS there was a note stating that they were going to update the site in some way.

Lets hope that someone realises that 30+ year old plans for Solar Hot Water heaters created by IBM are not a threat to National Security...


NASA chief says 192 Chinese nationals work in, around space agency
In his prepared testimony, Bolden described a number of steps he has taken in recent weeks to bolster NASA's ability to prevent penetration of its most sensitive research:

"First, I have ordered a complete review of the access which foreign nationals from designated countries are granted at NASA facilities, as well as our security procedures with regard to these individuals more broadly. This is in addition to reviews being conducted by the NASA IG and others.

"Second, I have closed down the NASA technical reports database while we review whether there is a risk of export-controlled documents being made available on this website.

"Third, I have ordered a moratorium on granting any new access to NASA facilities to individuals from specific designated countries, including China, Burma, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Uzbekistan.

"Fourth, while this review is ongoing, I have also ordered that any remote computer access to NASA resources be terminated for those from the same specific designated countries.

"Fifth, NASA has also been working very closely with law enforcement agencies on security and counter-intelligence issues and will continue to do so.

"Sixth, the review I have directed is also being accompanied by a renewed emphasis to our supervisors and the workforce on the importance of our security protocols, including assessments of new trainings that may be needed.

"And finally, I want this Committee to know that I have placed a priority on protecting security, export control, and safety compliance funding from any budgetary impacts from sequestration, and my team will continue working under that guidance."
""Second, I have closed down the NASA technical reports database while we review whether there is a risk of export-controlled documents being made available on this website."

ROFL! The entire DB has probably been mirrored a thousand times in China already.
talk about closing the stable door after the horses have bolted...but hey, somebody can take credit for taking (ineffective) measures against the Chinese.

I wish this hadn't happened right in the middle of me writing a proposal :mad:
Well I don't know about y'all, but I feel much safer now that a database of documents that was already subject to ITAR has been shut down as a security measure while documents were reviewed for export control.
Folks need to chill for a bit and let this play through, imo. Stop the gloom & doom for now Given Wolf's proclamation what did you expect to happen? Anyone around here remember what happened to gov't web sites after 9-11? We all don't have to go Dwayne Day less than 48 hours into this.
I've never come across something on NTRS I've thought "this shouldn't be here, its a security risk", but its possible. They may be more concerned about the potential for it happening in future and reviewing the safeguards in place to stop it occuring.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
I've never come across something on NTRS I've thought "this shouldn't be here, its a security risk", but its possible. They may be more concerned about the potential for it happening in future and reviewing the safeguards in place to stop it occuring.

By what criteria do you say this? How are you familiar with dealing with US export control policy and its administration?
Here's the updated message on the landing page. Sounds like it's going to be a while before it's back up.

The NASA technical reports server will be unavailable for public access while the agency conducts a review of the site's content to ensure that it does not contain technical information that is subject to U.S. export control laws and regulations and that the appropriate reviews were performed. The site will return to service when the review is complete. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Orionblamblam said:
So... who wants to bet that when NTRS comes back it's a *pay* site?

I'll bet against. The larger much though somewhat restricted NA&SD is free.
By the way,

I had watched NTRS everyday before this,and they increase the available report numbers
daily,may be they respond to our wishes.
literally Wolf want us to think that NASA censors are dumb idiots
I wonder what that dept. staff reaction was...
zillion full-text NTRS papers still searchable and accessible via google btw
Yeah, that's something I can't really understand - NASA pdf can't be opened, but many can still be seen through the google viewer. :eek:
Google maintains a local cache of many of the documents it indexes. This will remain available until (at least) the next time Google's servers check the NTRS server.
Here's a fun rumor:


Nearly the entire operational staff of the Center for Aerospace Information (CASI) has been sacked. CASI are the folks that create and maintain the NTRS (NASA Technical Reports Server) and the NA&SD (NASA Aeronautics and Space Database). What were they thinking! Mark my words, this does not bode well for those of us who rely on the accessibility of NASA technical information.
Well, it's now May, so I have to admit I was wrong in being optimistic that NTRS might be back on-line if a few weeks. I also note new terms added to the NA&SD login forbidding sharing of documents marked publicly available outside of NASA.


  • NAS&D.jpg
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And now ladies and gentlemen, the whole story came crashing down...the laptop talked at last. The supposed chinese "spy" did not spied the NTRS, but some *different* sites

Bottom line (pun not intended) : the NTRS was closed because of a lustful chinese. Oh, well... :mad:
Not that it's going to help, but I wrote a letter to s#%^head congressman Wolf asking him to have NASA re-open the NTRS.
AeroFranz said:
Not that it's going to help, but I wrote a letter to s#%^head congressman Wolf asking him to have NASA re-open the NTRS.

Expect a visit from the black helicopters. B)
Sending massive diarrhea rays to him.
sferrin said:
AeroFranz said:
Not that it's going to help, but I wrote a letter to s#%^head congressman Wolf asking him to have NASA re-open the NTRS.

Expect a visit from the black helicopters. B)

It's going to be the shortest raid ever...I work at the airport next door to the DHS hangar and their Blackhawks!
NASA STI just tweeted that it's back up. (Actually it isn't, connections are timing out. But it will be back shortly.)

It's back, yo.
I just wonder what was removed from there...if ever was...
Second tweet says the announcement was premature, server's not in production yet, but "stay tuned".

We may never know what was purged, if anything, without searching for a specific doc that used to be there and finding out it's been removed.
well, we surely know that some documents were removed while they were still running...
Just tried to access the NTRS and got a message saying "The server at ntrs.nasa.gov is taking too long to respond."
AeroFranz said:
Not that it's going to help, but I wrote a letter to s#%^head congressman Wolf asking him to have NASA re-open the NTRS.

Whoa....could it be democracy at work? I bet it's because I wrote to my congressman! ;D
Aaaand . . they're back. Just checked, it's up. Hot diggity.

Upon further review . . . Based on the search results I'd hazard a guess that about 220,000 items have been redacted from the NASA collection (i. e., not NIX or NACA). Hmmmmm . . .
Quick check:

MLLV/AMMLV : redacted
Post-Saturn: redacted
M-1: redacted

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