Northrop Grumman X-47B UCAS-D

LM participation

The Skunk Works is a teammate-subcontractor to Northrop Grumman on the X-47B. The Skunk Works workshare includes development and fabrication of the arresting hook, control surfaces, and edges, including the engine inlet lip.


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A damn shame we weren't smart enough to produce them. You can be sure China won't make that mistake.
They may have after all, the "RQ-180" might be like an X-47 "C" or "D". But the "B" sure was beautiful.
he meant a stealthy long range naval deep strike platform which the navy been looking for since the a-12 failure
Western Museum of Flight said:
The X-47 Story: Navy Unmanned Combat Aircraft.
Paving the Way for Unmanned Carrier Aviation. The Navy Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) with the Northrop Grumman X-47B performed the first-ever catapult launch, airspace/deck operations, and arrested recovery aboard an aircraft carrier of a tailless, unmanned,
autonomous aircraft, and later pioneered unmanned, autonomous aerial refueling. Together with its X-47A predecessor, these programs demonstrated technologies for Navy Unmanned Combat Aircraft. Learn about the history and accomplishments of these programs and former Navy UCAS Chief Engineer John Whittenbury.
Enjoy your Sunday evening on the couch. :cool:
Seems to be stupid but I have question that
is there any information related to flywing type UCAV's maximum g or turn-rate performance ?

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