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Hi Marko, and welcome. Perhaps HS1216 meant by "finalised" the Rafale-influenced configuration, as opposed to the earlier Lavi style one as seen in the PDF?
Dynamo7 said:Dears folks,
could you tell me about two projects of the mid/last 80's,
I mean the Novi Avion from the former Yugoslavia aircraft industries,
and the Mirage3000, a downsized fighter powered by RB199 engine from Dassault (of course) ?
(please just apologize me about my really poor english)
bigvlada said:Earlier drawings of Novi avion were made before the cooperation with France. Later pictures show a lot of similarities with Rafale.
Aircraft technical institute (now part of military technical institute) is situated in Zharkovo, a municipality in Belgrade. The concept was similar to TSAGi, they designed,built and tested the plane. After that, state aircraft factories such as Ikarus, Utva an Soko produced the aircraft.
There is no Yugoslav language. For a good part of the 20th century it was called serbocroatian (in Serbia) and croatoserbian (in Croatia). Nowdays it is popular that every former Yugoslav republic has it's own language and church. Slovenian and Macedonian language are slightly different but understandable. People in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia speak the same language.There are three dialects and the main difference between them is whether you put a few letters in specific words (example: milk - mleko, mlijeko,mliko).
Anglosaxon parallel would be for instance the existence of Canadian,American, Australian and Newzelandian language.
Although the differences are minuscule compared to the German-swiss german or portugese-brazilian portugese we now have four different languages on paper. Sad.
Yes. Serbia does not have the capacity to pull this project off. But the few billions of dollars worth of infrastructure that was built and purchased for this project in the eighties (mach 4 windtunnel for instance) is still operational. They are pitching for some work.Nice. But what was the reason for that? To show the competency?
The project was dead in 1990. It remains dead. The country for which it was designed does not exist anymore. There is no money for it. The people who designed it are retired. The people who should have been responsible for it's construction are retired too. Pure necrophilia. Yugoimport SDPR is government's arms sales company. They were really pulling your chain with that rollout comment. If that representative said that to any media in Serbia (or any exYU republic), he would have been dipped in tar and feathers and ridiculed for months.orko_8 said:Greetings,
The below photo was displayed at the booth of YugoImport during IDEF 2015 defence & aerospace exhibition in Istanbul last week.
The poster was at a very dark corner of the booth, as if the company did not want it to be seen by many!
Company representative did not elaborate on the project, except roll out planned for next year.
The image looks like heavy photoshop on a Rafale photo, but after a closer look, it seemed to me like a CGI.
Any info? Can it be a resurrection of Novi Avion?
Motocar said:I have the especulative cutaway drawing Novi Avion....!