I think HACM gets adopted by the B-52s eventually. I cannot imagine it is south of 3000#. ARRW seems like a dead end; too expensive with too few per bomber and too few targets worth that level of effort, vice twenty JASSMs of some flavor. Honestly the use case seemed pretty weak from the get go to me; it seemed like hypersonics for the sake of being hypersonic.
I thinks these are retractable antennas, the B-2 only has a single retractable antenna just aft of the weapons bay doors.
At least four more...
Why would you go to the design trouble to integrate OML faired, LO retractable cameras for flight test only and they can't be mission-related cameras, there goes your LO? I don't think they are retractable reflectors either. The F-117 had at least two retractable blade antennas and its reflectors were/are bolt-ons.
He is talking of control tower runway cameras.
Why would you go to the design trouble to integrate OML faired, LO retractable cameras for flight test only and they can't be mission-related cameras, there goes your LO? I don't think they are retractable reflectors either. The F-117 had at least two retractable blade antennas and its reflectors were/are bolt-ons.
@Hydroman perhaps you misread my post. It didn't have anything to do with the radar reflectors. It was more about how all the 4K television babies get all suspicious when they see a VGA quality display from the 1990's and assume USAF is hiding something. They probably don't know what a steam gauge is.

LOL, the other day I had to explain Crome Dome to one of our young engineers. He couldn't believe armed jets sat hot cocked and ready to go. The revelation that we flew armed bombers right up to the ADIZ of the big, bad Bear was mind blowing for him. Then again, he wasn't born when I earned my commission/first master's degree.
@Hydroman perhaps you misread my post. It didn't have anything to do with the radar reflectors. It was more about how all the 4K television babies get all suspicious when they see a VGA quality display from the 1990's and assume USAF is hiding something. They probably don't know what a steam gauge is.

LOL, the other day I had to explain Crome Dome to one of our young engineers. He couldn't believe armed jets sat hot cocked and ready to go. The revelation that we flew armed bombers right up to the ADIZ of the big, bad Bear was mind blowing for him. Then again, he wasn't born when I earned my commission/first master's degree.
My fault, I misread the original post, my apologies.

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