LM participation

The Skunk Works is a teammate-subcontractor to Northrop Grumman on the X-47B. The Skunk Works workshare includes development and fabrication of the arresting hook, control surfaces, and edges, including the engine inlet lip.


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A damn shame we weren't smart enough to produce them. You can be sure China won't make that mistake.
They may have after all, the "RQ-180" might be like an X-47 "C" or "D". But the "B" sure was beautiful.
he meant a stealthy long range naval deep strike platform which the navy been looking for since the a-12 failure
Western Museum of Flight said:
The X-47 Story: Navy Unmanned Combat Aircraft.
Paving the Way for Unmanned Carrier Aviation. The Navy Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) with the Northrop Grumman X-47B performed the first-ever catapult launch, airspace/deck operations, and arrested recovery aboard an aircraft carrier of a tailless, unmanned,
autonomous aircraft, and later pioneered unmanned, autonomous aerial refueling. Together with its X-47A predecessor, these programs demonstrated technologies for Navy Unmanned Combat Aircraft. Learn about the history and accomplishments of these programs and former Navy UCAS Chief Engineer John Whittenbury.
View: https://youtu.be/3_P13ih1-Y0?si=yDYe8RnbMFVZUzye
Enjoy your Sunday evening on the couch. :cool:
Seems to be stupid but I have question that
is there any information related to flywing type UCAV's maximum g or turn-rate performance ?

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